Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post – Christmas Edition!
Quick Hits
Christmas is here
Well Christmas is just around the corner. I have plans with my family today, the in-laws on Sunday, and Christmas eve with my family. Considering the fact that the anticipation of Christmas starts pretty much right after Halloween, it’s crazy how quickly the actual holiday and celebration goes by.
On the bright side…next thing you know the freezing temps will be gone and it will be summer! I can dream, right??
What are your plans for Christmas?
What I’m Reading/Watching
I thought it might be fun to share some of the stuff I’ve been into over the past week or so.
Reading: Besides blogs, I have been reading The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide
by Sean Brodrick, essentially a book about how to prepare for disaster scenarios. One thing I really appreciate is that he starts out by pointing out the most likely disasters and goes on from there. It’s crazy how unprepared most people are for basic disasters, such as fires and floods. I recently watched a documentary on Katrina and it’s scary how quickly people ran out of food, water, and basic supplies.
Watching: I recently discovered Crackle.com, which has free streaming tv shows. I have been watching the Dilbert tv show from 1999 & 2000, and it’s freaking hilarious. Now that I have been working in corporate America for a couple years now, the jokes are funnier than ever. I also just finished Parenthood: Season Three
which is an incredible show. I can’t wait to start season 4.
What have you been reading/watching this week?
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some posts from this week that I thought were worth sharing with you:
Peter from Bible Money Matters gives a warning in Christmas Can Quickly Become A Celebration Of Things Rather Than Faith And Family.
Jennifer from Saving Advice argues that Making Things Isn’t Always Cheaper
Veronica from Blue Pelican Loans has an awesome interview in Powerful Lessons Learned in Starting an Online Store (Part 1)
Justin from The Frugal Path shares some wise words in
Don’t Allow “I Can’t” to Become a Barrier to Wealth -
Johnny from Our Freaking Budget dives into the topic of saving receipts in He Says/She Says: Saving Receipts
Tonya from Budget and the Beach offers some Holiday tips in 10 Ways to Keep Your Holiday Season Simple
Pauline from Reach Financial Independence has an update in Little house in Guatemala, week 7
Marissa from Thirty Six Months explains Why I Love All-Inclusive Vacations
Photo by Infrogmation
I hope you enjoy your Christmas and take some time off to relax :)
@Money Life and More Thanks, you too!
Sounds like you have a lot of Christmas plans. Have fun!
@SenseofCents Thanks, you too!
Thanks so much for the mention. My friend is a writer producer on Parenthood, In season 1 she got me and my friend roles as extras on the show. We sat at the bar where LG’s (Sarah) character worked for a little bit. It was fun!
@Beachbudget What! That’s awesome!
@DC @ Young Adult Money yeah well sadly my part was cut out of that show. sigh…
@Beachbudget Being on the set would still be pretty cool imo
Thanks for the mention! Whenever you finish reading the survivalist guide book, I’d love to hear how you enjoyed it. Always looking for more books… to sit on my bookshelf and collect dust before I finally get around to reading them.
@Johnny @ Our Freaking Budget Haha I have the same problem. I have a list a mile long of books I’d like to “eventually” get to
Merry Christmas DC! Thanks for the mention
@RFIndependence Merry Christmas to you too!
Loved Dilbert! Escaped the cubicles years ago, but the memories remain. Yuck!
@FreeAgentRogers I always wondered why my Dad liked Dilbert so much…now that I’ve worked in a cubicle, I understand.
We are relaxing for Christmas. Went out to a fancy place last night and it was kind of expensive (but oh well, only do it every so often). I’ve been watching the winter storm in envy. While everyone’s getting a white Christmas looks like we’ll be stuck with a wet one. (It was raining so hard this morning…) Thanks for mentioning the interview with Grayson!
Merry Christmas!