Hey everyone! A bunch of us bloggers teamed together (just in time for the expensive holidays we are approaching), we’re giving away a new iPad Mini 16GB (and $50 towards a case) and $100 in cash!
The First Place Winner will win the new iPad mini. I have not bought it yet, this is so that the winner can choose the color that they want. The winner will also get $50 in PayPal cash to use towards an iPad Mini case of their choosing.
Runner up prizes: There will be FOUR runner up prizes. Each of these winners will receive $25 in PayPal Cash!
- Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below.
- You don’t need to complete all of the options, but the more you complete, the higher your chance of winning! Each entry must be accomplished exactly as it is stated.
- Entries will be verified, so please do not lie
- You can perform each entry type ONE TIME ONLY unless otherwise specified.
- Make sure to leave a valid email in the Rafflecopter’s email field so we can contact you if you win (or make sure that your Facebook is correct).
- If you already follow/like one of the other blogs, these entries still count, so still sign up!
- The giveaway ends on November 28 at 11:59 PM EST
- Open to everyone
Thanks to Michelle at Making Sense of Cents for hosting this giveaway!
This giveaway was made possible by the many bloggers who donated to the giveaway. These included (in no special order):
- Work Save Live
- My Alternate Life
- Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses
- One Cent At A Time
- The Foley Fam
- Debts N’ Taxes
- The Debt Myth
- Unique Gifter
- Messy Dirty Hair
- Money Life and More
- Living Debt Free Rocks
Thanks chipping in on this giveaway too! Glad we could get it together.
@Money Life and More You as well!
Sounds like a great thing to get involved in. I’d love to run something like this on my site one day. Best of luck to the entrants!
@Free in Ten Years Definitely, I would be interested in doing one with you in the future! I’m loving the giveaway.
Awesome giveway! I was too late to te game to take part in it as well.
@FrugalRules Next time : )
Nice Giveaway!!!
@Holly at ClubThrifty Thanks!
I’m glad we all grouped together for this! What a great team :)
@SenseofCents Yeah I really am loving the feedback so far
Great giveaway! I’d love to win as one thing I’m thinking about doing is doing some Ipad development work with a third party, and actually having one of the devices would be extremely useful!
@moneymatters Wow that would be an awesome (side?) job!
OH man, who doesn’t love giveaways! Thank you pf blogger community for coming together to bring this wonderful gift to someone just in time for Christmas.
@Veronica @ Pelican on Money Definitely! I am really enjoying the giveaway. So many ppl pitched in for this one : )
Nice! I hope you get a million subscribers!
@Eyesonthedollar Haha I don’t think I will get quite that many, but definitely has given me a boost.
Great idea DC! I am sure this will help generate a lot of new traffic to your blog!
@lydiap Thanks! I’m happy with the return on investment so far ;)
I wanna win! This is a great idea and an awesome Giveaway! I better start reading this article to be able to get all the good stuff and get started.
@Voip Service Thanks! Best of luck!
Would love to win this great giveaway! Still have an old IPOD nano and would love the upgrade in my apple products :)
@vmcarlson7 That would be awesome if you won!