Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
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Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 88 giveaways listed this week that end today (12/5) through next Thursday (12/11).
Happy Friday everyone!
First off I want to share a comment from my post about Motif Investing:
I had heard of Motif investing before, but never saw any well written or comprehensive reviews about it. Definitely more interested in it now. Thanks DC!
I take pride in the reviews I do on here and it’s always great to get some positive feedback to confirm that I’m good – or at least don’t suck – at writing reviews of things. This comment was from Melissa over at Sunburnt Saver – Thanks Melissa!
A few things to share this week:
- Giving Tuesday – Apparently “Giving Tuesday” is a thing. It takes place the day after Cyber Monday. Isn’t it fitting that we put Giving Tuesday after the five biggest consumer spending days of the year?
Makes you wonder if we have our priorities straight. I think Giving Tuesday should be the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, as giving to those in need should definitely be a higher priority than shopping for consumer goods.
- Speaking of Black Friday… I did end up spending money on Black Friday. There was a soundbar at Best Buy that was listed $100 less than what I would have paid three weeks before. I was about to hit “check out” when I decided to check the “leaked” Best Buy Black Friday ad. Glad I did, because the exact soundbar I was about to buy was listed.
My wife and I also went to Lowes, but not for Black Friday deals. We went to Old Navy where we spent $100 but with that $100 we got two pea coats and a few other things, which is a great deal considering pea coats are typically at least $100 each elsewhere.
This weekend I have an awesome Holiday-themed surprise date with my wife and I also might play in a $100 poker tournament at a local card club. $100 might seem like a lot – and it is – but I’m splurging a bit because I recently sold an iPad Air that I won from a giveaway. Yes, I know. I should save the money or use it for something other than a poker tournament…but what if I win the tournament?!? :P
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared How Motif Investing Works – Get $150 Free
- On Tuesday I explained What Should My Freelance Writing Niche Be?
- On Wednesday Erin shared How to Make Time to Develop Your Side Hustle
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Kim from Eyes on the Dollar shared One Way Obamacare Hurts Self Employment
- Shannon from Financially Blonde shared 5 Life Lessons from Charlie Brown
- Travis from Enemy of Debt talked about Instant Gratification Here, There, and Everywhere
- Mr. Frugal Woods from Frugal Woods shared The Ultimate Bike Commuter’s Guide to Winter Cycling
- Petrish from Debt Free Martini shared 5 Ways to Overcome Insecurity While Blogging
What are your plans this weekend? How was your week?
Photo by Lindsey Turner
Your holiday-themed surprise date with your wife sounds like fun! I love anything holiday-related this time of year :). Thank you so much for including Mr. FW’s bike guide–I really appreciate it! He’s still out there biking every day, even as the temps drop and drop. Hope you have a great weekend, DC!
I had never heard of Giving Tuesday, clearly I missed out on that.
Thank you so much for the mention! I think its so beautiful what you have planned for your wife. Also have fun at that poker tournament. I hope selling that Ipad will be worth it.
Enjoy the date with your wife! We had a great Thanksgiving with family and relaxed on Black Friday. I did pick up a new Smart TV on Saturday and saved $270 on it, paid for it with a gift card I received. Have a great weekend!
Yea, Giving Tuesday is a pretty big thing. My brother’s girlfriend works at a non-profit and it’s their biggest day of the year. We just had a bunch of family leave yesterday that stayed with us and my Mom comes in on Sunday for the next week – I’ll be glad when we’re done hosting, lol.
Thanks for sharing my post this week!! We had a great gluten-free Thanksgiving despite the snow we got the day before. This weekend we are getting our Christmas tree and preparing the home for Christmas, my favorite time of year. I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!!
I want to win and iPad to sell! I would totally sell it and probably use that money for a trip, so I say go ahead with poker. Thanks for the mention. I hope you win big!
Mrs. Frugalwoods I don’t know how he does it, I would hate to bike on the ice and snow out here in Minnesota haha. I hope you have a great weekend!
brokeandbeau Really? I’m surprised, mainly because I see you active on Twitter and it was heavily promoted on there.
Debtfreemartini No problem! Yeah I hope I don’t lose all the money I made from selling the iPad haha. Hope you have a great weekend!
DebtDiscipline Nice, $270 + paying with a gift card sounds like a great deal. Hope you have a great weekend!
FrugalRules Wow sounds like you are hosting quite a bit this year. That can be fun but I hear you about being happy when it’s all done. I hope you have a great weekend!
Hey it’s your money so you should spend as you see fit! Good luck in the tournament! And have fun on your date!
blonde_finance No problem! I’d be curious to hear how difficult putting together the gluten-free Thanksgiving was. I think a lot of people have gluten sensitivities (maybe slight ones) who haven’t realized they have it yet, so I imagine gluten-free will become bigger over time. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Beachbudget Thanks, I’ll need the luck! Haha just kidding (kind of) but I need to get some stuff done before heading to the poker club so hopefully my to do list gets done quick. Hope you have a great weekend!
Eyesonthedollar I know I was so happy when I won the iPad and even happier when I found someone to sell it to haha. Fingers crossed the tournament goes well for me.
I agree – Giving Tuesday should come BEFORE Black Friday. Everybody is tired of spending money after Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I say go for it with the poker game. Money is meant to be enjoyed mindfully and this sounds like something you’d really enjoy. And $100 is a lot but it’s also less than many people spend when they go gambling too. :) Have a great weekend!
ShannonRyan Glad you agree with me about Giving Tuesday! It seems like it could be possibly even 2x or 3x as effective the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Thanks for encouraging me to go play poker haha. Now if I can just power through my to do list so I get to the tournament in time….Hope you have a good weekend!
Never heard of ‘Giving Tuesday’ – sounds like a way to make people feel a little less guilty about splurging the day before…
Good luck with the poker tournament if you do decide to play! I say go for it – you’ll have great fun and the possibility of winning some money on top of that! I’m sure you don’t do these things every weekend :) And good luck with the date!
How’d the date go with your wife DC? Not going to lie that sounds slightly sweet of you :)
$100 poker tourney sounds fun as well, how’d that end up? If anything I’d prefer to play in those types of tourneys as people are, hopefully, going to take it more seriously rather than a free-roll..
As for my w/e, I got outside and played some cricket, for my team, caught up with friends for a BBQ and Birthday dinner (not mine again haha) and went to a concert..
Gee Christmas is less than 3 weeks away now as well, time flies ey?
mycareercrusade It went really well! We saw the Moscow Ballet’s Nutcracker. It was really impressive!
The $100 tourney went “well” until my AK lost to KJ (jack on river…) but it was still worth playing. I thought I played well and you can’t win them all even if you play well.
Sounds like a great weekend! You’ll have to teach me how to play cricket when I make it down to Australia (or if you ever make it to Minnesota!).
Christmas will come and go quick I think. Based on how quickly my four-day Thanksgiving weekend went and my three-day weekend this weekend went, I’m sure Christmas will be go by quick!
Jason@Islands of Investing Haha yes perhaps that was the idea behind Giving Tuesday. Unfortunately I think people would give more BEFORE Black Friday. I know I donated on Minnesota’s big giving day.
The tournament was fun and I was really happy with how I played. I did end up losing pretty much my entire stack on an AK against a KJ (King on flop and other person stuck with their hand despite my aggressive betting….Jack on river). And yeah, I don’t do tournaments every weekend but I could see myself starting to play a lot more if I took one down ;)
Wow, that’s cool and good to see you’re interested in things outside of college football ;)
That’s a sick beat there, would have been about 80/20 ahead pre-flop, what can I say, I used to be a bit of a poker nut myself haha
I’d be happy to show you how to play cricket and you’re always welcome down under and I’ll buy you a beer or 2 over a chat :)
I don’t mind how quickly life goes, it simply shows that you need to set goals and timelines but over Christmas I may give myself a few days to chill haha
mycareercrusade Haha sounds great man! I shot you an email to your Career Crusader gmail account. I hope you find some time to relax over Christmas – I know I desperately need a couple days to just chill out.
I completely agree with Giving Tuesday – it should definitely be before.
I read one post online where a couple went crazy shopping on Black Friday and bought every deal in the store….so that they could give it all to the local shelter. An amazing idea and so beneficial for everyone involved!
moneystepper That’s a great story! A similar story I saw on TV was someone who gets massive quantities of groceries and other things for free through extreme couponing. He donates a TON of it to a local shelter. So awesome!