I ran across this picture of Wellington, New Zealand, as I was browsing photos on Flickr. Looks like a beautiful place to visit.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 275 giveaways listed this week that end today (10/25) through next Thursday (10/31).
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I wrote about a hot subject here in the United States in 3 Reasons Obamacare is Expensive. Many have pointed out in the past few weeks that Obamacare is expensive. In this post I explain a few reasons why the Affordable Care Acts isn’t so affordable for many people.
- On Tuesday Sally shared What Being in a Sorority Has Given Me. I was never in a fraternity, but I can relate to some of the benefits from other close-knit communities/friend groups I’ve been a part of.
- On Wednesday Cat explained Why I’m Flying First Class Tomorrow. First of all, it’s incredible that flying first class was cheaper than other options! Second, if you didn’t know, Cat has lived in Grenada the past few years and finally moved back home to the United States this weekend. It’s been cool to get to know her and I’m excited to see where life takes her and her growing family.
- On Thursday I discussed 5 Benefits of Working from Home I’m constantly in shock at how many jobs are done in offices that could easily be done from home, especially considering how much can be gained both for employee and employer.
Update Time
- Wisdom Teeth and Blog Work on my Long Weekend – Last weekend I had a four day weekend, which was mainly spent taking care of my wife as she recovered from wisdom teeth surgery. It was incredible how quick the procedure went – only about 45 minutes to take out four teeth. Sometimes modern medicine simply amazes me.
Besides taking care of her, I spent a lot of time on the site. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I would have hoped (I sometimes make unrealistic goals/to-do lists), but it’s nice to get some of those things done that I’ve been putting off for a while. If you look on my home page, I now have summaries instead of full posts. This may not seem like much, but I put off tweaking the code for over a year! Hopefully getting some of those pesky things off my “to do” list will make it easier to free up time to work on my next website.
- Vikings are hosting QB try outs – If you follow the NFL, you probably heard about the disaster of a game that the Vikings had on Monday Night Football. Josh Freeman started his first game with the Vikings and did pitiful. Now apparently Ponder is our starter for Sunday because Freeman is injured.
My solution? Sign Tebow! Why not give him a try out as well? Worst case scenario we continue to lose and get a high draft pick.
- Weekend – This weekend we have quite a bit planned. Tonight we are going on a double. Also, my sister’s birthday was this week so we are going out to eat with my family. Finally, my wife and I are going on our annual trip to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch.
Posts of the Week:
If you want to see your post included in this roundup, comment on posts on Young Adult Money throughout the week – that’s where I find blogs/posts to include.
- Erin from Broke Millennial talked about The Importance of Asking for the Order.
- Matt from Mom and Dad Money shared What is Net Worth and Why is it Important?.
- Tara from Streets Ahead Living talked about Shared Finances in Marriage
- Michelle from Diversified Finances talked about her new lifestyle in My Second Week Being Self-Employed.
- Tonya from Budget and the Beach talks about her experience at FinCon last weekend in Fincon13: Inspired and Overwhelmed!.
What are you up to this weekend? Are you doing anything for Halloween next week? Who do you think the Vikings should start at QB next?
Photo by Phillip Capper
Looks like you will have an awesome weekend! I’m excited for my weekend too, my friend invited my daughter to join a free Halloween Party and Face Painting tomorrow.
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way Oh sounds like a fun event! Have a good time!
I cannot believe that Ponder is starting again. Even worse, I can’t believe I agree with the decision. Of all three QBs we’ve started this year he actually looks the most stable. Freeman was a freakin’ train wreck – the 4th quarter was down right embarrassing. Who knows, maybe the experience will give Ponder a kick in the pants – he certainly has the ability and talents…he just needs to somehow harness them. Here’s to hoping!
DebtChroniclesI also can’t believe that I agree with the decision. If we still had a shot, I would consider saying give Cassel a chance this season but at this point we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Ponder can have a second chance, but he knows he probably won’t get a third. He also knows that the coaching staff probably wouldn’t hesitate to start Freeman again. It was obviously a dumb move to start Freeman so quickly, but I can’t blame the staff for gambling, either.
Being a K-Stater, it was painful to watch Freeman do so crappy on Monday, though it sounds like they just threw him into it and hoped for the best. Now it sounds like he has a concussion. That said, I don’t know that you want the circus that comes with Tebow…I think you have a high draft pick coming as it is. ;) We’re bottling some beer tonight and probably doing a little work this weekend as well. Have a good one!
FrugalRules Oh yeah I forgot he went to K-State, he had a pretty good career there didn’t he? I think it would be fun to have Tebow play! Seriously nothing to lose at this point. Have fun bottling beer and hope you have a great weekend.
Ouch, getting your wisdom teeth pulled is no fun! I hope your wife is feeling better and can enjoy her weekend!
Monicaonmoney Thanks she is definitely improving! Here’s to a pain-free weekend!
Thanks for the shout out DC. I remember getting my wisdom teeth out and that was NOT fun. My procedure was 2 hours and there was a lot of pain afterwards. Or maybe I’m just a wuss, haha.
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money No problem Matt! I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago and I would have to agree that it’s a painful recovery. Takes so long to start feeling better.
I love an apple orchard weekend, enjoy! I’m going to see the Sleeping Beauty ballet that my boyfriend’s been on tour with.
brokeandbeau Thanks I’m definitely looking forward to going to the orchard. Very cool about the sleeping beauty ballet – hope you have fun!
I miss going to apple orchards in Michigan. I’d get the fresh donuts and hot apple cider…Have fun, and thank you for the mention!
Beachbudget Apple cider is one of my favorite drinks of all time! I might have to get some fresh donuts now that you mention it…hope you have a good weekend!
Tebow would be a great move. Where the heck is he these days anyways?? Have a great weekend.
KyleJames1 I don’t think he’s anywhere! Why not give him a chance?!? Hope you have a good one as well.
Glad your wife is recovering nicely from her wisdom teeth removal. :) I’m sure she’s glad that it’s done and over with! I can’t believe Halloween is next week. I’m not ready! :)
TheHeavyPurse She is very glad, but not amused at how long it takes to recover! I’m not ready either, going to have to use a repeat costume. I always seem to wait until the last minute.
Thanks for the shout out DC! Have a great weekend.
BrokeMillennial No problem! Hope you have a great weekend as well.
I honestly never understood why you guys signed Favre a couple years back. You just needed a good franchise quarterback who could bring the team up a level (already have a crazy good running back). Instead you went with Favre who could only give you a couple years at best and then you were back to square one (garbage QB and older but still good running back). As nice as it is seeing Green Bay have easy games to help them win the division, it’s harder to win super bowls when your division rivals don’t force you to bring your A game every week.
Hope your wife is feeling better.
Vikings should totally sign Tebow! I think it’s unfair how he hasn’t been given a chance lately.
Thanks for the support DC! speaking of Vikings and Farvre, did you hear how he’s saying now he can’t remember things like his daughter’s birthdays? scary. Love your point though about continuing to lose… so true!
also, how did the apple orchard turn out? many people may not know this but apples grow like crazy in NY state so we tried to go picking this weekend but the farm we went to closed for picking for the season. :( the apple themed food at their restaurant was still delicious though!