Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post.
What a week it has been! I had surgery last Tuesday and finally got these giant nasty splints taken out of my nose on Tuesday. Once those were out I have been feeling a lot better – it kind of helps when you are able to breathe out of your nose.
Quick Hits
Monday was my wife and my 1 year anniversary. It’s crazy how fast a year can go by and how much has happened. In the past year we’ve gotten married, moved into our first apartment, found a house (closing in two and a half weeks), and much more.
Speaking of my wife, she posted part three of her four-part weekly series on Ways to be Healthy Without Breaking your Budget. This week’s post was Ways to Buy Safe Cleaning Products on a Budget. If you missed them, week two was Ways to Stay Fit on a Budget and week one was Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget.
Free Money Finance hosted the Carnival of Personal Finance and included my post Why Most People Don’t Pursue Side Income.
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: 10 Ways to Make Money in the Wedding Industry
Tuesday: Should you pay off student loans early?
Wednesday: How to Make Money on YouTube
Thursday: Ways to Buy Safe Cleaning Products on a Budget
Friday: Conquering Big Goals through Small Goals
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some of the posts from around the web I enjoyed:
Michelle from See Debt Run shares a moving post in Already Rich – What Cancer Has Taught Me
Greg from Club Thrifty shares Why Saving Money Feels as Good as Spending Does
Jeremy from Modest Money talks car buying in 7 Considerations for Buying A Cheap Car
Jason guest posts at Bible Money Matters in his post Being A Good Steward May Include More Than You Think
L. Bee from L Bee and the Money Tree discusses how much her dog has cost her in How much for puppy?
Brooke guest posts at Making Sense of Cents and gives a story of extreme saving in What Saving $23,000 for Travel Taught Me
John from Frugal Rules talks budgeting in Why I Love the Envelope Budget System
Emily from One Smart Dollar gives some advice in Common Banking Fees and How to Avoid Them
Kim from Eyes on the Dollar shares more about their rental renovation in Rental Property Series: Overcoming Setbacks
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention DC. Congrats on the 1 year wedding anniversary.
@Modest Money No problem, and thanks!
Congrats on the one year anniversary. You made it longer than Kim K!
@Money Life and More Haha I don’t know if making it longer than Kim K is saying much ;)
Congrats on your anniversary :) Thanks for a Saturday morning reading list once again !
@thetightwadtale Thank you!
Thanks a lot for the mention. Congrats on the anniversary
@OneSmartDollar Thanks!
Happy Anniversary! May you be blessed with many more happy years together! Thanks for including my post this week, DC! Hope you feel better every day from your surgery. It will all be worth it when you make it through a season without getting another sinus infection, I’m sure.
@seedebtrun Definitely worth it! The worst of it is over (the splints…I will still have nightmares about those for years…). Thanks, I hope that we have many many more years as well!
Thanks a lot for the mention DC. Congrats on the anniversary and the house closing!
@FrugalRules Hey no problem, and thanks! The house closing is coming up sooo quick….
Happy Anniversary DC! We just had our 4 year at the beginning of the month and I gotta say, time flies. Good luck on the closing. We closed exactly one week before our wedding but it went smoothly. Have a good weekend!
@DebtnTaxes Thanks, and congrats on your four year anniversary! Oh wow a week before your wedding?? That’s impressive.
Thanks for including me DC! Congrats on the one-year. Let us know what you gifted ;) hope it was good!
@Lbeemoneytree No problem! Well….we actually decided to not get gifts :0 Just got cards and stayed at a bed and breakfast. We decided not to because we close on our house in a couple weeks and figured we’d save the cash for that…we are going on a cruise in February tho (we were going to go in September but decided to move it to winter for obvious reasons haha).
Thanks for the mention! Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Holly at ClubThrifty No problem! Thanks!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you got to do something special. Thanks for the mention. Betting you’re under 200K next week.