If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to your job, maybe it’s time to consider a change of career. Every day, more and more people are considering becoming self-employed; and if you want to change your hobby into a profession, you need to know the basics.
It goes without saying that if you are interested in your work, you will do a better job. Being passionate about something really makes the difference in all aspects of work – performance, customer service, productivity, the list goes on.
What should I offer?
So if you’re really passionate about something – whether it be sport, cooking, gardening, why not turn that passion into profit?
Work out exactly what service you are going to offer. If you’re into sports, are you going to provide sports equipment? Sports memorabilia? If pets are your passion, are you providing pet supplies? Are you making cat and dog beds?
What can I expect?
It’s not easy to set up your own business. To give a good overview of what you can expect to start you off. It’s not going to be simple, but with the right motivation and skill there’s no reason why you can’t make a business successful.
Keep it simple
At an early stage, don’t overcomplicate things. Take things one step at a time, do your research, and go into your chosen field knowing exactly what to expect.
Get online
The advent of the internet has offered entrepreneurs the chance to try out their business idea without needing to make expensive purchases. An online shop is much cheaper than the price of a real one.
Set up an online shop, and take a few months to work out your outgoing services and your incoming money. You won’t get much profit in the first few months, but you can build your presence by use of social networking and get a good feel for what customers want.
Infographic provided by makeitcheaper.com
I turned my traveling hobby into a travel writing gig and it is great since there were no startup costs and it could be done/stopped whenever, you just need an internet connection. For setting up a real business the costs are much higher but it has to be cool to live off your passion.