Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email.
Happy Friday everyone! Garage sales and careers dominated the blog this week. We have a garage sale coming up on June 1st. It’s citywide so we are hoping to get a lot of customers and hopefully make a lot of money ;) I shared 5 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale and Things to Sell at a Garage Sale.
We got some great tips from the comments, such as:
- List your garage sale on Craigslist
- Sell pop and water (Peter from Bible Money Matters made an additional $30-$40 doing this)
- Use bright-colored signs – white signs don’t stand out to drivers
- Have plenty of change
I’d love to start prepping for our garage sale, but I will instead be heading back to surgery for revision endoscopic sinus surgery. It’s actually not that uncommon for people with chronic sinusitis to have to go back for a 2nd (or 3rd) surgery. I am trying to stay optimistic and praying for my wife and my sake that it’s a quick recovery. One of my most popular posts on this site was about the cost of sinus surgery.
Remember my sewer problem and how Angie’s list saved me thousands of dollars? Well, I’ve been working with the city to get it fixed and it’s a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because it saves me a few thousand dollars, but it’s a curse because they are extremely slow and my contractor would have finished the job a week ago. I’m really not amused at the pace they are going, because the drain-out could easily back up again. Having a renter in our basement studio apartment makes it that much more stressful having to wait for them to finish.
I called the city this week for a second day in a row and the guy sounded a bit agitated and re-assured me it would get done and the contractor was going to run his own camera to locate the exact dig spot. Sure enough, the street was completely marked (gas and sewer lines) when I got home that evening, so they can dig whenever the contractor has time. I’m tempted to call tomorrow but will restrain myself until Monday morning. How crappy would it be to have them digging and working while I’m laying on the couch recovering from surgery? It’s definitely a possible scenario from what I’ve seen.
This weekend I am headed to the casino with a friend for his birthday. I used to go (a lot) more often when I played live poker, but really only go a couple times a year now. Hopefully I can stick to my $60 spending limit and maybe I can replicate that one night where I turned $8 into $2,000 in a matter of a couple hours….that’s a story for another day tho ;)
What are you up to this weekend?
On to the giveaways!
First, check out my current giveaway: Samsung 50-Inch 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV ($947.99 Value). This giveaway doesn’t end for a while, but better to get your entries in now in case you forget later on ;)
Once you’ve entered that one, check out the 150 giveaways that are ending from 5/10 to 5/16. Good luck!
Ending 5/10
All giveaways have ended
Ending 5/11
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Ending 5/12
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Ending 5/13
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Ending 5/14
All giveaways have ended
Ending 5/15
All giveaways have ended
Ending 5/16
All giveaways have ended
Good luck on all the giveaways and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Photo by Images_of_Money
Sorry to hear about the hassle with your sewer. I am sure it’s great to save the money, but if your city government is anything like ours then it does not surprise me that it’s being somewhat of a hassle. Have a great weekend!
FrugalRules Yeah it’s just an unneeded source of stress. We are just ready to get it over with and move on! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Thanks for including my giveaway this week :)
Money Life and More No problem! Happy to have another pf blogger listed.
Enjoy the casino! Lucky for me I’ve only been a few times. I could spend weeks at a time at a blackjack table. Best of luck with the surgery and sewer.
momanddadmoney Thanks so much! Haha weeks at a time??? Seems a bit extreme ;) Also, if you have a blog let me know, I don’t see a link in your livefyre profile.
Best of luck in the surgery this week DC. How on earth do you put together such a massive giveaway list!?
CashCowCouple It’s a team effort, and we do it every single week, even when we are on a vacation ;)
You have a ton of stuff going on! When is your surgery going to happen? I would love to hear your casino story. I think the most we ever won was $900 at Craps one afternoon. I could play that game with or without really money, cuz it is so much fun.
Have a fun time with your friend and best wishes with your surgery.
TacklingOurDebt Surgery a week from Tuesday : ) Sewer repair…with my luck…a week from Tuesday : (
Wow $900 is pretty dang good! I actually have never played craps. I learned roulette recently and had a great time playing it on our cruise ship (I taught my wife how to play on the cruise and she absolutely loves it).
Thanks for the well-wishes, appreciate it!
Sorry to hear about the surgery, I hope it goes well for you. For the $7K you are saving on the sewer repair you can be a little patient! I know how frustrating public works can be, but don’t look a free horse in the mouth :)
RFIndependence Thanks for the encouraging words, Pauline. I definitely need to keep that in perspective. The surgery should go just fine, I’m just ready to get it over with (along with the sewer haha).