Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
Quick Hits
It was a good week for me as far as side work goes. I unexpectedly got a pretty big project for the next week and a half that will give me quite a few hours this weekend, at night throughout next week, and next weekend. This is for spreadsheet/database consulting work and I am working primarily in Google Spreadsheets which has been both fun because it’s a Google product and there are some nice features about it…and frustrating because of limitations in their program.
In light of the last bullet point, if any personal finance bloggers (or just a reader who wants to write about a personal finance topic) want to guest post next week, shoot me an email at DC @ YoungAdultMoney.com. I do not have a guest posting policy published (it’s on my to do list, just haven’t gotten around to it) but if you email me I will reply with some guidelines. Thanks in advance!
I have only one week of work left before Christmas and even though I just had a week off for Thanksgiving, I definitely feel like it can’t come soon enough. I will relax some but also will be plugging away at this site, whatever side work I have to finish up, and working on the house some. Perhaps I could just work at hyperspeed the next week and a half and have a true staycation???
Anyone else taking time off for the holidays? Last I talked to my Dad he pretty much has 2/3 of December off for PTO #Lucky
In case you missed any posts from this week:
Monday: Saving Money Grocery Shopping – $100 Giveaway! (GIVEAWAY Post!)
Tuesday: 10 Things I Learned from Working at Pizza Hut
Wednesday: The Costs Involved in Sinus Surgery
Thursday: Resale Value and other Considerations When Buying a Home
Friday: Will Young Adults opt-out of Health Insurance? Economics Lessons from Health Care Reform
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some posts from this week that I really enjoyed:
Justin from The Frugal Path asks Credit Cards: Should I Blame Them for my Debt?
My answer? NO! -
Glen from Monster Piggy Bank proposes an interesting idea in Using Your Mortgage as your Emergency Fund
Marissa from thirtysixmonths has less than two days left in her $50 itunes-or-Amazon gift card giveaway
Sicorra from Tackling Our Debt explains Six Benefits of Starting Your Own Business
These are some great benefits, but remember there are also benefits to being an employee as well. -
Tonya from Budget & the Beach gives an optimist view in Big Things Await
Michelle from Everything Finance is giving away an Apple iPad Mini in Home Depot Trouble — An Overdue Update
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Photo by Sebastian Dooris
The next few weeks I work 4 days, 3 days, 3 days and 3 days. :) Will be a nice 4 weeks of not quite as much work at the job :)
@Money Life and More Oh that sounds really nice! a bunch of short weeks!
I never thought about putting spreadsheet and fun in the same sentence :) Last week, I put leek and fun together, really, to each his own…
@RFIndependence Haha nice catch! I can’t imagine how a leak would be fun….maybe you had fun fixing the leak? Wait a second how can that be fun… : P
@DC @ Young Adult Money Leek as the vegetable most kids in their right minds hate to eat! I use leeks in my pizza recipe. I fixed a few leaks in the house and that was certainly not a fun time, I’d rather work on a spreadsheet than fix a leak!!
@RFIndependence Haha I should have known better than to think you had a spelling error in your comment ;) “Leeks” doesn’t sound that appetizing : / Though I think I did comment that I would try out that pizza….
Thanks for including me DC and congrats on finding some side work. I hope your venture goes well for you and maybe you’ll get some fodder for this site while you’re working away.
@JustinatTheFrugalPath No problem! I definitely think it can provide some content for this site, just have to figure out the best way to present it.
That is so cool that you have that amazing side project going on. I know how much you love spreadsheets :-) Thanks very much for the include this week. I really appreciate it!
Let the countdown to Christmas vacation begin!!
@TacklingOurDebt No problem! And I’m definitely counting down to Christmas vacation.
Congrats on the side work! And yes, I left some vacation days for this month and I’m super happy that next week will be my last full week of work until the middle of January!
@SenseofCents Thanks! I’m definitely having fun doing it, believe it or not ;) That’s a long break! Good for you!