Today we welcome our first ever staff writer to the team, Catherine Alford! Hope you enjoy her post about five things she will actually splurge on. I would have to say I definitely have a few “splurge” items that overlap with hers. -DC
There aren’t too many things in this world that can make me part with large amounts of cash. I’m the girl who writes down everything she spends and avoids expensive purses and shoes like the plague (because honestly, I. can’t. help. myself.)
Yet, every now and then, I definitely see the value in spending a large amount money on a product or experience. Check them out below.
1) A Good Mattress
I do not have a good mattress right now, but I would just about give my left arm for a plush, king sized bed that resembles sleeping on a cloud. A good mattress can cost several thousand dollars, which isn’t exactly in my budget. However, when I think about my med student husband who will be doing 24 hour hospital shifts very soon, I’m tempted to splurge on an absolutely fabulous mattress. Then, maybe I’ll actually go to bed on time myself!
2) High Quality, Organic Food
My husband and I currently live in the Caribbean, and we’ve been very spoiled with the absolutely incredible organic fruits and vegetables here. When we move back to the States in December, we’d like to keep this up. This will include going to the farmers’ market, Whole Foods, or simply selecting the organic produce over others. While organic food is typically more expensive, it’s worth it to us. We’ve developed a lot of healthy habits living here in Grenada, and together, we’ve lost a combined 70 pounds. We don’t want to throw that away and fall back into old habits.
3) International Travel
Traveling is a huge passion of mine. I’d rather have a small, modest home and car and get to see the world than have the biggest house on the block. I love learning about new places, since it helps me to become more well rounded and more understanding about how other people live. Even though I am still paying back student loans and working on other savings goals, I’ll never pass up the opportunity to visit somewhere new.
4) Computers
Since I run my freelance writing business completely from my laptop, I’m adamant about using a high quality one. I saved up $1,500 over the period of 4 months to buy a new Macbook Pro, and it’s honestly the best purchase I have ever made. Having gone through many laptops in the past (including one that completely broke in half), I’m really happy to have the mac.
5) Education
While it may not be a traditional “splurge” category, my husband and I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on our educations. Like many of you, I am uncomfortable with the ever increasing college tuition prices. Additionally, I’ve made the mistake of taking out too many loans in the past. However, despite the bumps in the road, I feel like my husband’s $300,000 medical school education has been worth every penny. I’m also glad to have had the opportunities that I’ve experienced. Times are changing, and it will be difficult for anyone to afford an education in the future; however, I still think it’s important to invest in yourself in some way or another.
Ok, now it’s your turn. What are some things that you like to splurge on?
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How do you break a laptop in half?
MonsterPiggyBank I’m interested in hearing this story as well!
DC @ Young Adult Money MonsterPiggyBank Hahaha. My stupid college self fell asleep with it, and it fell on the floor, which made a hinge loose and then every time I opened and closed it it just made it worse until it completely separated. Fun times. Did I mention I love my macbook? ;)
BudgetBlondeMonsterPiggyBank That actually happened to me as well! I’m assuming you are talking about the screen detaching from the rest of the laptop. Twice I’ve had laptops where the screw got loose and the result was not pretty.
DC @ Young Adult Money BudgetBlonde MonsterPiggyBank Exactly!
Cat, we have a high quality mattress (paid $1500 for it, so not too bad) and let me tell you, it ROCKS. Well worth the money. It’s over 10 years old now, so the quality is starting to fade, but for years, every time we laid down, it would be like “Ahhh, I LOVE my bed”. Make that your first purchase when you get home! And congrats on the staff writing gig!
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer Thanks, Laurie! What kind of a mattress is it? I stayed in an Omni hotel once and the bed so amazing. I just found out that you can buy the same bed that they use for around $1500 so it seemed like a good option!
I agree with the mattress, ours is awesome, you don’t even feel when the other person moves and it has memory foam too. nights have been much better lately. I like to splurge on kitchenware as well, instead of spending hours chopping with a bad knife and cleaning a sticky pan.
RFIndependence Ha! That’s what I need – not feeling when the hubs moves!
We just bought our mattress two months ago and could not agree more. It’s so worth the cost and really can make a difference to have that good night sleep. We also splurge on travel. We work hard and save so we can enjoy ourselves on vacation.
FrugalRules I’m glad to hear it’s worth it. I’m saving my pennies for a mattress for sure!
Infant car seat for our kids for sure. We splurged on a Britax car seat and it was an awesome investment and great peace-of-mind.
KyleJames1 That’s a good one! I’m sure when it comes to kids, we’ll be splurging left and right on quality products!
I agree! Sometimes it’s cheaper to splurge on good quality than to have to replace something of poor quality very quickly because either it doesn’t work or you can’t stand it! A bad matress can also lead to chiropractor bills, so it’s probably a good idea to invest in a quality one in the first place!
HeatherShue So true. Investing in health. That will definitely sell my husband on buying an awesome one! :)
My next big purchase is going to be a new laptop…and I think I’m going Mac for the first time! It is definitely worth it to go for high quality in things you really rely on.
JessGreenSD Do it! Seriously, it’s a solid computer. I plan on having this one for a very long time.
BudgetBlonde Yeah that’s what I keep hearing…my friends with PCs like them, but my friends with Macs LOVE them and tell me all the time how they’ve had them for years and they still work great. I’m going to have to pull the trigger soon :)
I will splurge on experiences more than material things. Studies have shown that looking back on purchases, there is a lot leas buyer’s remorse and more satisfaction with purchases that involved an experience (like a vacation or day at a theme park) over material things (like a couch or TV). I totally agree… While I think its harder before the fact to want to spend money on an experience (because you’re not actually getting anything out of it besides memories), I’ve always found myself to be happier that I did something rather than got something. So for me, I’ll splurge on experiences.
caralynerickson I’m totally with you. “Stuff” fades. Memories last forever. :)
I definitely splurge on quite a few different items, but none of them are the same as you. I think it’s important for everyone to realize what they splurge on and keep it under control. We all splurge on something, but that’s just fine as long as you can afford it. Nice article!
CommonCentsWealth Thanks so much for the compliment. :) People definitely have different priorities, and it’s fun to learn what’s important to others.
Welcome aboard, Catherine!
I’ll always take a good mattress, though I don’t really see it as splurging! I had corrective surgery on my spine a couple of years ago and had an old orthopaedic mattress replaced with a new one – my good lord, the difference it made!
The quality of life a good mattress can bring to your posture and well-being is definitely worth the investment. I’d have to place this as my #1 pick out of the five options presented.
My main splurge – but one that’s quite commonplace here in Britain – is a cold pint of beer or ale at the local pub on a Friday evening (and yes it helps if it’s sunny outside, but not a requirement!).
DHilsden Why thank you! :) And a pint of beer every Friday sounds like the perfect splurge. :)
I agree on the high quality food! My grocery budget is a little more than what most people have, especially for one person, but I hardly eat out so I’m willing to put more money there. On that same note I’d say health in general. Don’t skip stuff like dental checkups and cleanings, annual physicals, ignoring pain or other symptoms because you want to save money, etc.
Beachbudget Yes, I definitely agree, which reminds me I need to go to the dentist. womp womp.
Woohoo! Glad Catherine is your new staff writer :)
We bought a cheap mattress when we first bought our house. A big mistake. A $400 mattress is not a good mattress.
SenseofCents Haha woooooo hooooo!! :D Thanks, Michelle! Good to know. The cheap part of me just wants to go buy one at Ikea but I know it’s probably not a good idea!
BudgetBlondeSenseofCentsVery happy to have her on board! I absolutely love Ikea, but am not a huge fan of their couches or mattresses.
DC @ Young Adult Money BudgetBlonde SenseofCents Good to know and thanks! :)
We definitely splurged on a king size mattress and it was an awesome decision! The night goes so much better when you have space to move around. And I’m with you on the computers as well. Going Mac was the best computer decision I ever made.
Luke_1428 Another vote for the nice king sized mattress! I love it!
We are fresh and organic folks here too. Gotta put good stuff in to run on! Our grocery spending is a bit crazy right now for a family of five. Even when I buy the “generic” organic (the irony I always find funny!) is still way pricier than most products. My biggies: dairy products and meats. Fruits and vegetables we buy fresh and in season at our farmers market, but not always organic. But a mattress is so important! The benefits of healthy food can’t do their work to restore you if you’re not getting quality comfortable sleep!
mlifeordebt So true. I love going to the farmers market, and I can’t wait to be back to the States to get some better meat at the store!
I am so with you on splurging when it comes to having a good mattress. We own a Tempurpedic and it is a night and day difference from other mattresses like the ones we occasionally sleep on at hotels.
deaconhayes Interesting! I’ve heard good things about those for sure. :)
I don’t buy shoes or clothes very often, but I splurge when I do. This is because I want high quality items that will last. I usually keep shoes and clothes in the rotation for 10-15 years. :)
ayoungpro That’s awesome. I think having high quality clothes, esp. if you go to work everyday is a good investment.
I completely agree with most of your splurges! After dating my 6’4″ boyfriend for a while, I knew a twin bed was NOT going to cut it, so I upgraded to a queen and it’s been lovely. Sadly, a king wouldn’t have fit in my bedroom.
Food is definitely another area – health is important and what you eat plays a large part in how you feel.
I haven’t traveled much yet, but I do plan on doing a lot of it in the future. I agree – I would totally rather see the world than have a huge house/luxury car.
Having a good computer is also important and I am guilty of splurging in the past to upgrade its components. I have been eyeing the Macbooks but they are so expensive compared to most other laptops, I’m not sure if I can justify it yet.
JourneytoSaving I actually differ from Cat on this one – I LOVE my PC! I couldn’t imagine using a Mac.
JourneytoSaving They are definitely expensive, and I waited a long time and saved up my pennies before getting one. Other laptops definitely do the trick, and I’ve had my fair share of cheap ones, but I’m glad to have a long lasting one now.
Excellent list! I agree with every item, esp the mattress. We recently discovered that the price of king plush mattresses has dropped quite nicely in Canada and since our backs were killing us, we invested in a nice new one.
TacklingOurDebt Ooh sounds lovely, Sicorra!! I’m jealous. :D
I love travel especially international travel. I will occasionally spend some money on a good meal, although I limit that to once or twice a year. A weekend away is another way I enjoy spending money. I like a good bargain (50+% off retail).
krantcents1 Yes, I am definitely a bargain lover too! :D
It’s great seeing you here, Catherine! I agree wholeheartedly with the list. I understand when you have no choice but to buy a cheap mattress but don’t do it just to be cheap! A good night’s sleep is so important, not to mention the havoc a cheap mattress can play on your back or neck. We love travel too and it is a priority for us too. Sadly, I know way too many people who wanted the biggest house on the block and now regret it because they no money for anything else.
TheHeavyPurse Thanks, Shannon! That’s true. It’s no fun to have the biggest house if you can’t do anything else but live in it!
I agree with most of your list! I love to travel and I definitely need a good sleep. I’ve been buying more and more organic foods, but I’m limiting myself to the most high-impact foods (most pesticides/most environmental impact) such as potatoes, apples and eggs. :)
OutlierModel I love this. I was happy when I found some free range eggs in Grenada. It’s the little things! :)
Travel especially, good shoes, a good weatherproof coat, bikes, and organic milk for our daughter.
Eyesonthedollar Great list!
I also splurge on a good computer and reliable transportation.
DebtRoundUp Two worthwhile splurges. :)
I too splurge on mattresses, but also sheets and pillows – sleep is important to me! I splurge on clothing, too (now – this is a new thing) so I can make sure they last.
Suburban Finance Ahhh I love nice sheets and pillows! :)
Hey Cat!
Congratulations on your new staff writer job – that’s great! I really like Young Adult Money, it’s a great blog and I’m sure you’ll do fabulous.
I think one thing I will always spend money is books. I love books and reading is a major part of my everyday life. While I have a library card (actually two) and use it frequently, it’s still not quite enough!
I also like food but, like you, I want to shift away from spending money on take out and such and focus more on buying quality ingredients that I can use to prepare yummy things at home.
LindseyatCents Thanks so much, Lindsey! I’m kind of a fangirl of YoungAdultMoney too. ;) I also looove books. Did you know they have Free Nook Fridays? You can download the nook app to your iphone or ipad and get a free download every Friday. It’s pretty nifty! :D
BudgetBlonde LindseyatCents Oh, Sweet, I didn’t know that. I will check it out – thanks buddy!
LindseyatCents BudgetBlonde You’re very welcome! :)
BudgetBlonde LindseyatCents Thanks for the kind words, ladies.