Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
After working a one-day and two-day week the past two weeks, this was my first time back at work full-time since my sinus surgery. While I missed having all day to lounge around and work on this site, I don’t miss taking painkillers every four hours and having plastic splints in my nose.
I’m headed to my grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary party today. Having just celebrated my first wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago, it’s hard to imagine 60 years down the road. Not surprisingly, they were the “longest married couple” at our wedding last September.
Quick Hits
I reached my goal of getting in the top 200k in Alexa rankings! When I initially joined the Yakezie challenge last month, I set a goal of getting under the 200,000 mark by mid-February. Surprisingly (at least to me!) I reached my goal in just over a month. It definitely motivates me to continue putting out good content on the blog despite it taking a lot (okay…almost all) of my spare time.
Bible Money Matters hosted the Carnival of Personal Finance and included Victoria’s post Ways to Buy Safe Cleaning Products on a Budget.
Earth and Money hosted the Yakezie Carnival and included Victoria’s post Ways to Stay Fit on a Budget.
My University Money hosted the The Carnival of Financial Camaraderie #49 and included my post Would You Work Abroad?.
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: 5 Great Real Estate and Home Renovation Shows
Tuesday: Save tons of Money by using the Library
Wednesday: No Job Is Safe
Thursday: Ways to Save on “Everyday Use” Items
Friday: What We Can Learn From Donald Trump
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some of the posts from around the web I enjoyed:
Daisy from Add Vodka shares a post about pets and money in My Expensive Rescue Dog
John from Frugal Rules helps you save money in 7 Frugal Ways To Save Money While Eating Out
Lance from Money Life and More gives a warning in How I Bought A House On A Whim and Why You Shouldn’t
Kim from Eyes on the Dollar asks Does LASIK Surgery Make Financial Sense?
Jeremy from Modest Money explores The Real Costs of Running a Blog Business
Sean from One Smart Dollar shares an inspirational story in Rags-to-Riches: a Chinese-American Story
Michelle from See Debt Run gets in the Halloween mood in Homemade Halloween Costumes – My Cheap New Tradition
Holly from Club Thrifty shares her distaste of shopping malls in Voluntary Torture: A Trip to Our Local Shopping Mall
Michelle from Making Sense of Cents explores ways to save money in Cutting Expenses
Veronica from Pelican on Money asks Are You in the Business of Building Relationships?
That’s all I have for you, hope you have a great weekend and I’ll be back at it Monday with another week of posts.
Thanks for the inclusion and congrats on the Alexa. I don’t remember how long it took me but it was definitely more than a month! Congrats on your success!
@Money Life and More Hey no problem and thanks! I know your Alexa ranking keeps dropping like a rock so congrats on that as well!
Thanks so much for the mention! I hope you have a great weekend!
@Holly at ClubThrifty No problem! And thanks, I hope you have a great weekend as well!
So what will be your next big challenge? Under 100K? Thanks for the mention. My husband is 42, and still has a set of grandparents around. They got married at 17 and 19, I think, and are in their mid 80’s now, so that’s over 65 years! It would be nice if more people took marriage that seriously these days.
@Eyesonthedollar 65 years! Impressive! Next challenge? I guess under 150k! I imagine it will start dropping a lot slower now.
Thanks for the mention. Have fun at your grandparents anniversary party.
@OneSmartDollar No problem, and it’s definitely been a fun party so far (besides seeing the Gophers lose earlier….)
Congratulations on reaching your Alexa goal! Enjoy your grandparents’ anniversary, mine just celebrated 62 years, inspiring!
@RFIndependence 62? Crazy!
Congrats to your grandparents DC, 60 years is awesome! Awesome of the Alexa ranking as well. Thanks so much for the mention. Have a great weekend!
@FrugalRules No problem, and thanks!
Thanks for mentioning my post. Congrats on your Alexa!
@SenseofCents No problem, and thanks!
Wow, you did fantastic on your challenge! I can’t believe it, wow! Way to go! Geeesh! Well, thank you so much for mentioning my post this week, I hope (by now you’re probably back) you had a wonderful time at your grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary party!
@Veronica @ Pelican on Money Thanks! The anniversary party went great!
60 years, wow! Congrats to the g-rents! Thanks for including my post, DC! I haven’t written anything at all this weekend, since my 8-year-old has strep and we’re just trying to keep the house clean! :/ Hope you had a great time at the party and got some tips on how to stay happy in marriage for that many years! I know Jefferson and I are completely committed to each other, so I know we’ll make it….but will we think each other annoying after that long? Probably so! Ha! =D
@seedebtrun Sorry to hear about the strep, that’s never good :( I’ve been trying really hard to get ahead as we close a week from Wednesday on the house, then it’s going to be a 3-week marathon of moving out of apartment, painting our apartment back, cleaning the house, getting started on some of the things we need to change in the house, etc. So we are in frenzy mode here!
Well…the main thing I learned is people rarely make it to their 60th anniversary because people simply do not always make it to that old of age! My grandpa said of his 9 siblings he was the only one to be alive (with his spouse alive as well) for their 60th. He actually broke down and cried! :0 I was a bit taken aback, as this happened when he read the card from us. It was a good day, tho.
Your site is growing so fast. way to go! Maybe by this time next year you’ll be under the 100K mark :0) Congrats to your grandparents, 60 years is a very long time.
@Liquid_Independ Thanks for the encouragement! The Alexa ranking is still dropping!
Great job reaching your Alexa ranking goal! Keep up with the great content and I am sure it will continue to improve!
@TotalMortgage Thanks!