When I first started my own blog over three years ago, it was definitely about saving money, but it was more about doing DIY projects around the house and making my house a home on the cheap.
It was great fun, and I spent hours and hours on design sites looking at the latest home decor trends and trying to pick them up on the cheap at discount stores.
The funny thing is that I thought I was saving so much money by doing different projects around the house myself and buying fancy pillows on sale. Yet the truth is that our budget was really stretched, and all my enthusiasm for design wasn’t helping the problem.
I Had to Move
I wish I could say that I came to the realization on my own that my habit and enthusiasm for spending hours looking up home decor were a bit unhealthy. Instead, I had to take the drastic measure of moving to a Caribbean island to a 270 sq ft apartment. Okay, to be honest, I didn’t move here to break my design addition. However, being forced to lead a minimalist life and live in an apartment that was already furnished made me give up a lot of my preconceived notions about what my house had to look like.
Where I Stand Now
As I get closer to moving back to the U.S., I definitely have an idea of what I want my next home to look like. I know my style, and I know what I like. I also know that home decor costs money, and it’s not high on the list of priorities. Unlike my younger days, we’ll probably just start with the basics, like buying a couch and a bed and then add to it as we get the money to do so. It might not be perfect all at once, but at least we won’t get into money trouble because of it!
Habits Can Be Broken
The moral of the story is that habits can be broken. Sure, I still have an interest in home design, and I love it when my mom slips me a magazine in her care packages. However, I’m definitely in a step-back-and-admire stage versus a buy-it-now stage. Ultimately, I’ve changed so much in the past two years, and all of these changes were a huge blessing in disguise. As I started to get away from writing about DIY design and more about money and debt, I met tons of bloggers in the personal finance community, and I’ve built a business around a new set of topics. So, you never know where life will take you and what will happen when you step back from your habits or obsession and decide to embrace a new reality.
So, what’s your habit or beloved hobby? Do you love working on cars, shopping for new clothes, renovating furniture, or maybe playing poker? Has it ever been a money drain? My guess is many of the habits I just listed can actually be a money maker if approached in the right way!
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I just spent last night designing our downstairs. We are building in the bottom of our house and turning it into a studio apartment. It will be about 300 square feet. I am having tons of fun but much if it is DIY. It’s a challenge to reign in my wants (which are all expensive).
Taynia Cool I live in a 300 sq ft apartment! It’s tiny but cute!!
I’ve long had a huge sports habit that wasn’t much of a money drain, more of a time drain. As I’ve had a child and now as I try to build my blog, my sports-watching habit has just naturally decreased. I still follow my favorite teams, but my overall amount of time spent following the sports as a whole is dramatically less than it used to be. It’s kind of weird to lose a little piece of your identity like that, but as long as you’re replacing it with something you enjoy you might be surprised by how little you miss it.
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money I think that’s so interesting. Sounds like your child is way more fun. :)
I can really relate to what Matt said. I love sports, both playing and watching but now that I’m a parent and blogger the time I have to enjoy it has decreased more and more over time. I wouldn’t change anything though. I love my kids to bits and thinking about it, they are my main passion and MONEY DRAIN! :-)
MoneyBulldog That’s really sweet how you love your kids so much!
I love working on cars. It is what relaxes me and gives me satisfaction. I literally just sold my project Jeep yesterday. I am looking for another one to start on, but it definitely is a money suck!
DebtRoundUp Did you make a profit from it?
BudgetBlonde Of course!
DebtRoundUp BudgetBlonde Love it! :D
I am a sports guy as well. It can be both a time & money suck. We used to have season tickets to my alma mater – K-State and would drive down for all the games and stay overnight and such. The problem is that takes a lot of money. Throw in a house and kids and we just couldn’t justify it anymore. So, I watch the games at home and go down for one game a year.
FrugalRules Ooh season tickets are really fun but totally understand that they are expensive!
I love interior design but I’m super cheap so my design is more like garage sale chic. Oh, and craigslist chic!
Holly at ClubThrifty We would so totally be real life friends haha!
I love to go to a store like TJ Maxx or Hobby Lobby and see what’s available. You never know what you might find, so I had myself convinced I was saving money by shopping there. Realistically, I was buying stuff I didn’t need, so I’ve been on a self imposed diet of no buying clothes at all in 2013 and no home decor unless it’s well thought out and planned. No just looking to see what’s there! Sometimes it’s good we don’t live near any stores that I like. It keeps me out of trouble.
Eyesonthedollar Same here. I used to shop at places like that all the time!!
I think designing a home is a lot of fun and it can be costly. Nothing is like the feeling of sitting in your house and admiring all the work that you’ve done. I watch a lot HGTV and I’m always trying to mimic what I see on there.
MonaSez Oh my gosh I love HGTV! I could literally watch it for 10 hours straight.
I love photography and videography and lately started mountain biking which is a blast.
BorrowedCents Mountain biking sounds so much fun!!
I’m a running and fitness junkie. While I don’t have to pay for a gym membership I have a major weakness for cute outfits. Lululemon is my Pier One or Pottery Barn. I’ve been better about staying away and asking for Lululemon for birthdays and holidays rather than blowing my own limited resources.
brokeandbeau My husband has been watching that Lululemon stock like a hawk!! I hear it’s awesome, but I’m too scared to try it because I don’t want to fall in love with $90 yoga pants haha.
BudgetBlonde It is a dangerous addiction. But I’m a shareholder too so hopefully the stock gains will help me pay for my problem ;)
We currently don’t have ANY furniture, just making due with a mattress on the floor with white sheets, so I hear ya :).
I love food and wine…so yeah, it can definitely be costly! We started limiting our drinking to twice a week and eating out (cheaply of course!) twice a week. Could we cut them out completely? Sure. Do we want to live that way? Hell no.
Erin My Alternate Life I think that’s what my house is going to look like next year!!!
I am going to make my wife read this. :)
ayoungpro I’m telling you! Your wife and I were meant to be friends!
I love decorating our rooms. Putting curtains, painting with different styles and colors ( I really love colors), arranging stuff toys and dresses.
Clarisse Claude Isn’t it so much fun?
Mine was shopping, before I become more frugal!
I can relate!!
Yea!! I miss it too! Sometimes, money does buy happiness (or shoes!) Haha ;)
Monicaonmoney Shoes = Happiness :D
I used to be an obsessive crafter (knitting, quilting etc.). Fortunately I’ve found ways to make the hobby less expensive (using coupons, watching sales, buying at discount stores etc.)