Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
Quick Hits
Did anyone do Black Friday shopping? I went a few places and got some great deals – there might be a post about it next week. My brother picked up an IPad mini
which is awesome. If you don’t have one yourself and want a chance at winning one, my first ever giveaway is ending in about three days. The grand prize is an iPad mini and $50 cash for a case. Four other entrants will get $25 each.
Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, I’m sure lots of people have started their Christmas shopping and decorating. I’m ready to get the house decorated, but we are still doing a lot of work on the house since we only moved in a couple months ago. I would love to at least get a tree set up this weekend, but we’ll see how the rest of the painting goes.
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: Our Cultural Split-Personality: Frugality and Consumerism
Tuesday: Why Credit Cards are Good
Wednesday: Why You Need Health Insurance
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday: How to Save Hundreds of Dollars on Christmas Decorations
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some posts from this week that I really enjoyed:
Kristina from DINKs Finance shares Money Lessons I Will Teach My Kids
Tonya from Budget and the Beach takes a different approach to the Black Friday madness in Falling in love again with your stuff
Sicorra from Tackling Our Debt gives some ideas for people who could use some extra cash during the Holiday season in Could You Use Some Extra Money This Christmas?
John from Frugal Rules shares 4 Minutes That Changed My Life Forever II, a Thoughtful Thanksgiving
Holly from Club Thrifty is legitimately upset at bad corporate policy and customer service in Toys ‘R Us Corporate Policy: Stealing?!?
John from Christian Personal Finance shares some good tips in How To Handle Financial Stress
One last thing: Thanksgiving is over, but I wanted to say I am truly thankful for everyone that stops by each day and reads my posts. Even more, I appreciate everyone who comments, tweets, likes, and shares my posts. Thank you so much!
Photo by Patrick Lentz
We got our tree up yesterday but still need to decorate it. Putting it up is half the battle though when it isn’t a live tree :)
@Money Life and More Yeah we had a fake one last year, getting a real one this year. Our Living room is a war zone right now tho, got some work to do before getting the decorations up.
Just gave you the Christmas gift of a tweet! Merry tweetmas
@Free in Ten Years Haha appreciate it
I did a little shopping yesterday, but it was just clothes for myself haha
@SenseofCents Don’t feel bad, I always just shop for myself on Black Friday :0
Thanks for the link love! I REALLY want to win that ipad mini! :)
@Beachbudget You just might win it!
Thanks very much for the link love DC!! We didn’t go shopping at all.Poked around a little online, for tech stuff, but that was it.
I did just read a post from a woman who who took her young daughter to WalMart because they wanted to get some cheap PJs for the girl. The mother said that not only was the WalMart parking lot completely full but every parking lot within walking distance as well as the side streets, were full of cars. She told her daughter sorry they were not going in, and went home instead.
@TacklingOurDebt Haha that’s too bad. I am not a fan of WalMart but will go there for certain things that I want for as cheap as possible. I would try to avoid bringing my kids, that’s for sure….these stores are zoos this time of year.
Thanks for the mention DC! We did not go out yesterday to shop. We did it all online and I am waiting til Monday to get a few more things for my wife. We did do our annual tradition of going out for dinner last night and look at Christmas lights. Have a great rest of the weekend!
@FrugalRules Nice, I haven’t even thought about putting up Christmas lights yet…guess I’ve been a bit busy.
Managed to do some shopping this weekend! The UK’s shops are getting more and more manic each year to try and copy our friends on the other side of the pond!
@SavvyScot1 Got some shopping in, a post coming up tomorrow morning about what I got ;)