Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 126 giveaways listed this week that end today (10/31) through next Thursday (11/6).
Happy Friday everyone!
Happy Halloween!
When it comes to Holidays, I’m so-so on Halloween. It’s definitely not as bad as New Year’s Eve, which I despise because expectations are so high to have this awesome night. I’m not a big fan of picking out a costume but I also don’t mind costume parties and going out if I already have my costume picked out.
A couple quick updates for you:
- I’ve now gone to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard twice. We went one weekend just my wife and me and the next weekend with some friends.
My wife made an interesting observation: Minnesotans love the seasons. The apple orchards are literally packed in the Fall. Hundreds of cars. Even in our frigid Winters, Minnesotans love their outdoor – and indoor – Winter activities. Summers are spent on the 10,000+ lakes and #MinnesotaLakeLife is a popular Twitter hash tag.
- I really didn’t follow baseball at all this season because the Twins were so terrible, but it would have been nice to see Kansas City win the World Series. They are like the Twins in many ways: small market, team that hasn’t been to the World Series in decades, etc.
That’s all I have for you. Not much on my mind – or maybe too much and had to get this post done ;) This weekend I have no solid plans besides making sure we get all our leaves cleaned up, staying on schedule with the blog, and celebrating my sister’s birthday.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared 5 Practical Ways to Improve your Finances
- On Tuesday I explained Could you say no to half a Million Dollars?
- On Wednesday Erin explained 3 Reasons to Consider Relocating for a Job
- On Thursday I shared 3 Ways Startups Can Stay Lean
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Shannon from Financially Blonde wrote a candid post in Running on Empty
- Charles from Getting a Rich Life talked about lifestyles, culture, and more in Pay Your Past To Save Your Future
- Liz from Budgeting for More got me excited about her new venture in Starting a Business – I’m taking the plunge
- Holly from Club Thrifty shared Confessions of a Landlord: I Never Raise the Rent
- John from Frugal Rules explained how he just got screwed by Obamacare (the sequel)
What’s new with you? Anything fun planned this weekend? Do the people embrace the seasons where you live (assuming you have seasons, you might live in Hawaii!)?
Photo by William Warby
Happy Halloween, DC! Mr. FW and I are huge fans of the changing seasons. I grew up in CA and he grew up in FL and we both vastly prefer the Northern climes. New Englanders are, by and large, really into the seasons as well. It’s like fall mania right now with all the leaf peeping and apple picking going on! Hope you have a great weekend.
I haven’t read the Frugal Rules post, so I’m looking forward to that. Thanks! And I hope you have an awesome Halloween!
I agree with you that people in Minnesota love their seasonal weather! Greg’s parents are getting a fish house for the lake this summer and already know they’re going to drag me out there. People in Indiana try *not* to go outside when it’s freezing and miserable!
Thanks for the mention!
Thanks for mentioning my post this week! After writing it, I have actually made a conscious effort to slow down a little and I am already feeling more like myself again. Tonight we are trick or treating. Will is dressing up as a knight, I will be Alice in Wonderland and hubby is still undecided. Then we have Will’s last soccer game of the season. I love watching him play but it’s starting to get cold here, so I am kinda glad this is it for a while. I hope you guys have a great weekend!!
Thanks for the mention DC, I appreciate it! We see the same thing with the seasons here in Omaha and love it myself especially now that we’re not in SoCal anymore and actually have seasons. ;) We’ll be taking the kids trick or treating tonight and I’ll be at the K-State game tomorrow night so looking forward to that.. Have a great weekend!
I was rooting for the Royals too. The Giants already won 2 World Series before anyway and the Royals were such a surprise. I don’t watch much baseball nowadays but checked out some of the World Series. Game 7 was a nail-biter. I think Bumgardener single handedly won the series…
I was rooting for KC too. Enjoy the weekend. Happy Halloween!
We waited a little too late to go to the pumpkin patch this year. It was slim pickins. My daughter says our pumpkins are “leany” this year because all the nice round ones were already gone. Oh well, you make due with what you have! Have a good weekend.
I like Halloween it’s not my favorite holiday but costume parties are definitely a perk. I’m with you on New Years and high expectations. Everyone raves about it like it’s the most amazing night ever but once it hits midnight the enthusiasm sort of fizzles out. Have a good weekend and Happy Birthday to your sis.
Mrs. Frugalwoods I’m not surprised that people in the Northeast enjoy the holidays as much as we do in the Midwest. You definitely get a full dose of seasons up there. Hope you have a great weekend too!
theFinancegirl Hope you enjoy the post! Hope you have a great Halloween as well!
Holly at ClubThrifty I feel a bit on the “outs” in Minnesota since I quit snowboarding a few years ago. I don’t like outdoor activities in the Winter and even though ice fishing is inside a heated house I have zero motivation to do it!
blonde_finance Sounds like a great weekend and I’m glad you have been slowing down some. I need to start setting aside time to “do nothing” and just relax and hang out with my wife. Hopefully I can get better and better at making that a priority. Hope you have a great weekend too!
FrugalRules Yeah SoCal is a BIT different than Omaha haha. Have fun with the kids and the K-State game!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply I think you’re right. If it wasn’t for Bumgardener the Royals very well could have won. I mean, they came within one base hit of tying game 7 even with Bumgardener pitching, so you can only imagine what would have happened if someone else was on the mound.
DebtDiscipline I think everyone EXCEPT San Francisco fans were rooting for KC. hope you have a great weekend!
Eyesonthedollar Haha that’s too bad, but a pumpkin is a pumpkin imo. Hope you have a great weekend too!
manneredmoney I agree with you that costume parties can be a lot of fun. I hosted a really fun costume party in college and it’s a good memory now. Hope you have a great weekend and I will relay the Happy Bday to my sister!
I feel pretty “eh” about Halloween. Back in NY, everyone seemed to celebrate the seasons! Late spring and early summer always meant going to the beach; fall was all about the outdoors; winter meant going upstate to ski/snowboard; spring was a mix of winter and summer, depending on the weather. I could never live somewhere that didn’t have all 4 seasons! Have fun celebrating with your sister!
Thanks for the mention DC.. I’m definitely planning to chronicle the startup journey on the blog so stay tuned : ) I hope you have a great Halloween!
This is a great weekend for us here in Melbourne, Australia, because Tuesday is a public holiday (for the Melbourne Cup horse race – can you believe it!), so no one really works on Monday – 4 day weekend!!
It’s very hard to embrace the seasons here though – we literally can have 4 seasons in one day. Yesterday was hot and sunny, today it’s cold and raining. You just have to embrace it all if you’re going to stay sane here! (but it is a great part of the world :) )
Erin @ Journey to Saving I think I wouldn’t mind NOT seeing the seasons…but only if I was living in Hawaii : ) It would be strange not to have four distinct seasons, though. Hope you have a great weekend!
BudgetforMore No problem! Looking forward to the startup posts and hope you are having a great Halloween too!
Jason@Islands of Investing Wow that sounds like a great weekend! Wow did not know that the weather varies so much in Melbourne. I have a friend who spent six months there and he really enjoyed his time there.
Hope you have a great 4 day weekend!
I feel that way about Christmas. Yeah I’m a scrooge. lol! I love Thanksgiving and wish Christmas could be more like that. I’m with you on NYE as well. I don’t get the big deal.
Thanks David for the include. I wanted the Royals t win also, I always like the underdog
Hey DC, so you didn’t dress up as a ghost and get out there trick or treating ;)? haha
Halloween is starting to get bigger here in Australia, must say that it is impressive to see the growth..
As for me, I got up to cricket (a sport you haven’t heard about), caught up with some friends for a drink and it’s actually my B’day today :), catching up with Dad for a few cheeky Monday night drinks haha
How did your leaf cleaning go for you?
mycareercrusade Sounds like a great weekend! The leaf cleaning was a huge pain and still have to clear one of the gutters. Next year I hope to hire someone to do it for me – assuming I can get more freelance writing income.
Oh – and Happy Birthday!
Beachbudget Haha I remember your Christmas posts that said you weren’t into the holiday. I’m glad we are on the same page about NYE – worst holiday!
Charles@gettingarichlife No problem! I’m also a sucker for underdogs.
Cheers DC, let’s say regretting having those few drinks and champaign last night, especially on a Monday haha :)
I’m sure you will pick up the income, you’re a decent hustler ;) (this is a compliment)
mycareercrusade Haha thanks!