Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are over 200 giveaways listed that end today through next Thursday. We’ve won a few giveaways recently, including a Pfister Faucet that we will likely cash in for $292 of Home Depot store credit. There was a new giveaway I found – not sure if it ends this week – but it’s for a $6k trip to Paris. I seriously want to win a vacation giveaway because there’s way more than you would think and it would just be awesome to go on a trip at no cost to you.
Below are the posts from Monday through Thursday:
- On Monday I talked about wealth creation in Want to be Wealthy? Own Something. Owning income-producing assets is key to wealth creation.
- With Summer comes flash floods, which is just one reason Why Every Renter Needs Renters Insurance. There was lots of great discussion in the comments and on Twitter about this topic. Head on over and let everyone know your thoughts.
- On Wednesday our staff writer Cat talked about relationships in money in The Spender and The Saver. Are you and your significant other both savers? Both spenders? What about polar opposites?
- Thursday I talk about my wife and my new cell phone plan that will save us some serious cash in Can Unlimited Plans be Affordable? The Search for Affordable Cell Phone Service.
I have a couple of updates to share:
- Blog Redesign! I’ve been emailing with a few different web designers over the past week. So far I have collected quotes and looked at their portfolios, but Saturday I plan on sending them a long detailed email about specific things that I’m looking for in the redesign.
I have some ideas of what I’m looking for based on other blogs that I read, but I’m open to any suggestions of features that any of you think are important to integrate. A lot easier to do it in the redesign than try to add it on later.
- This weekend we have a contractor coming over and going over a few projects we want to have done in-between renters. We aren’t doing anything major, just some cosmetic upgrades – to both the renter’s bathroom and our bathroom. The contractor is our friend’s Dad and I’m so glad he can do the work because I know he will do what he can to save us money as well as do a high-quality job.
Besides that, I might go to a concert – or two – as I have a couple of friends who have shows. I also just want to relax and get a couple of things done with the blog.
Finally, here are five posts that I really enjoyed from this week:
- Brian from Luke 14:28 wrote a great post about leadership in Want to Influence Others? Lead by Example.
- Cat from Budget Blonde (also Cat our staff writer) wrote about one of my favorite topics – branding – in Building a Blog Brand 101
- Nick from A Young Pro wrote an absolutely hilarious post in The Top 10 Ways to Tell if You are a Millennial
- Broke Millennial talked about credit cards in Paper or Plastic? How to Handle Moving from Cash to Credit Cards
- Holly from Club Thrifty talks retirement in Retirement Planning: 3 Tips to Get Started
What are you up to this weekend? Also – what is something good that happened to you the past week?
Photo copyright Linda Hartman
Thank you so much for the link David! I really appreciate that! :)
BudgetBlonde No problem!
Good luck with the redesign. I’d be interested in hearing what specific things you’re looking for, just for my own education. Always helpful to know what’s important to the people who’ve been at this long enough to know what they’re doing.
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money Thanks! I will probably write a post about all the “new” features it has when it goes live. There are some small detailed/nit-picky things that I am looking for in the design.
To be positive, I’ll say the good thing that happened was we got our fridge fixed! Of course, it also died, but that’s another story. Not much planned for this weekend, playing some poker with the guys!
OutlierModel Have fun playing poker! Absolutely love to play. Our garage door springs broke last weekend so we had to get them replaced. Was not a fun unexpected expense.
Excited for your redesign! :)
SenseofCents Thanks, me too!
Thanks for the shout out, David! I’m looking forward to see this redesign.
Have a great weekend!
BrokeMillennial No problem, and hope you have a good weekend too!
Good luck with narrowing down the redesign DC! I am doing that myself and hopefully I can go with the one I am thinking of. Of course, I am not the most patient and want it done soon. :) We’re going to two different BBQ’s this weekend, so I am looking forward to that!
FrugalRules Thanks, I hope yours goes well too! Wow 2 BBQ’s? Sounds amazing.
Thank you so much for including my post DC. Good luck with the redesign, I need to do that too! :)
ayoungpro I would encourage it! I think it will really provide value to the site.
There is nothing fun about starting a redesign, but I wish you luck. We have a birthday party for my sister, but other than that, I think I might try to go play some golf. It has been raining quite a bit lately, so it might not be great conditions. who knows!
DebtRoundUp Thankfully I won’t be the one programming it, but I WILL have to communicate what I like and don’t like. Hope you have fun at the party!
I’m looking into getting my blog redesigned too. And hopefully will be visiting Niagara Falls this weekend! Cheers!
momoneymohouses Nice, nothing like a fresh new design! Hope you have fun in Niagara Falls!
Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead. Cara and I are planning to relax as much as possible. We’re still recovering from our road trip last week. We’ll probably head to Canterbury tomorrow to enjoy some horse races!
CommonCentsWealth Actually less busy than usual. Best of luck at the races!
Sounds like a very busy weekend. Good luck with finding a new web designer. Hope you get all that you are looking for. It is exciting for sure.
TacklingOurDebt Busy but fun hopefully! Here’s to getting a good head start tonight. Hope you have a great weekend!
I need a redesign (& some other changes) as well.
Thanks for all those giveaway links! Maybe my wife and I will get lucky. :)
DonebyForty I think a lot of sites need a redesign, just hard to find the time to DIY or the $ to hire a designer. I finally can justify the expense so I’m hiring a designer.
If you enter enough giveaways you are bound to win one! We’ve won about 20 over the past couple months haha
We have a rare weekend at home! That means that I’m going to be cleaning the garage (finally) and my office (which is littered with “do when you get time” projects).
AverageJoeMoney It’s crazy how hard it is to find time to clean and organize stuff. It’s always the last thing on the list. I have a pile of stuff to file away, a pile of clothes to go through…stuff everywhere! Hope you can get everything done and have some time to relax!
Sounds like the blog redesign you’ve been talking about is coming along. Hope that turns into something really special that you like. Thanks for mentioning my post in your roundup. Enjoy the weekend!
Luke_1428 Thanks, I’m anxious to get the redesign underway. Hope you have a great weekend!
Great posts here, DC – thanks for sharing. Sounds like you’ve got a fun and busy weekend planned. We’ll be working around the farm, staining the barn and weeding the “much bigger garden than I’m used to” garden. Fun work, but hard work. Have a great one! :-)
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer Thanks Laurie : ) I hope you are having a great weekend, and I also need to get our garden built! Seriously have been way too busy the past month or so.
Thanks for the mention! I hope that you had a great weekend!!!