Another week another weekend post for Young Adult Money.
I’m starting to really enjoy putting these weekend posts together and sharing some updates as well as sharing some great posts that I’ve read the past week.
Quick Hits
So I started the Yakezie challenge two weeks ago and Young Adult Money is now in the top 650,000 websites in the world. This is an improvement from the 1,178,184 ranking the site had as of August 18th. The goal is to get under 200,000 by mid-February, and it looks like I’m on pace to reach the goal.
The roof was finished on our house this week. Haven’t taken a look yet (we close in a little over a month), but I’m definitely pumped to become a home owner! If you’re curious, here’s what I learned from our inspection.
Before closing on the house I have to make it through my sinus surgery (less than two weeks away). The total cost of the surgery might shock you.
I flew through season threeand four
of Mad Men. So hooked on that show! Season 5 doesn’t come out until October, so I need some more ideas for shows I should watch. Any favorite shows I should check out?
Weekend Reading
Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time reading other personal finance blogs. Here are some of my favorite posts from the past week:
Jefferson at See Debt Run discusses the end of the ATM?
Kristina at DINKs Finance discusses Different Strategies for Different People
Em at My Journey to Millions shares 5 Places You’re Not Looking for Content Ideas.
Zach at Milk and Honey Money shares The 6 Essential Steps to Taking Control of Your Finances
Average Joe at Average Joe’s Money Blog gives a (now) hilarious story about his misfortune in You Have No Idea What I Paid For This Room
Holly at Club Thrifty discusses friends and finances in Dealing with Friends: How Much is Too Much to Spend?
Melissa at Bible Money Matters gives people struggling to pay down debt a psychological boost in Paying Down Debt? Make Sure To Recognize Non-Financial Progress
Kim at Eyes on the Dollar discusses the cost of pet ownership. This was particularly relevant to us as we are hoping to get a dog in a couple months. Can’t wait!
Making Sense of Cents warns first-time homebuyers in Warning: First-Time Home Buyers Are In For Financial Shock
Debtsntaxes discusses the tv show Love it or list it
Nick over at Modest Money talks real estate in 5 Apps to Inspire your New Home Build.
Lance at Money Life & More fights the war on lifestyle inflation in Combat Lifestyle Inflation: Save Half of Every Raise for Retirement!
Don at 20s Finances shares Four Tips For College
Ornella at Moneylicious Blog gives a touching story (and some advice) in How I helped a customer get ALL of his BANK FEES REFUNDED
Hope you all have a GREAT long weekend (if you are from the US!). And if you are working, I salute you. As usual, be sure to catch me on Twitter and Facebook.
Thanks for the mention. Have a great weekend!!!
@Holly at ClubThrifty No problem, hope you have a great weekend as well!
Thank you for mentioning me. I appreciate it :-)
@OrnellaGrosz No problem!
Thanks for the mention. I really love Breaking Bad if you haven’t seen that one.
@Eyesonthedollar Oh! My bro actually got that for my birthday and I haven’t watched it yet! I will definitely check it out.
Great job on the blogging success so far, DC! You’re doing great. Don’t look at the numbers too much….just keep writing great content and you’ll get there before you know it. Thanks for linking my post.
@seedebtrun No problem about linking to the post, and thanks for the encouragement!
Your Alexa is down to 583,000 today! Congrats! It really does drop like a rock especially once you get a lot of Yakezie bloggers visiting your blog :)
@Money Life and More I love it, and I am thoroughly enjoying the Yakezie challenge!
Thanks for the mention! You have been doing an awesome job growing your blog so far so keep up the good work. As for tv shows to watch. The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Parks and Recreation, Lost, Prison Break just to name a few lol. All great shows.
@DebtnTaxes Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks for mentioning the guest post on my blog DC. Your Alexa really is improving quickly. I know I’m a bit late getting to this post, but it’s down 100k since you wrote this post. While there are more important things in blogging than the numbers, they do provide good motivation early on.
@Modest Money Hey no problem. The numbers definitely are motivating in the beginning, at least they have been for me. It looks like I should break 500k this week, which is huge.
You’ll reach your goal in no time! As a fellow pf blogger, I’ll help you out! :)
@Vancity Tightwad Thank you! I just added you to my favorites!
Between your awesome content and commenting you’ll make your goal by October if I had to guess. Anything I can do to make that happen please do not hesitate to throw me an email!
@MJTM Thank I really appreciate it! I have a ton of respect for your site, lots of great content.
Thanks DC! Congrats on staying up on your grueling posting schedule :)