Have you been following the Olympics? I’ve been watching them off and on and have definitely been following them online. Definitely loved watching the slopestyle and halfpipe snowboarding events – I’d be lucky to survive going off one of those jumps or dropping in that halfpipe…
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 122 giveaways listed this week that end today (2/14) through next Thursday (2/20).
It’s Valentine’s Day! The holiday people love to hate. I really don’t mind the holiday, probably because I’m married. My wife and I are going out for dinner tonight – using a gift card we got from referring another couple to our DJ. Glad my wife is frugal like me ;)
So as I mentioned at the beginning of the post I’ve been watching the Olympics off and on. For the first couple days it seemed like every time I turned on the TV either figure skating or ice dancing was on. Now I’m not opposed to watching either of those, but come on, every time I turn on the TV?!?
The snowboarding events have definitely been my favorite so far. It’s too bad Shaun White didn’t medal in the halfpipe event, but can you imagine the pressure? Anything less than a gold medal would be a disappointment.
One event in particular that stood out to me was the women’s moguls. The 27 year-old American Hannah Kearney came in third and she was practically in tears at coming up so close to winning the gold but falling just short. It really made me think about what it would be like to basically spend your whole life preparing for something and then falling just short, and knowing you won’t have another chance (this was her last Olympics). I can’t even imagine.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- Monday I shared 5 Creative Ways to Pay for Travel.
- On Tuesday Sally shared My Method for Keeping the Jobs I Applied to Organized.
- On Wednesday Cat talked about How Life Has Changed Since Becoming Self Employed.
- On Thursday we had a guest post from My Money Design about retirement in Beating the 401k Retirement Age – Get Access to Your Money Sooner.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Tonya from Budget and the Beach talked about my favorite topic in Why Everyone Needs a Side Hustle, Even if You Work Full Time
- Shannon from The Heavy Purse talks marriage and money in Couples Financial Therapy: 4 Keys to a Happy Marriage
- Jordann from My Alternate Life discussed the joys of being a young professional in How Being a Young Professional > Student
- Michelle from Making Sense of Cents tells you Reasons You’re Still In Debt
- Erin from Broke Millennial asks Are You Owed an Inheritance?
How was your week? Have you watched or followed any of the Olympics? Which event has been your favorite?
Photo by The U.S. Army
Have I?! I freaking love the Olympics. if I could take the time off work to do nothing but watch every event all day I would lol. have a great weekend!
PlungedinDebt Haha I think I said the same thing this morning to someone! I want to take time off for the Summer Olympics in a couple of years. Hope you have a good weekend too!
I don’t think I’ve seen one event at the Olympics, lol. I’m much more of a Summer Olympics fan and really just haven’t had the time to watch them. Have a great weekend DC – I think mine is going to be including the fun task of getting our taxes ready for our tax person.
FrugalRules I’m also a big fan of the Summer Olympics – love them! Yeah time is a big factor when it comes to things like the Olympics. Some people just don’t have time to watch them. Yikes taxes are no fun. We pretty much have all of ours ready to go. We just need to find some time to sit down and input it all into turbo tax.
I have been watching quite a bit of the Olympics. It is crazy to think of training your whole life for a few minutes, then having judges give you a fairly subjective score. That is why I could never do figure skating, well that, plus the fact I’m straight.
Kyle James Hmm yeah the subjective aspect of it is tough. Thankfully some of the scoring seems to be more standardized based on tricks and whatnot.
Ha! I’ve been watching figure skating all week. This year they added the Team Figure Skating so that’s probably why you felt like you were seeing more of it. Enjoy your weekend!
Raquel@Practical Cents Yeah I heard about the team event being new, and I think people just generally want to watch figure skating versus some of the other events. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Hope you two have an amazing Valentine’s Day!
BudgetBlonde Thanks Cat, same to you and your husband!
Thanks so much! Happy Valentine’s Day and have a great weekend.
BrokeMillennial No problem, Erin! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and hope you have a great weekend as well.
I’ve been watching but man I feel like I’ve dedicated too much time and now I’m a bit over it. And true on the skating. Ever since they added a new category of team skating, I don’t really feel like watching the individual skates now. What I think I can relate to most with the Olympians now is injury. I used to be slightly unsympathetic…or just didn’t care if someone couldn’t compete because of injury, but as someone who has dealt with that now, my heart goes out to them. It’s a bitch to not be able to do something you love. But I guess it comes with the territory! Thanks for including my link this week!
Beachbudget I was talking about this just last night. I injured myself training for my first half marathon a year and a half ago. The half got moved to a 5 mile run because of extreme heat, and I was lucky that happened because I refused to sit out the race. This was for a “fun” half mile run, I can’t imagine training for four years and getting all the way to the event and not being able to compete because of an injury.
Thank you for mentioning my post! I hope you have a great weekend. My weekend will be filled with squirrel removal people :(
SenseofCents No problem! Squirrel removal people? That’s not something you hear every day. Sorry to hear about that and hope it goes smoothly.
Thanks for the mention, DC! I appreciate it! I’ve caught bits and pieces of the Olympics and I agree – it must so hard to wok for this one moment and not win. Good thing everybody can win in personal finance if they do work – right? :) Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy your evening out with your wife.
ShannonRyan Haha nice one – personal finance is definitely NOT a zero-sum game – we can all win! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too and hope you have a great evening with your husband as well.
I have absolutely been watching the Olympics, but I always need to get spoilers beforehand. I get so emotionally involved in the athlete’s journeys that when they fail (like Shaun White), I feel bummed too, so I would rather be prepared in advance as far as what to expect.
blonde_finance You’re the opposite of me! Well, I do get emotionally attached as well but honestly I HATE not watching it live! I’m getting more used to it now that it’s been going on for over a week, but there’s something about watching a sport live that is completely lost when you watch it on replay. I think it’s because I use Twitter and check out the news so much – I always know who wins even if I don’t want to know. I look forward to watching more events live in 2016.
We’ve been watching the Olympics as much as possible. I love watching the games and I love watching all the side stories that NBC airs about Russia, the athletes. Fun to watch. Im really interested to see the next summer Olympics too. Have a good weekend!
BudgetforMore I absolutely love the back-stories that you learn as you watch the Olympics. I just wish I had more time to follow athletes on Twitter and see some of the personal side of the games. Unfortunately there just isn’t enough time in the day. Have a great weekend!
Definitely been following the Olympics! I have been a huge Shaun White fan since Torino back in 2006.
LaTejana @ Debt Free Tejana It’s too bad Shaun White couldn’t win a medal. You could tell he was under extreme pressure.