This Friday I’m celebrating coffee!
Not sure how I’d function without it. I start work early in the morning. Combine that with being a night owl and I don’t know how I’d function without it.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 249 giveaways listed this week that end today (4/25) through next Thursday (5/1).
Happy Friday everyone!
I know you are probably super annoyed about me talking about this Hawaii trip but it’s been one of the only things on my mind the past few days. On Tuesday afternoon IZEA sent out an email with a list of the current top 10 in their referral contest and we were in first!

The grand prize is a trip to Hawaii and I can’t even imagine how awesome the trip would be.
If you haven’t already, PLEASE consider helping us out by signing up for IZEA via our referral link.
In case you’re wondering what the heck IZEA is, IZEA helps you monetize your social media accounts. Even if you have no plans on working with brands like Amazon, Apple, Nike, etc. setting up an account and linking it to your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. will get us one step closer to the trip and who knows? Maybe you’ll like the service they provide and make a few extra hundred dollars a year through social media?
I’ve used IZEA for a few years now and have made a decent amount through sponsored tweets. They are currently promoting their new Social Marketplace where you can connect pretty much any form of social media (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, a Blog, etc.). I explain more in our post How Ordinary People Can Make Money on Social Media
It’s awesome to know that I was in first as of Tuesday night, but it also means everyone else who saw their name on that list was more motivated than ever to refer people. The pressure is on so I appreciate you helping us by signing up through our referral link.
Thanks so much and that’s all I have for you today. The contest ends TONIGHT!
BONUS: If you did sign up through our link you can get 10 entries in our $150 cash giveaway that ends today. This is cash coming straight out of mine and Victoria’s pocket (or I should say, PayPal account). Just our way of saying thanks for the support!
Posts Elsewhere & Weekend Update
I was honored to guest post over at Budget Blonde this week: Is it Selfish to Not Have Kids?
I also had a post over at FeeX, where I’m a regular contributor: 5 Ways to Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands
This weekend we don’t have many plans. I’ve been exhausted this week and I plan on doing nothing more than watch TV and lay on the couch Friday night. I’ve also been looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday since about Tuesday. Yes, I realize how old these last few sentences made me sound.
We are also going out to lunch with the in-laws and beyond that I imagine I’ll just do some work around the house and on the blog. Always trying to get ahead and I’ll need to if I plan on freeing up some time for some of the landscaping projects I have planned.
As you may know my wife and I really enjoy watching TV shows, preferably on DVD or Netflix so we don’t have to wait a week for the next episode. Recently we’ve been watching New Girl and Friday Night Lights. What TV shows are you into right now?
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared How I Plan on Fast-Tracking Financial Independence.
- On Tuesday Sally talked about her experience Running For A Cause.
- On Wednesday we welcomed back Cat with her post 3 Ways to Stay Motivated When You Don’t Want to Hustle.
- On Thursday Natalie talked student loans in Which Student Loan Repayment Plan Is Right For You?
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Liz from Budgeting for More shared 5 Tips for Buying a House at a Young Age – It isn’t Easy but It Can be Done
- Laurie from The Frugal Farmer shared Extreme Things We’ve Done to Save Money While Getting out of Debt
- John from Frugal Rules explained The Myth of the Payment Mentality
- KK from Student Debt Survivor explained how We manage what we measure
- Jef from My Career Crusader shared 3 Ways to help your resume stand out from the crowd
How was your week? Are you ready for me to shut up about this Hawaii contest? If so, you’re in luck, it’s done tonight haha. Watch any good TV shows recently? Enjoying the weather or are you suffering from allergies?
Photo by Jeremy Keith
I hope you win. That would be an amazing trip!
Good luck! My wife and I still consider that our favorite trip…would love to go back one day. Surprisingly I don’t drink coffee, once in awhile but usually not. I thought after the baby I’d start but I still haven’t.
What a cool prize and an amazing sounding trip! I’ve never won anything that big in my life. You must be excited! I signed up under you to hopefully give you a bit of a boost. Good luck and I really hope you win!
How are you liking Friday Night Lights. It’s seriously my all time favorite show. I just keep repeat watching it it’s so good. Good luck with the Hawaii trip! I really hope you win!
Wow, that is so exciting! I hope you win! I’ve been watching Mad Men which is now in it’s final season. So sad to see all these great shows come to an end.
Thanks for the mention DC, I really appreciate it! Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. We’re going down for the K-State Spring Game tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to that. The show we’ve been into lately has been Orange is the new Black on Netflix.
Thanks for the mention, DC! Looking forward to hearing if you win the trip – you’ll have to let us all know. :-)
I hope you guys get the trip! That would be really exciting. That sounds like a good weekend to me! When my boyfriend and I started going to bed at 10 we felt pretty old…I can barely stay up past midnight these days. I am really enjoying Blacklist, it’s had a great first season so far.
haha, I’m totally chugging some coffee right now cause it’s noon and I feel like I’m about to keel over. My damn jet lag has me getting up at 5am every day (which I secretly love cause it makes me productive), I just get so tired, so soon.
WOW, DC! It would amazing if you won the trip to Hawaii and actually thank you for the reminder, because I wanted to take a closer look at iZEA and if it helps you too … even better! I like coffee but tea tends to be my beverage of choice. Get some rest this weekend!
Eyesonthedollar Thanks Kim, and it definitely would be an amazing trip!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply I’ve been to Hawaii once for my sister-in-law’s wedding. We liked it so much we seriously looked into how we could move there and make it work financially/career/etc. Unfortunately my wife didn’t get into the phd program for psychology in Hawaii otherwise my life may look quite a bit different haha.
PrairieEcoThrifter I’m anxious, I’m excited, I’m the whole spectrum of emotions! I just want to know if I won or not!
I really appreciate you signing up using my link!
Beachbudget LOVE Friday Night Lights so far! We are about 15 episodes in, maybe not quite that far. I love that the whole series is on NetFlix and I can just watch episode after episode.
Raquel@Practical Cents I just finished Season 6 of Mad Men. I’m also really bummed that it’s coming to an end. I want 6 more season!
FrugalRules Hey no problem John. I really enjoyed the post. I will have to check out Orange is the New Black and have fun at the K-State game! I was bummed that the Gopher’s Spring Game was one of the only ones NOT shown on the Big Ten Network.
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer No problem Laurie! Thanks and I will definitely let you know how the contest ends.
JourneytoSaving Hmm I haven’t seen Blacklist, might have to check it out. I’m a night owl so I get a surge of energy at about 10:00, typically causing me to go to sleep about 11:30. I then get up at 5:30, so by Friday night I crash. It’s easy when I don’t have plans on Friday, but when I do I really need to push through and stay awake haha.
brokeandbeau Haha jet lag is the worst, but I agree that getting up at 5am would be pretty nice because you’d accomplish so much before even 7 or 8am! Hope you are having a blast on your trip!
ShannonRyan I know it would be such a blessing to win the trip! IZEA is a growing company and I think they took HUGE strides with the new social marketplace. Before they only really had sponsored tweets, which was fine but it’s nice they integrated just about every social media platform into the new update.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I am with you on celebrating coffee!! I seriously have NO idea how I would get through a day without it, and don’t want to find out. We just switched from Netflix to Hulu Plus and I am loving watching The Voice, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and Dancing With the Stars. Tonight we are going to my son’s first Yankees game so he can see Derek Jeter in his last season. I am not a big baseball fan, but I am a big Derek Jeter fan.
DC @ Young Adult Money Ah yes, I can image Hawaii and Minnesota are very different!
Haha…celebrating coffee…sounds like you and my wife would get along. I’m an OJ man myself in the morning. #notSimpson :) Good luck in the contest!
DC @ Young Adult Money Beachbudget Pace yourself because you will be sad you blew through it too fast. lol! Tami and Erik have to be my fave TV couple ever, and Riggins….swoon. I can like hot bad boy drunks as long as they are just TV characters, right? :)
Hope you win that trip! My weekend is going to pretty quiet as well. The next two weeks are going to be crazy so I want to rest and relax as much as possible this weekend.
and thanks for the mention!
Thanks for the mention DC, wow congrats on the trip!! Definitely let us all know how you go :)
mycareercrusade No problem! I haven’t heard yet if I won or not, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves haha.
BudgetforMore No problem! Definitely hear you about resting and relaxing. I have a crazy weekend next weekend (plus regular month-end close coming up quick) so I think I’ll have to force myself to relax this weekend as well.