Being able to organize and leverage resources may be the single most important skill you can attain; it also may be one of the biggest indicators of whether you will succeed in business and life.
There is an endless number of resources in the world: money, time, physical labor, hardware and software, machinery, individuals with unique skill sets and knowledge, etc. If you are able to organize, connect, and make use of resources effectively, there’s a good chance you will succeed in whatever it is you are trying to accomplish in life.
Below are just a few examples of how people leverage resources:
- A small business owner leverages the specialized skill sets of various individuals including: an accountant who keeps the books, a marketing manager who helps build brand recognition, sales reps who reach out to potential clients, and an engineer who works on product development.
- A homeowner uses the internet to find information for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home repairs and upgrades. They use websites with written articles, videos, and forums to gain information and knowledge to learn how to properly complete the project they have in mind.
- A blogger uses WordPress for content management and design, bluehost to host their site, livefyre to manage and facilitate commenting, Outlook to manage their emails, and third-party individuals and companies to broker advertising.
What I’m trying to get at is: Every single day, we make use of the resources available to us – and some are better at it than others. Think of the person at your work who is able to leverage the software, information available internally (company-specific information) and externally (such as a website), and their personal contacts and coworkers to perform at a high level and accomplish tasks and projects that would take others ten times as long to complete. It’s not always the smartest person who succeeds; it’s the person who knows how to use the resources at their disposal in the most effective manner.
Getting better at making efficient use of your time and completing tasks faster and better requires getting better at making use of the resources available to you. Many of us complain that our company does not provide sufficient tools, funding, etc. to perform our jobs at the higher level. How many times have you heard people say “if only I had a better computer” or “if only I had more money I could do [insert great business idea].” Personally, I think everyone who has an internet connection and computer has far more resources than they know what to do with. It’s the people who can use these tools more effectively than others that are going to have a far better chance of accomplishing their goals (and then some!).
Think of the many self-made millionaires out there. Some came from absolutely nothing and may have experienced a harmful and counter-productive environment growing up. They persevered and made use of whatever was at their disposal. They also never stopped getting better at leveraging those resources.
Instead of thinking what resources you lack and what you would need to do this or that, think about what you have at your disposal. A computer with an internet connection alone can be an incredibly powerful resource. Think about what you have at your disposal and start getting better at leveraging your resources.
How have you utilized the resources at your disposal? What can you do to better utilize resources at work and home?
Photo by USDAgov
Leveraging resources is definitely a big part of success. Without learning to use your time and resources wisely, you are probably just going to tread water.
@GregatClubThrifty Very true.
I am always looking for ways to improve productivity, be it new app or time management tricks. Still a work in progress!
@RFIndependence Same here. There are so many resources at our disposal in the form of apps, information, etc. it’s hard to manage it all effectively!
I totally agree with everything you said, great post!
@ayoungpro Thank you!
This is something I need to get a lot better at. I do a pretty good job of utilizing resources at home and work and school. What needs work is when I am about to dive into a new realm of life like a new job or a new home. One thing I need to get better about is using my relationships with the people in my life as resources as well!
Love this post as it totally removes the “victim” mentality from the situation. If you want to get ahead, learn how to use the resources you have available better than anyone else. Don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for something good to happen to you.
@KyleJames1 Agreed! There are certainly and undeniably people that are born with advantages in life, whether it be money, famous relatives, etc. Heck, even the country you are born in can give you a major advantage over others. In the end, though, you have to make use of the resources available to you.
I was a project manager in a previous life and the most important part was leveraging as many resources as possible to get the project done well. When I read your post it reminded me of how many of the people that I needed to work on any project did not appreciate it when management referred to them as a “resource”. I didn’t understand why it bothered them though.
@TacklingOurDebt Hmmm good point, I don’t know why they got upset about that? I mean, you are hired to BE a resource, really. Even the project managers are “resources” for the company, who have a set of skills or ability to make sure the project is completed.
Being able to utilize the resources necessary to perform your job is key to success. If you’re able to do it better, cheaper, and more efficiently then often you’ll be more successful at moving up the ladder.
Learning to outsource and delegate is hard, but it really is necessary to reach maximum productivity. That’s what I tell my staff. They need to not ever even see me because I need to be with a patient. If I’m dealing with putting out fires, its not the best use of my time.
Absolutely correct. Deploying resources and then making the best use of the same in any kind of process is one of the most reflective and respective manner. Actually when the monetary part comes into action, I believe that expense is one of the factor that keeps utmost and highest importance. And to keep that in control over the flow, I prefer using the cloud based expense reporting software from Replicon ( ) which preferably believe to be the best tool ever for a smooth cash flow.