This post is by our regular contributor, Erin.
We fully believe in the power of having a side hustle here at Young Adult Money. If you’re a veteran reader, it’s quite obvious from our extensive catalog of posts on earning side income.
However, for newer readers interested in side hustling, we wanted to make things a little easier with a little 101 tutorial.
We’re going to zip you through the basics of why side hustling is awesome, how you can get started, what side hustles will earn you money, and how to grow your side hustle after you become established.
Ready? Let’s get started!
Why Bother Side Hustling?
If you’re new to the idea of side hustling, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. I know I didn’t understand the entire concept the first time I heard about it. That’s why I decided to highlight the benefits of side hustling.
Beyond giving you another source of income, side hustles can provide a creative outlet, they allow you to explore new fields you might not have otherwise worked in, and you can pick up useful skills for your full-time job!
Even when you’re interested and knowledgeable about side hustling, fear can hold you back. After all, you’re essentially becoming your own boss, responsible for making sure your clients are happy and that your work is up to their standards. It can be scary! Unfortunately, there’s nothing to gain by being afraid. The sooner you overcome your fears, the sooner you can start earning more.
All right, ready to get started, but have no idea what you want to do? Finding the perfect side hustle can be a little overwhelming at first, but it’s just a matter of matching up your interests to something people will pay you for. Let’s take a look at some ideas.
Consider Blogging as a Side Hustle
DC has named blogging as one of the best side hustles, and with good reason. If you love to write and you’re interested in learning about how you can make money with a blog, 8 ways to make money blogging is a must-read. DC shares the different ways he’s been able to generate income from his blog and suggests a few other avenues. Some may surprise you!
Plenty of people are doing it. While it can be a long and challenging road, it’s a very rewarding way to earn more. Read DC’s guide on how to start a blog today to get started.
Freelance Writing
Second to blogging is freelance writing, the difference being when you freelance, you write for others on their platform (like I am!). If you love to write, but aren’t completely sure about the time commitment involved with blogging (and it is a lot, even if it doesn’t seem like it), freelance writing could be perfect for you.
Sound good? The first thing you need to do is decide what you’re going to write about, which can be a mission in and of itself, especially if you’re passionate about a number of things. DC answered this question in detail when he considered writing for others in the past.
Side Hustle Ideas
Maybe blogging isn’t for you, or you don’t want to take your side hustle too seriously to the point where you’re dedicating 20+ hours to it a week. That’s okay, you can still earn extra on the side while maintaining your sanity.
Take a look at DC’s own list of ways he’s earned side income for inspiration, or consider these 7 quick and simple ways you can make money online. Working from home is always easier than getting a second job, and working online means you can be location independent, too.
Does earning $200 an hour from a side hustle sound crazy to you? There are plenty of people out there earning much more for their expertise. Just because you’re working on your side hustle, well, on the side, doesn’t mean you have to earn peanuts. The entire point is to increase your earning potential independent of your day job!
It’s not uncommon for hobbies to eventually become side hustles, either. Hobbies are something you enjoy doing, and you want to enjoy the work you do for your side hustle. However, there are pros and cons to turning a hobby into a side hustle – namely, you might stop enjoying it once you’re being paid for it.
If you don’t want to give up your hobbies, then take a look at the skills you already possess that could be turned into money-makers. Let me tell you, I’ve been surprised time and time again by what people will pay for. Don’t sell yourself short.
Need more inspiration? Look to this list of side hustle ideas we’ve covered in the past:
- Delivering with Deliv
- 4 industries perfect for side hustling
- Making extra money with Qmee
- Earning with Swagbucks
- Winning prizes and cash from giveaways
Growing Your Side Hustle
The single biggest struggle most side hustlers face is how to carve out time in their schedule to dedicate to it. While earning extra money sounds great, making a lot of sacrifices doesn’t. If you value your free time or family time, but still want to give side hustling a try, read up on how to make time to develop your side hustle.
Have you reached a critical point of growth in your business? It could be time to explore new ways to invest in it. I’m pretty frugal, even with my business expenses, but I realized very quickly you need to put more than just effort into your side hustle to get what you want out of it. Self and business improvement are a must if you want to reach new heights.
Additionally, you should always be seeking to make your side hustle more profitable and efficient, especially if you want to spend less time on it and maintain or increase your income. It’s possible as long as you have a plan and the right tools!
Lastly, it goes without saying, but in order to be successful with side hustling, you need to stay motivated. When you’re working a total of 60-80 hours a week, that can be a challenge. Find out what keeps you going and remember why you’re doing it in the first place so you can stay consistent.
There you have it, everything you need to know about side hustling. Hopefully these resources have given you the blueprint to start your own side hustle and take off with earning extra income!
Do you love side hustling? How did you get started? What would you tell a friend interested in starting a side hustle?
I don’t think I could have survived as a freelancer without doing side hustles outside of my video work. I wish I hadn’t waited so long!
Side hustling is one of the keys to our strategy to get out of debt and achieve financial semi-independence. Thanks YAM for providing awesome resources for getting started and great ideas for new side hustles. I recommend that everyone start their own side hustle today!
There are some great resources here Erin! We don’t do much in terms of side hustling these days since we run our own business, but that came out of a side hustle. We never thought it would’ve turned out the way it has, which only makes me wonder why we waited to start. :) What we tell friends is to find ways to monetize skills you have or do something that isn’t currently being done and go from there.
Great breakdown Erin. I never even considered side hustling for the longest time, and now I don’t know how I did without it. Some months are slower than others, but since I’m not really dependent on the income, it’s not a huge deal. It’s also nice to know that I’ll be able to ramp it up and make some more money if something ever happens to my day job.
Hooray for side hustling! I think finding something you really enjoy is key. I’m passionate about blogging, so it’s a natural side hustle for me. I think I’d have a harder time doing something I didn’t care as much about. Good thing there are so many options to choose from :)!
I’ve never considered side hustling before! There’s first time for everything, right?!
Even with a strong why, motivation remains tough for me. Sometimes you just have to go get it though!
My side hustles have all eventually turned into businesses. However, I am finding it hard to add on new, smaller hustles with a new baby. I’m hoping I’ll work it out soon!
Beachbudget You were doing pretty well with just your side hustles, too! It’s amazing how much we can earn with just a few hours extra a week.
Harmony@CreatingMyKaleidoscope Glad you’re on board!
FrugalRules Same here, John. All of my work is … well, work! But I never thought I’d have this much success with it, either. A couple of my friends are teachers and I told them they should use their skills this summer to make money while they’re off. They didn’t realize how many writing opportunities were out there.
thebrokeprof Thanks! It’s really nice when you don’t really need the money. You can take your time and learn how to side hustle effectively, and there’s not as much pressure to work all the time.
Mrs. Frugalwoods Agreed – I’ve tried quite a few different things, especially as a virtual assistant, and I’ve been learning what I’m good at and where my interests are. It’s not fun to do more work on top of work when you’re at a full-time job.
Mrs Crackin the Whip Yes! I only really started a year ago, so give it a shot. =) There’s nothing to lose.
Hannah UnplannedFinance Motivation is a huge struggle. My fiance wanted to get back into graphic design for months, but he finally realized he just isn’t motivated enough after working 10 hour days. He likes to relax when he can. Our “why” is our student loans, but he works 50 hours a week as it is and gets overtime, so we get “extra” money that way.
fitisthenewpoor That’s awesome Michelle! I can’t imagine trying to work new gigs into your routine with the baby, but if anyone can find I way, I know you will!
This is an awesome resource!!! I am a big fan of side hustling and push my clients who want to do more but can’t save more to look into side hustling. Yes, it takes time and energy, but you really do get out of it what you put into it.
blonde_finance Thanks! Yep, you just get to a point where saving more becomes pretty impossible. Earning more is the only way to go.
I’ve really started to pursue side hustling over the last few years. Dedicating side hustle money toward specific goals (i.e. debt, retirement savings, or a vacation fund) really directs your effort and allows you to see the great benefits.
I’d absolutely love to get some side-hustling going, but it’s such a challenge carving out the time (especially with a new baby)! My blog is the only side-hustle type activity I do at the moment (well, really a hobby, as I earn $0 from it right now!), and love spending time on this. But I might need to expand my horizons and come up with a few other side-hustle ideas if I’m serious about making some extra money (of which there are some great ideas in the links above!).
Financial Tour Guide Yes, I definitely think that’s the way to go. Plus, it gives you a little extra motivation when your side hustle money is going directly toward something.
Blogging is my current side hustle, although I’m not really making much…yet! :) Regardless of how much income I earn from it, I really enjoy it. It’s so much fun!
Jason@Islands of Investing I’ve actually never made anything from my blog directly. It’s always good to have a platform to reference if you ever want to get into freelance writing! Plus, as you continue to blog, you have an audience that will possibly buy from you later on in case you ever decide to create your own products. Even if you’re earning nothing now, there’s potential for when you’re ready. =)
Christina@EmbracingSimple That’s what matters!
I love side hustles! Blogging and freelance writing are my current side hustles and I’m always looking for more to diversify my side income. In a short amount of time, I’ve given myself a much better raise compared to anything my full time employer can currently offer me. There are so many unique side hustles out there and I even started a side hustle series to highlight how to get into different ones so people can realize that the opportunity to earn more money is out there and all you have to do is seize it.
I love side hustling, but sometimes you have to unplug. Working 60-80 hours a week can wear you down. Thanks for sharing your great resources!
Great links — thanks! I agree with you on the dangers of turning a hobby into a side hustle. It very quickly becomes tedious and no longer enjoyable for me.
Chonce That’s great, Chonce! I love reading about what other people have done, because there’s no shortage of interesting ways to make money. Sometimes you just have to get creative and see what sticks!
houseoftre I agree, Tre. It’s good to step back and take a breather to reflect on your business as well!
AlexandraRSF You’re welcome! Turning hobbies into side hustles works for some, but definitely not all. Some things you just want to keep to yourself!
Side hustling is great. I would tell somebody that was interested to make it happen.
Nobody cares, but can I just say I’m not a fan of the term side hustle? I like what it means, it just makes me feel like I’m trying to be a gangster when I say it. That said, I’m all for them :)
Jason @ The Butler Journal That’s the best advice we can give!
Mark@BareBudgetGuy I totally know what you mean, haha. Any time I tell someone outside of the blogging world about it, I feel a little strange! I like side gig a little better.
Erin @ Journey to Saving Mark@BareBudgetGuy Aw come one, side hustle is such a great way to describe it! Side gig makes it sound like a second job. Let’s all get behind side hustle!
Side hustle is definitely not a descriptive term for it but part time
DC @ Young Adult Money Mark@BareBudgetGuy Well, I guess I already get enough weird reactions about what I do for a living, more don’t matter. =P
This is great! I’m just starting my side hustle, and I’ve heard other people mention too that entrepreneurship is not for lazy people. I agree with you that I can’t imagine myself getting to a point where I just plateau and work fewer hours. In general, I think lazy people wouldn’t have the motivation to start a side hustle, so the people who do, keep working at it. Personally, the long hours don’t scare me because I already work those hours at my 9-5, but I have no flexibility. I like the flexibility aspect of entrepreneurship.
BadassBudgets The flexibility is definitely great to have. I also tend to work a lot no matter what, but it’s great being able to do so in the comfort of your own home (or on the road)!
I love side hustling! I’ve always done it, but lately I have been looking at more ways to make money from anywhere or while travelling. Hoping to do some big trips soon.
These are great tips!
Kylie Travers Awesome, good luck! Those are the best gigs. =)
Great info Erin!
I’m definitely not a Young Adult, but in my years I have Side Hustled quite a bit. In the ’90’s, while teaching, I paid for my pilot training with side hustles. There is definitely money to be made by those that want to make it.
Last Saturday, at a car show, me and a buddy were discussing just that.
I’m now retired from 27+ years in education, but I’m not content to live off of my current passive incomes. I’m doing a little freelance writing and looking for more to do.
Thanks for sharing! I’ve got some new ideas now.
Side-hustling is probably the best thing ever because of the time-freedom and variety of ways to earn. It’s all I do. I am always looking for new and fresh ideas and recently started promoting a new sports app coming out in October. It is super lucrative (and I don’t even like sports! haha). Great article.