Welcome to the weekly Saturday Quick Hits and Weekend Reading post!
November already? Time flies.
I have a morning full of yard work in front of me so wish me luck. We bagged 9 giant trash bags full of leaves already, and we haven’t even finished the front lawn. Also, since it has been in the 30s and low 40s here recently, I decided to post a pic of Hawaii, where it’s warm year-round…why don’t I live there again?
Quick Hits
We finally finished painting and cleaning our apartment and have fully moved out. It’s a great feeling and makes owning the house a lot more “real.” One thing I am really enjoying about the house is being able to envision how I see it when all our renovations are done. Granted the pricier renovations may not be done for a few years (if ever), but it’s still fun to imagine what it will look like when we are done making the house “our own.”
I am very excited to be participating in my first giveaway next week along with some other bloggers. It was put together by Michelle at Making Sense of Cents, so look for a post about that this Wednesday.
My wife has her GRE psychology subject matter test next weekend. She’s spent a ton of time studying for both this test and the regular GRE, so I know she’s looking forward to not having to study anymore. I’m excited for her to be done as well – I know preparing for standardized tests can take a lot out of you.
Did everyone have a good Halloween? I didn’t do anything for it on the day of (I went as a hippie to a party last weekend, tho), but a couple of our friends stopped by with their 22-month old who was dressed up as a Lion. He’s like a nephew to us and we definitely gave him a ton of candy, and maybe a coloring book, and maybe some toy cars…yes, sometimes we spoil him :)
In case you missed any posts from this week, here they are:
Monday: Why You Should Not Paint Your Apartment
Tuesday: How To Clean Your Gutters Without A Ladder
Wednesday: Get the clutter out: 5 things to organize today
Thursday: How to Be Awesome at Excel
Friday: When a Renovation/Addition is NOT Worth It
Weekend Reading
As usual, here are some posts from this week that I really enjoyed:
Veronica from Pelican on Money shares an awesome story about Thank You cards in The Thank You Letter that Landed a Job
Mr. CBB from Canadian Budget Binder shares some tips in How To Have The Wedding Of Your Dreams And Still Be Frugal
Kim from Eyes on the Dollar shares What Happens Before and After Foreclosure?
Holly from Club Thrifty shares My Escape from the “Toxic Employee from HELL”
Savvyscot talks about my favorite topic in Change Your Life – Step 5 Learn New Skills
I set a goal last night of getting the Young Adult Money Facebook page to 1,000 likes by July 1st of 2013. This just so happens to be the 1-year anniversary of the site as well as my birthday. If you enjoy this blog please like the Facebook page!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Photo by Sarah_Ackerman
Congrats on all the house stuff. We’ve lived in our first house for over a year and there is still a ton we want to do!
I’m also participating in the Making Sense of Cents giveaway! Great minds think alike.
Good luck with your facebook goal. You are much more ambitious than I am :)
@Money Life and More I saw that you were going the giveaway as well! Way pumped.
For the Facebook likes, I know someone who went from zero to over 1k by doing one $100 amazon giveaway, tho I have no expectation of accomplishing that in one giveaway haha
I’m excited for our giveaway! It will be fun :) And I’m sure you’ll get to 1K in no time.
@SenseofCents Can’t wait! And thanks, tho Facebook likes seem to accumulate very slowly…
The important part is to see that vision with your house. Many times homeowners struggle to see a vision when they purchase a home that needs upgrades and let the good ones go by. I have plenty of renovations to do myself and as I get them done it looks fabulous. Don’t skimp out on quality where you don’t have to especially if you plan to live there for a long time. Nothing worse then having to pay twice to do something. Thanks for the mention mate. Mr.CBB
Ooo, I feel so special making a short list of your posts :) I’m envious of your weather as always, it’s too dang hot here! 80-85 right now and supposed to get into the 90’s. Damn global warming!
We carved pumpkins and got candy ready and NOBODY came by our place. Oh well, I’m going to end up eating all of that candy haha!
I’m glad you don’t have to worry your apt. Can’t imagine having to paint it all over just to move out! Yikes. Also can’t wait for the giveaway, hopefully someone deserving wins it.
@Veronica @ Pelican on Money 80-85 degrees?? Wow! I don’t mind the Fall weather, but I’m bracing myself for the super cold winter months that are right around the corner :/ also I have been eating an obscene amount of candy the past few days!
@DC @ Young Adult Money @Veronica Extra dentist trips :)
Thanks for the mention. Did I know you lived in Hawaii? Love to hear more about that. Good luck with the projects. We have been in our house for over 8 years and there is always something I want to do. The end result is worth it.
@Eyesonthedollar Definitely excited about the projects, and no I don’t live in Hawaii. I live in Minnesota :0 kind of the opposite of Hawaii haha. I was in Hawaii about two years ago for my sister-in-law’s wedding and absolutely loved it. I wouldn’t mind living there.
Best of luck with the leaves and the Facebook likes. I’ll be following your progress.