If you ever make purchases online, probably the single best way to save money is through searching for online discount codes before finalizing a purchase. I’ve done this quite a bit recently, and I pretty much am always able to find some sort of discount by simply searching Google.
Here are a few categories where you should be able to save money by using free discount codes:
Online Services
If you are making a purchase for some sort of online service, whether it’s for web hosting, domain registration, or some sort of online application, there are almost always online coupon codes available. I recently purchased a few more domains and renewed my current domain and was able to save about 30% off the regular purchase price. Additionally, if you follow various companies. on social media you will often see them promoting their latest deal. While there are many giveaways going on that are listed on websites (we do a giveaway roundup every Friday), sometimes giveaways will only last a day (or a few hours!) and you will only know about it if you are following the given company on Twitter or Facebook.
As I have mentioned before, I’ve used online coupon codes quite a bit when it comes to travel. In particular, if I am looking to book a hotel I will always search for coupon codes or deals before finalizing my purchase. You can almost always save at least 10%, if not more, off the regular purchase price. If you plan on traveling in Europe anytime soon, you can find discounts for ebookers and save a ton of money on your flight, hotel, and/or rental car purchase.
Food and Drinks
The restaurant industry is highly competitive, and sometimes offering deals is the best way to undercut your competition. It not only gets customers in the door trying your food, it very well may have taken a customer who usually goes to a competitor and made them go to your restaurant instead. Restaurant owners aren’t dumb; they know that customers love to feel like they are getting great deals. This is exactly why you can almost always find coupons, deals, and special offers for various restaurants. I personally will go to one restaurant over another if they have a promotion going on. Worst case scenario I save money; best case scenario I love the food and save money ;)
I’ve had a lot of success using online coupon codes, especially recently. I won’t even consider finalizing a purchase online without first searching for specials, discount codes, and of course the lowest advertised price. I also keep my eyes out for special deals and promotions that are available for purchase online. For example, if I can purchase a $20 gift card to a restaurant for only $10, I will almost always make the purchase.
Photo by Holidayextras
I love discount codes, they are just as good as having a physical coupon and more eco friendly. Great post David, I am going to share it next Friday on the Dinks weekly roundup.
You should also take extra caution when using online discount codes. Some of them are misleading, making it look that you can save lots of money when you use them when in fact you’ll end up spending more on other things you don’t really need.