Sorry, this dog is not one of the giveaways ;)
Welcome to the weekly Friday Giveaway roundup!
This week has been a “reality check” week for me. First a huge plumbing issue was discovered that we will eventually have to fix. It will require digging underneath the street in front of our house and is going to cost thousands of dollars. I also found out I have sinusitis in both nasal cavities, which was totally unexpected since I had surgery for it last year. I will likely have to have surgery again this year.
I’m forcing myself to look on the bright side. The issue with the sewer line could not have been detected beforehand and we essentially just got unlucky. As far as my sinus issues go, I’m happy to have one of the best ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors in the state working with me. I’ve had these issues for years and until last year I have not been proactive about getting them fixed. I’m blessed to have a company that gives me benefits like health insurance that makes it much more affordable. I’m blessed in countless other ways and it’s important to keep everything in perspective.
I’m not looking for sympathy and I know there are many people who have much bigger issues than me. Writing is simply my way of dealing with some of these curve balls that life throws, plus I know there are others out there who are facing the same problems (you wouldn’t believe the traffic my sinus surgery post receive on a daily basis!).
Anyway, let’s move on to what you are really here for: giveaways!
Below are 20 giveaways that end from 2/22 to 2/28. Best of luck!
Ending 2/22
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/23
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/24
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/25
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/26
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/27
All giveaways have ended
Ending 2/28
All giveaways have ended
Hope you have a great weekend!
Photo by Jeremy Bronson
We are so similar.
I just had a plumber out today to look at a crushed pipe in our front yard, and I also have terrible sinusitis that I need to have surgically fixed. It sucks and sometimes it affects my sleep, but overall it’s not as bad as some problems you could get.
@MonsterPiggyBank Definitely. I’ve lived with sinus infections for YEARS now but it really has hurt my quality of life the more I think about it, but definitely there are much bigger problems I could have.
Is the pipe underground?
I’ve been entering giveaways like crazy, and I’d like to attribute a lot of that to you!
@SenseofCents Haha thanks, I haven’t won one for a while but I didn’t enter many before (and zero during) our vacation. I plan on spending more time entering them…especially with our sewer repair. I also might for the first time in my life start putting things on ebay :0 Starting with a book and DVD we won in a giveaway : )
Sorry to hear about the Sinusitis DC. My wife dealt with that several years ago, but not to the extent where she needed a surgery. I really do need to start entering some of these giveaways, I always intend to but never get around to it.
@FrugalRules Yeah giveaways are “nice” to enter but definitely not a priority if you have other things going on. I’m glad your wife didn’t need surgery and I’m a bit shocked I might need a second one…granted I haven’t met with the Doctor yet but I’m guessing he’ll give me the bad news.
Sorry to hear about your rough week. But you kept a positive attitude! I will look into the giveaways
@kevinwatts Thanks, hope your week was better than mine haha
Sorry to hear about the plumbing and the sinus problems. :( I know how it is to have to throw your money towards those types of things and it’s never fun, so feel free to vent. :)
@Beachbudget Thanks for tolerating my venting : )
Hey, I have a chocolate lab.retriever mix! Awesome dogs :)
Thanks for the giveaways, hope I can win something! And bummed to hear about the plumbing issue and surgery. No fun :(
@iHeartBudgets They are beautiful dogs! I hope you win something as well.
Sorry to hear that your sinus issues have returned. Hopefully all goes well with that.
Hmmmm……by the way, I don’t see anything here today about my XBox Giveaway????? :-)
@TacklingOurDebt I distinctly remember adding your giveaway….to next Friday’s post! It ends on 3/1, right?
@DC @ Young Adult Money You are absolutely correct! My apologies….. please delete my comment :-)
@TacklingOurDebt Nah I got a kick out of it because it was the one giveaway that stuck out in my mind haha
Wow sorry to hear that your sinus problems came back. And the sewer issue is something that I’m pretty paranoid about. I’m never going to buy a house with a big tree where the roots can encroach upon the sewer. I’ve heard some bad stories of finished basements.
I hope your sinus problems get better and I hope the drive home wasn’t terrible for you today.