Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
Quick Hits
It’s December and I only have two more full weeks of work before Christmas…hard to believe. I’m hopefully going to get some Christmas decorations up this weekend. Has anyone else done some Christmas decorating? How much do you do?
This week I’ve been doing a little more “side work” than usual, which has been great for the bank account. The flip side is that I was so tired last night that I actually went to bed earlier on Friday night than any other night this week…I guess sometimes you just need to “catch up” on sleep.
In case you missed any posts from this week:
Monday: Black Friday Haul
Tuesday: How to Make the Most of Yearly Reviews
Wednesday: Working in Television and around the Globe: Interview with Brandy Green of Ghost Hunters International
Thursday: 5 Ways to Make Side Income
Friday: Will You Regret These 5 Things? -
20’s Finances mentioned our post Why You Need Health Insurance in The Financial Carnival for Young Adults and Narrowbridge mentioned our post Our Cultural Split Personality: Frugality and Consumerism in Carnival of Personal Finance.
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some posts from this week that I really enjoyed:
Greg from Club Thrifty shares Things I’d Rather Hire Somebody Else to Do
Peter from Bible Money Matters helps you save money in How We Saved Almost $1000 On Our Homeowners And Auto Insurance Premiums
John from Frugal Rules talks investing in 5 Frugal Ways to Start Investing Now
John from Frugal Rules shares 4 Minutes That Changed My Life Forever II, a Thoughtful Thanksgiving
Kira from PlanWise shares The Gift of Giving (without consuming)
Michelle from Sense of Cents is giving away two $25 Aldi gift cards in Weekly Roundup And Giveaway!
Melissa from Everything Finance is giving away an Apple iPad Mini in Win an Apple Ipad Mini – Everything Finance’s First Giveaway!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Photo by Jackie
Thanks for mentioning my giveaway!
@SenseofCents No problem!
Thanks so much for the mentions DC! I can relate to your Friday night…my wife and I did the same thing, it was a crazy busy week. Have a great rest of the weekend!
@FrugalRules No problem! I think the second one was a typo/carryover from last week, but why not leave it up? haha. Hope you have a good weekend as well.
We haven’t started decorating yet. But hope to get our tree next weekend. Hard to believe it’s already Dec 1st.
@StudentDebtSurvivor Yeah time flies, only one month until 2013…where did 2012 go?!?
We have our Christmas tree up in the house, some pine tree garland(?) on the banister going upstairs and I’ll be putting up lights on the outside of the first floor of our townhouse today. That’s about it for us. Oh and christmasy placemats.
@Money Life and More Very nice! We got the tree up, stockings, and a wreath our realtors dropped off. We also have a small collection of snow globes and some other smaller decorations. Definitely makes it feel more like Christmas.
One other thing around here is when there is no snow outside it really doesn’t feel like Christmas/Winter. It’s a bit strange to be December already and not have at least an inch or two on the ground. A couple years ago we got hit hard (if you follow the NFL you might remember the Viking’s stadium roof collapsing lol) and there was literally two feet of snow on the ground before Thanksgiving…it was insane!
We’ve got our tree up. I just have to do the lights on the tree and my wife does the rest. We don’t do outside lights though because I’m not a fan.
Congrats on the side income. Extra money is always a nice thing to have. It’s especially nice when you just bought a new home :)
@JustinatTheFrugalPath I enjoy the outside lights, probably because I have memories of helping my Dad set them up as a kid. I won’t be setting any up this year but I have been slowly buying them on sale after Christmas each year. Next year I might have a blowout display ;)
The side cash was definitely appreciated this week. The expenses with the house are never-ending, so it’s nice to see some more cash going into the bank account.
Congrats on the additional work with your side gigs! This time of year can definitely be busy for lots and lots of people!
@Jon H Thanks man! I gotta take the side work when it comes my way…it’s not always there. I’m looking forward to Christmas, that’s for sure!
I just put up our decorations today. We usually wait until a little closer to Christmas, but decided to do it early this year. Nice job on the extra income and I know how you feel about crashing early after staying up late all week.
@DebtRoundUp Nice, we just finished up our decorating today. It’s looking good!
Thanks for mentioning my post!
Decorating…. as always I find myself scheduling my Christmas tree outing well into the month of December (the 16th) since that is the soonest date I have time. Hopefully it will go back fast so I can get my holiday fix! Also I really liked your post of making side income!
@KiraThompson Thanks so much Kira, and thanks for mentioning me in your post. I really appreciate all your support for the site!
@DC @ Young Adult Money :)
I love the weekly posts, they’re always reminding me to check out my favorite blogs!
@Matt at XpensablesDotCom Thanks for the positive feedback!