Happy Saturday everyone! Welcome to the first ever SATURDAY post on Young Adult Money.
Life has been crazy since starting this blog, and I’ve started to put more time into it since starting the Yakezie Challenge. Young Adult Money’s Alexa rank is now under 1 million globally! Here’s to reaching the 200,000 mark by mid-February.
Quick Hits
I’m hitting up the Minnesota State Fair this weekend. It’s kind of a big deal here (just ask Peter at Bible Money Matters).
Last night we picked out the shingles for the roof of our new house. We close in about a month and a half and are super pumped. We have found a renter who essentially is 99% sure they are going to rent from us, so getting the rental portion of the home ready is going to be a big priority.
Speaking of homes…it’s crazy how much I learned about home maintenance from our inspection. Might be a good thing to write a post about next week…
I’ve been getting really into the tv show Mad Men. Finished season three in just three days last weekend. If you haven’t watched it, get season one
asap! You won’t be disappointed.
Weekend Reading
Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time reading other personal finance blogs. Here are some of my favorite posts from the past week:
Holly at Club Thrifty talks about her Real Estate addiction in Real Estate Rehab: Confessions of a Houseaholic.
Peter at Bible Money Matters gives 8 Reasons Why You Should Buy Life Insurance Today (And 2 Why You Shouldn’t)
Jeremy over at Modest Money shares 5 Places You’re Not Looking for Content Ideas.
Lance at Money Life & More explains Why Redbox Isn’t As Cheap As You Think
A guest poster at See Debt Run posted about Savings Goals for Families
Making Sense of Cents wrote about Do You Want To Be Self Employed?
The Other Guy at Average Joe’s Money Blog gives his two cents in The Markets Reach 4-Year Highs…Now What? Protect Your Investments!.
Hope you all have a great weekend. Be sure to catch me on Twitter and Facebook, I’m on there all the time. Pretty much an addict.
I think you will be under 200K WAY before February. I’m thinking like maybe 2 months. Thanks for the mention also :)
@SenseofCents Wow you are quite the optimist ;) And no problem!
You are doing so great growing your young blog, DC! Keep up the great work! I added you to our list this weekend. Thank you so much for linking to our post!
@seedebtrun Thanks for the encouragement! I just got around to adding you to our blogroll. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention! I hope you have a great weekend! Greg is from MN =)
@Holly at ClubThrifty No problem, hope you are having a great weekend as well! That’s awesome that Greg is from here, I’ve lived in the Twin Cities metro my entire life.
You got that right, the MN state fair is a big stinkin deal! It’s the largest state fair in the country when it comes to average daily attendance. 1.77 million people attended last year alone! I have a post talking about the MN State Fair here: http://www.biblemoneymatters.com/going-to-the-state-fair-is-expensive-how-to-avoid-overspending/ We’ll be going to the fair next Saturday, can’t wait!
Thanks for the link love my friend!
@moneymatters Awesome, I’m headed there tomorrow afternoon as well as next Saturday! I go every year. Can’t wait!
You have a beautiful blog here, DC!
@SSmartFinance Thanks I appreciate it!
Thanks for the mention DC. I just started doing a post on Saturdays a little while back it was something I was totally avoiding. Eventually it’s just tough to fit everything in otherwise. I agree with the others that you’re doing great with your blog so far. You’ll definitely be below 200k alexa later this year. 2 or 3 months sounds about right.
@Modest Money I’m considering doing a Saturday post every week now. Easier to include the links in a weekend post rather than M-F. I appreciate the support! It’s good to hear that others think I will be under 200k sooner rather than later.
Also did you notice your comment is linking to ModestMoney instead of your livefyre profile? ;)
@DC @ Young Adult Money Weird, I didn’t notice that at first. When I first posted that comment it was linking to my profile still. Part of the reason I like doing my favorite posts at the end of the week is so that those posts get longer on my homepage and potentially more SEO value.
With alexa is just comes down to how active you can stay on other blogs. Work hard enough and 200k is an easy goal. I think it only took me a month and a half, but that was with full time blogging hours and a whole lot of work.
@Modest Money I think it links to your profile for a few seconds then switches over. I only know this because I (obviously) post a lot on livefyre.
A month and a half? Impressive. Yeah I can’t really put in more than 20 hours a week (maybe a bit more but that’s really pushing it with everything else I have going on) but I just try to be efficient with my time. Blogging is kind of bad for anyone who is a workaholic because there is always SOMETHING else you can do to improve your site, plan for future posts, etc. I can easily see how full time bloggers spend 40-80 hours working on their site(s).
@DC @ Young Adult Money ok that’s good to know about livefyre.
I say full time hours blogging, but yeah I was probably pushing close to 80 hours/week for that first few months. It can definitely be an endless pit to eat up all your time. I just hope that all the hardcore hours I put in now will eventually get me to the point where momentum takes over and I can scale back my marketing efforts. This new chick I’m seeing won’t let me keep those hours up anyway.
@Modest Money Wow 80 hours/week is pretty intense. I’m sure it will pay off, and I think a lot of people’s goals with blogs are to eventually cut the hours down, not increase.
It’s been forever since I’ve been to a state fair. Ours was right down the road (maybe 10 minutes away) in Detroit, and I only went once. Now that I’m in Texas, I’ve heard their state fair is AWESOME. I can’t wait to go. Thanks for mentioning OG’s piece! It’s a good way for nervous people to think about protecting money.
@AverageJoeMoney Hey no problem! The Minnesota State Fair is a big deal here. I’m going for a second time on Friday night :0
Thanks for the mention. I didn’t miss it, I was just away for the weekend and was late to the party!