Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
It was a long week for me as it is quarter-close and as an accountant that means potentially longer hours and lots of “fire drills.” I narrowly escaped having to work today and subsequently would have only had a one-day weekend. Thankfully that didn’t happen and instead I am headed to the Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch with my wife!
What are you up to this weekend?
Quick Hits
My wife finished something like her 25th book the past week, and I have really only finished a whopping two full books this year. That’s pretty pathetic. I have a terrible habit of starting books and not finishing them. This week I started an interesting book called The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide
by Sean Brodrick. It’s essentially a survivalist book and covers a wide range of scenarios. My favorite part about it is that he bases the potential for catastrophic events on facts and research. I’ve only just started it so I will let you all know how it is.
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: Why Outsourcing Will Only Increase Over Time
Tuesday: What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI)?
Wednesday: How We Saved Hundreds of Dollars on Coffee
Thursday: How to Manage and Prioritize Your Time Better
Friday: Why Musicians Hate Spotify…and Why They Shouldn’t
Weekend Reading
Here is my weekly list of recommended articles and posts:
John from Frugal Rules talks retirement savings in You Left Your Job, Now Take Your 401k With You
Veronica from Pelican on Money discusses unemployment in How To Get Out of Unemployment Depression
Kim from Eyes on the Dollar gives us more details about her new rental property in Rental Property Series: How Much Did It Cost?
Canadian Budget Binder shows you how to save money with gardening in Fall Gardening..Go Grow Something And Save!
Pauline from Reach Financial Independence asks an important question in How much are you ready to give to your job?
Emily from One Smart Dollar shares Common Home Buying Mistakes
Greg from Club Thrifty talks about a controversial subject in Paying for College: Should Parents Have a Say in Their Child’s Choice of Major?
Jeremy from Modest Money dives into the Tax Implications Of Running A Blog
CF from The Outlier Model discusses Getting Pre-Approved for a Mortgage
That’s all I have for you, hope you all have a great weekend, and here’s to the Vikings going 4-1! Skol! ;)
Photo by liz west
The only way I finish a book is if it captures me in the first chapter. If I get bored and am not learning anything of importance I tend to forget it. My mum can read book after book after book.. sometimes she reads 1 book per day. Have fun at the apple orchard! We still have to pick up a pumpkin some time this week. What’s your favourite apple? Mine is delicious! Cheers Mr.CBB
@CanadianBudgetB When my Dad was younger, he would read a book a day during the summer. Not surprisingly, he was valedictorian of high school and college and now has a phd in chemistry. A love of reading can really pay off! I get books from the library and if I don’t finish them before they are due I usually never do. That’s been my problem!
You gotta go with honeycrisp apples!
I hardly read any books either, so don’t feel bad! I just can’t find the time to dedicate to it. And when I really like a book, it’s impossible for me to put it down, so I really need to believe that I have time for it first haha
@SenseofCents That’s my primary problem as well. Between my job, working on this site, and all my other responsibilities as a human I really don’t have much time left over. That being said, if I took a day to make a list of every book I’ve thought “I want to read that some day” I bet the list would be over 100 books long. One day I’ll get to them ;)
I read lots of books, but only two since starting my blog. Something had to give. Thanks for the mention.
@Eyesonthedollar Yep that’s what gave for me as well. I also have put a ton of time into improving my technical skills the past year and that has taken up a decent amount of time outside of work.
Thanks for the mention! I love books, sometimes I don’t think about carrying them around but I always have a few reads in PDF on my ipod, that I can check when waiting, taking the train…
@RFIndependence That’s great! Will you have more time to read in Guatemala???
@DC @ Young Adult Money I certainly hope so! The plan is to build a guesthouse, with a huge library in the living room overlooking the lake! Life is slow and simple over there, so lots of free time to read.
@RFIndependence That sounds like an amazing life : )
Thanks for the mention DC. So, how well are the Vikings going to do this season? I think they may have surprised some critics with their record out of the gate. Have a great weekend!
@FrugalRules I think very few people thought they would be 3-1. They play the Titans this weekend so I think that should be an easy win. I think this could be a big year for them!
Last weekend my wife and I went to the apple orchard. With the huge shortage of apples this year the prices were sure high. I can;t pass on the apple cider doughnuts though :-) Thanks a lot for the mention.
@OneSmartDollar Apple Cider Doughnuts sound amazing. We usually don’t buy apples there but we will probably get cider and apple butter.
It was year end for us but luckily our month end stays about the same because I work at the plant level. It is corporate who goes scrambling to deal with all of the SEC stuff.
@Money Life and More Nice! Quarter close is always bad for us but this close was worse because the systems went down and ended up being a day late for the second and third day….we narrowly escaped working Saturday. Year-end we will have to work Saturday, that’s a known fact. But anyway it’s usually not this bad quarter-close just system issues we couldn’t avoid.
David, thanks for mentioning my post, you’re a charm. Don’t worry, I haven’t read ANY books at all this year, how’s that for pathetic? But I did get an awesome programming tutorial which I plan to follow during my commute (I don’t driver).
@Veronica @ Pelican on Money Haha that’s not too bad, it’s surprising that I haven’t read more because my wife has read SO many. I stupidly made a bet that I would read more than her….I’m obviously failing miserably! I don’t read as much either because I also go through some programming books/tutorials and that takes up a lot of my time.
Thanks for mentioning our post! Hopefully others are not as paperwork adverse as I am :)