The pic of this week is coffee because…coffee is amazing!
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 73 giveaways listed this week that end today (10/10) through next Thursday (10/16).
Happy Friday everyone!
Remember when I said I was going to a wedding last weekend? Well I spent a grand total of 10 minutes at the reception, because I had nearly lost my voice from a sinus infection that got pretty bad by Friday.
I also noticed how much more you value being able to do things when you are sick. I couldn’t even enjoy a wedding reception, which requires little more than talking to other people, eating food, having drinks, and dancing! I also have missed working out this week (yes, it takes a while to recover), but it’s also interesting how much extra time you have when you don’t work out – I’m not surprised some people get in the habit of skipping it entirely, all the time.
My life has been consumed a bit by football, especially daily fantasy sports. My friend who owns a DFS blog (here’s my second post on his site) took down a cool $6,500 by coming in 8th place in the FanDual Sunday $1.5 Million tournament (it’s too bad he didn’t finish higher, though – first got $150k!).
I haven’t had much success in NFL betting and might wait until the NBA comes around so I have time to build a data model. I already have it mapped out in my head, so hopefully it isn’t too difficult to create. In the process I will actually improve my database and spreadsheet skills – always a plus!
Anyway that’s what’s been going on with me. How about you?
Don’t miss out on the Paris Trip Giveaway in our giveaway roundup!
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I explained How to Get Rich: Side Hustles and Startups
- On Tuesday I explained How to Make Extra Money Using Qmee
- On Wednesday Erin shared 4 Ways Confidence Increases Earning Potential
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Jason from The Butler Journal shared 7 Places To Get Inventory For eBay
- Grayson from Debt Roundup explained Want to Pay Less? Freaking Ask For It!
- Brian from Debt Discipline is in Information Gathering Mode
- Liz from Budgeting for More shared Five Tips for Making Budgeting Fun for Creatives
- Jef from My Career Crusader explained The most important thing for entrepreneurs
What’s new with you? Anything fun planned this weekend?
Photo by Jeremy Keith
I found this great tip for when you get sick like that ~ colds, sinus infections, sore throats, etc. Keep a bulb of garlic in your fridge and at the first sign of any of those things, chew up a clove. You don’t need to swallow the clove (I spit it out, myself), but do swallow the garlic juice in your mouth. It is amazingly effective at stopping the “sickies” in their tracks. I even find it works great for stomach aches. It can be pretty harsh and burny in your mouth, but it really beats being down for days on end. Just remember the mints and the Listerine. You want to lose the symptoms, not your friends! :)
Ouch, spending 10 minutes at the wedding reception, that was totally quick. I really hate sinus infection too, but I always have my medicine with me wherever I go.
Hope you are feeling better, DC!!! Those sinus infections are horrible to deal with. I agree with what you said about valuing being able to do things too. When our oldest was born, it was tough: took me nearly a year and a half to get back to normal after some life-threatening complications. How desperately I longed during that time to be able to play with our daughter, do the dishes and vacuum the house.
Thanks for including me in your weekly round up!
I appreciate the support DC! Keep up the great work as usual.
Holy crap that’s a crazy amount of money to win! Anyway I hope you feel better and can enjoy some football this weekend. I’m actually going to the Michigan game on Saturday (even though apparently they suck and will probably lose). :) OH well, my mom has season tickets and she loves it so I’m taking one for the team so to speak. :)
As a kid I used to get a ton of sinus infections. I was 4 when I got the first one and it was so bad the doctors didn’t know what was wrong. They told my parents it could be a brain tumor!! Luckily I have seemed to outgrow them. I still have issues with congestion but not nearly as bad. I don’t wish a sinus infection on my worst enemy that’s how miserable they are. Thanks for the link and I hope you get better soon.
Thanks for the mention! Fantasy sports is big business. Can’t believe the money being spent on Football alone.
Sorry to hear the sinus infection got the best of you at the reception. It’s been a while since I’ve had one, but I was sneezing up a storm this past week. I hate that I can’t take a walk and be fine afterward! You do value things more when you’re sick, though (like being able to taste food). I wish I could win $6,500 by betting on sports! if your data model for the NBA works out I’ll be jealous. =) I hope you’re feeling better so you can enjoy your weekend.
I am going to check out this post for entrepreneurs. Looks interesting. Have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. It is amazing how long it can take to recuperate. Not to scare you, but I remember after the girls started school, I swear Chris and I were always battling something and we’re pretty healthy people! Now i have to go check out that Paris giveaway – what a great prize! Get better and have a good weekend, DC!
kay at frugalvoices I think I might be beyond that, unfortunately. I have some serious sinus issues and have had surgery twice, once in each of the past two years. I appreciate the tip, tho!
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way Oh trust me, I ALWAYS have lots of medicine with me wherever I go too! Unfortunately for me, I have had some chronic issues that need something more powerful than OTC.
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer I think I remember you mentioning this in the past? Maybe? Maybe not? Anyway that does sound terrible and I’m glad you are past that. I feel gross not having worked out for over a week now.
Jason @ The Butler Journal No problem Jason! Keep up the good work.
DebtRoundUp No problem, and thanks! Hope you have a great weekend.
Beachbudget Haha yeah Michigan is terrible! It’s a team issue, though, not a talent issue. Like if you look at four and five star recruits. Minnesota has had 1 the past 3 years while Michigan had something like 20-40. They have talent, they just aren’t a good team. And yes that’s a lot of $, I’m very happy for him!
BudgetforMore Ah being sick when you’re young is tough for everyone involved – the kid themselves and the parents. I’m glad you don’t get as bad of sinus infections anymore!
DebtDiscipline There is a TON of money being paid out on the Daily Fantasy sites. It’s really incredible the prize pools they are getting on NFL games.
theFinancegirl Hope you enjoy it! Jef is a good friend of mine. Hope you have a good weekend too!
ShannonRyan It really is a good prize! Don’t worry, nothing scares me haha. I’ve had chronic sinus issues for years now. It’s getting better but it can flare up at times. Hope you have a great weekend too!
JourneytoSaving I sure hope the data model works! Yeah I tend to avoid going outside because my allergies are so bad – or at least if I’m outside a lot during the day I shower before going to bed. But I hope you have a great weekend!
I’m with Grayson on asking for a discount. It’s surprising how quickly you get into it and it’s surprising how often people will offer you a better deal.
Ugh, hope you’re feeling better! Too bad you missed the wedding reception :(. We’re having a low key weekend–it’s rather cold and rainy, so I think we’ll snuggle up with Frugal Hound for warmth :)
Myles Money Definitely, it’s not part of our culture to ask, though, so I can see why most people don’t do it.
Mrs. Frugalwoods I *think* I’m getting better. I’m not a fan of rain and cold, but hope you still have a good weekend!
Thanks for the feature DC! Shame about you being sick and hope that you get better soon! :)
Gee, that fantasy football is a serious game from the sounds of it..
You may be right there with the working out but by working out aren’t you also extending your life too ;) hahah
mycareercrusade Yeah the fantasy football stuff is really blowing up here in the States. Two sites have both received over $50M in funding recently from venture capital. I don’t think it’ll slow down anytime soon!
You are right, sir, and I really need to work out. I did on Friday but it was tough with the sinus issues still bothering me. I’ll give it another try tomorrow.
Awesome, I see that you’re also considering getting in on that game (fantasy football) with a website..
It’s okay, I know what it can be like, creating those habits i.e. getting up early to go to the gym are not always easy right? :)
Yes, I see that you are probably going to be getting in on that game with a website (on fantasy football)
It’s cool, I know that it can be difficult to create habits around it, getting up early to go to the gym is my arch nemisis at the moment :) haha