It’s “lake” season here in Minnesota!
People love to “go to the lake” here in Minnesota and I know quite a few who own cabins and go almost every weekend. It’s a foreign concept to some but a huge part of some people’s lives here.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 101 giveaways listed this week that end today (5/30) through next Thursday (6/5).
Happy Friday everyone!
Here are some updates, thoughts, and more:
- New collaboration in the works – Last weekend I discussed collaborating on a new regular series here at Young Adult Money with a fellow blogger. It’s something that is like nothing we have ever had on the site and this blogger is one of the wisest and most knowledgeable people I’ve met since I started blogging, so I can’t wait until it officially starts.
- Day off – As many of you know it was Memorial Day in the United States on Monday. On past holidays I have done some blogging work, sometimes even more work than usual. Well this Monday I took it completely off. It’s hard to not spend 45 minutes to an hour commenting on blogs in the morning and throughout the day, but somehow I did it. It felt great.
- Interviewing – I’ve continued to interview. It continues to drain me. But it’s definitely worth it and it does become a bit easier with each interview.
One last note – I’m in a “competition” of sorts with other bloggers for page views over at the FeeX blog. The competition ends on Monday night and as of Tuesday I was in first place! If you don’t mind checking out and clicking over to one or all of my following posts I would greatly appreciate it:
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I explained How to Retire Early.
- On Tuesday Shannon shared The Cure for Affluenza.
- On Wednesday Cat shared What it Means to be a Solopreneur.
- On Thursday I explained How to Get Health Insurance when the Exchanges are Closed
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Tonya from Budget and the Beach talked about Sacrificing a Small Trip Today for a Big Trip Tomorrow
- Holly from Club Thrifty explained Why We’ll Never Be the Joneses
- Eric from No Nonsense Landlord talked about Renting to Family Members and Friends
- Shannon from Financially Blonde explained why you should Talk to your kids about Money
- Monica from Monica on Money asked Why Is Talking About Money Taboo?
Did you have a short week this week? Bloggers: How hard is it for you to take a day off from your blog?
Photo by Greg Gjerdingen
Good for you for taking a day off!! I have found that since I started my company, I take “odd” days off so I worked a little bit on Memorial Day, but did enjoy our neighborhood pool that just opened with my hubby and son. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for your collaboration on YAM!! Thanks for including my post on talking to your kids about money. I hope you have an awesome weekend!!
Good for you for taking the day off DC. I took a half day on Monday and it’s just crazy how far behind you can get from that. Deadlines and editors really don’t care about there being a Holiday. I’m partly neurotic about it too so that doesn’t help. ;) Looking forward to seeing the new series! Have a great weekend DC!
Good for you for taking the day off…you deserve it. You always seem to be in competition and in first place! =) Pretty cool…I’ll go check those articles out. And I have the opposite problem…I take too days off from my blog. Need to work on that.
I would love to have a cabin and/or boat! I need to start finding friends with these things : ) I had monday off and LOVED it as well as the short week now. I always think about all the things I want to write about. However, I find that when I am feeling tired, it’s better that I just stop and then pick it up when I’m ready again.
It is really hard for me to take a day off! I typically do not work on Saturdays but do work on Sunday afternoon/evening.
Thanks for the mention and I hope you have a great weekend!!!
I remember that from living in Michigan too. I always wished our family had a boat or cabin but we never did. We were deprived. lol! Have a great weekend, and thank for the mention!
I’m a big lake cabin person too. I was in upstate New York for the long weekend and did a shockingly good job stepping away from my computer/blog. This weekend is catch up time though, because next weekend I’m going to the beach with my girlfriends, and the following weekend, my boyfriend finally comes home!!!
I would love to have a cabin on a lake to retreat to! I don’t like taking a day off from blogging, but with freelance writing. what pays has to come first. I’m not as focused on it during the weekend, either. I try to go with the flow.
Seems that every region has their traditions. Here it’s a house in the Jersey Shore. Now that I’m a homeowner I can’t image having another house to maintain. Maybe a condo but then again I think I would rather rent and not have to worry about owning. Enjoy your weekend!
I’ve been pretty much MIA this week, some planned and some just life happening. :) But it is hard to “not” be on too. I feel like I am behind on what’s going on with everyone! But we all need a break and I am always better for taking one. Going to the beach is a big tradition here but owning a second home at the beach is not … unless you’re part of the Hollywood scene. Have a great weekend, DC!
blonde_finance If I had my own business I can only imagine how hard it would be to ever take a day off! It’s easier when it’s just a “side hustle” and you don’t really depend on it for income. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
FrugalRules I can only imagine how difficult it would be to take time off when you own your own business. It’s very difficult to do even when it’s just a “side hustle.” I don’t depend on the blog for income so it should be easy to take a day off but it’s not. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Haha well it can go both ways I suppose. I am in such a habit of commenting first thing in the morning that I literally had to mentally stop myself and say “no, you don’t need to go comment on blogs or post tweets. sleep a bit longer and then head to the gym!”
BudgetforMore Haha I have some friends whose families have cabins and boats (and one friend who owns a boat himself!). The short week was great and it felt so good to not work on the blog on Monday – or at my day job!
Holly at ClubThrifty I typically do a decent amount of blogging on Saturday morning and sometimes Friday night and Sunday afternoon/night. If it was my full-time job I’d have a hard time ever stopping! There’s always one more thing you can do to build up your blog or land another client, etc.
Beachbudget Haha we were deprived as well! My family did rent a cabin one week each Summer, which was nice. I really would love to have a place to escape to on the weekend, though, or perhaps have my house on a lake!
brokeandbeau Wow I can’t believe your bf comes home so soon! It seems like just yesterday you were blogging about him leaving. I do the same thing where I will try to catch up/get ahead when I have stuff planned on certain nights/weekends. It’s funny how people don’t understand my need to plan ahead haha
JourneytoSaving I post once a week at FeeX and that is always my top priority. I refuse to ever miss a deadline! I do like to have my blog planned out at least a week or two into the future. It helps me “sleep easy” and not think about how I HAVE to blog asap.
Raquel@Practical Cents Haha I’m with you about owning another place. It’s hard to believe the families who have two working adults, children to take care of, pets, a house, AND a cabin. How is it possible to get everything done?
ShannonRyan Haha I can only imagine how expensive it would be to own a second home, on the beach of all places! Cabins can be as cheap or expensive as you want, since there are more and less desirable lakes and areas to have a cabin.
I’m looking forward to seeing this collaboration!
BrokeMillennial I’m glad you are excited! I’m excited because it’s something that I haven’t seen on other blogs. It’s hard to be original with so many blogs out there!
Great posts on the other sites too,
I know a lot of people with cabins. Nice place to go, but mostly only three months out of the year. And a lot of work, when you get there. And lots of gas to get there. And taxes and two sets of everything.
Seems like a money pit, more than a place to relax…
No Nonsense Landlord Haha I can always count on you for a logical – and practical – perception. Cabins definitely seem like a lot of work, a lot of money, and a lot of time. I think it can work for some people, but for most it seems like they’d be better off investing more in their house. Maybe buy a boat and hit up some of the metro area lakes instead?
Awesome and positive momentum you having going here DC.. looking forward to reading the posts from the new blogger..
Any news on the position yet?
DC @ Young Adult Money No Nonsense Landlord
Or just rent a cabin once in a while. Or use an RV, or trailer or 5th wheel, and camp on a lake. You can even rent a season lot for not much money, and park your camper on it for the summer.
mycareercrusade Thanks for the kind words. I’m not sure which position we are talking about as I applied to and interviewed for multiple positions (I even had an interview today haha). It’s a long process so no word yet. There are a lot of good jobs posted every week within my company so I’m optimistic that if I continue to apply and interview I will get an offer for one that I really want.
DC @ Young Adult Money mycareercrusade Good luck with that then DC, am surprised that you aren’t getting more call backs.. Persistence will pay though :)