Now that Thanksgiving is over it’s officially the Christmas Season.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please consider Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 114 giveaways listed this week that end today (11/28) through next Thursday (12/4).
Happy Friday everyone!
Thanksgiving is in the books. I had a great time at my parent’s house eating a great meal and celebrating my brother’s birthday. I couldn’t be more grateful for the four-day weekend, too.
I’m really looking forward to December because I have a lot of PTO on the calendar. I plan on taking this time to reflect on the past year and decide what I want to do differently with Young Adult Money in the new year.
I know one thing that I want to do differently is create more content about investing. It’s one area where the site has been lacking, and I’ve had readers reach out asking for more investing content. I’ve written about HSAs, saving for retirement, etc., but I’d like to go more in-depth with investing strategy, tips, and stock brokerage reviews.
I also need to decide what to focus on outside of this blog. Should I pursue more freelance writing jobs? Start a second personal finance site? Start an Excel-related blog? Work on a startup that isn’t a website? So many options.
Check out my recent post at the FeeX blog: How to Reach a Big Financial Goal
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared 8 Ways to Save Money Shopping at Target
- On Tuesday I explained Factors That Affect Car Insurance Rates
- On Wednesday Erin shared 5 Reasons Why Making Memories Beats Spending Senselessly for the Holidays
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Mark from Bare Budget Guy talked about Success in unexpected places
- Stefanie from The Broke and the Beautiful Life explained How To Maximize Your Dollar With the Best Shopping Apps
- Tonya from Budget and the Beach shared Answering the Question: Why Am I Really Doing This?
- Shannon from The Heavy Purse shared A Message of Gratitude This Thanksgiving
- Natalie from Budget and the Bees asked Love new technology? Plan ahead to make upgrades easier
To all the American readers: what did you do for Thanksgiving? To everyone: what are your plans this weekend?
Photo by Lindsey Turner
Enjoy the long weekend!
I find myself getting distracted with the options when I think of what direction I want to go next with my blog/income streams. So much to consider! Have a great weekend!
Glad you enjoyed your day. I did a 5k but then had a solo day. Watched tons of movies and TV, read, and relaxed, and I didn’t overeat! I’m excited to see where you decide to take your blog! Thanks for including my article this week!
I’m glad you had a good Thanksgiving! I did, too. It was low key and had great food, football, and yahtzee. Good luck coming up with your next venture- the world is your oyster! Thank you very much for the shout out!
Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving! We’re having a wonderful weekend with family and are looking forward to decorating for Christmas :). Your time off in December sounds divine–enjoy!
DebtDiscipline Thanks, you too!
brokeandbeau I guess it’s a good thing that there are TOO many options versus too few. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Beachbudget Good to hear that you had a good day! No problem on including your article, and hope you have a great weekend!
BudgetandBees Good to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving as well! No problem on including your blog this week!
Mrs. Frugalwoods Oh yes, that’s definitely something we need to do today – I almost forgot! I think the sooner you can decorate for Christmas the better. It’s nice to get everything set up.
I love the tips on sites to read. I’m always surprised at just how many I still haven’t discovered. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, DC! Hope you enjoy your weekend too! I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the coming year. Love your site! :)
Thanks for the mention! Also, I love the idea of an excel-related site. Let me know if you want to partner up!
kay ~ Thanks for the kind words Kay! I love your site too and I like how it has motivated me to do things I otherwise wouldn’t get around to doing. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!
Mark at Bare Budget Guy No problem! I’m sure I will be looking for guest posts/contributions if I go the Excel route. Those posts take a lot longer to write than personal finance posts.
Excited to hear about the options that you have there and interested to see what you end up deciding :)
I got up to playing cricket on Saturday afternoon then catching up with friends for a movie on Sunday.. Beautiful weather over here sunny and about 80 degree farenheight, not that I’m trying to make you jealous ;)
mycareercrusade Wow 80 degrees! That’s incredible. It’s negative degrees here, at least the wind chill is. Glad to hear you had fun this past weekend and looking forward to hearing more about your entrepreneurial ventures as well!
Thanks for sharing my post, DC! I appreciate the support. It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving and we enjoyed our week in Mexico too. :) December is such a great month to take PTO and gear up for the next year. It sounds like you have lots of great ideas for next year and I’m excited to see what you do next!
ShannonRyan No problem, Shannon! I’m glad you had a good time in Mexico. Hope you had a great weekend!
Thanks DC, will keep you posted and sure that I’ll keep expanding on other ventures as well including coaching and not-for-profit pursuits..
Well, must say Australia isn’t called the lucky country for no good reason ;), although we do have some extreme storms on occasion as well..