Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
Well yesterday we closed on a house. The rest of October will be spent primarily moving out of our apartment and getting settled into the house. There’s a lot of little time-consuming projects we want to do at the house, but I think in the end it will be well worth it.
One such project is finishing the chain-link fence in the backyard. Thankfully our reward will be… a dog! My wife has been talking about it for months, and now I’m anxious too. We plan on getting a dog from a shelter, not sure what breed yet. Only prerequisite is that it is a shelter dog.
Quick Hits
My wife is taking the GREs today. She has been studying for a long, long time so I’m sure she will be super happy when it’s all over!
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: What are Health Insurance Exchanges and How Do They Work?
Tuesday: Will Facebook and Zynga’s Decline Hurt the Housing Market?
Wednesday: 5 Steps To Take Towards Getting Financially Fit
Thursday: Are you Factoring Opportunity Cost into your Decisions?
Friday: We Bought a House! -
Walking to Wealth hosted the Carnival of Personal Finance and included my post Why Outsourcing Will Only Increase Over Time.
Weekend Reading
For my weekly list of recommended articles and posts, I decided to mix it up a bit and share posts from five blogs I either visited for the first time this week or that I haven’t shared in the past. Check them out!
Glen from Monster Piggy Bank talks about work-life balance and priorities in The Real Truth about Flex Time
Blair from Life, Dollars, and Sense talks insurance in Why is My Car Insurance So Expensive?
Savvy Scot shares about how your smart phone can save you money in Money Saving Apps
Blinkin from funancials talks investing strategy in How Can I Bet Against the Stock Market?
Bridget from Money After Graduation shares Are you entitled to your dream at any cost?
Also, thanks to everyone who helped get our Facebook account over the 100 follower mark! We appreciate your support!
Photo by Nick Taylor
Thanks for including me on your weekend reading. Hopefully I will see you back over at my site soon :)
@MonsterPiggyBank Already have you on my favorites list, I will definitely be checking out your site in the future.
When we got a new house we got a dog too. Turns out our has massive allergies but we sitll love her. Hopefully the allergy test comes back soon!
@Money Life and More My father-in-law has a dog with bad allergies. He takes steroids now and he’s a LOT better.
yay for the house!!
@RFIndependence : ) Now time to get to work! #Clean #Renovate #Move
I’m so happy that you’re going to get a shelter dog :)
@SenseofCents We wouldn’t even consider another one! Must be a shelter dog.
Thanks for mentioning Funancials. The fact that you’re able to write 5 times/week (and have them all be quality) is redonkulous.