Feeling out of control with how much you are required to pay every month towards your federal student loans? Then you may want to consider other options. For anyone with federal student loans, you have a few different choices when it comes to your repayment. Income-driven repayment plans were created to help borrowers potentially lower […]
Read More >>12 Productive Things to Do On Your Laptop in Your Spare Time
Have you ever looked at the clock after dinner and wondered how in the world it’s 10pm when it feels like you just got off of work an hour ago? I know I have. Minutes, days, and months all seem to fly by lately. Before we know it, half the year is gone, and […]
Read More >>Top Travel Rewards Credit Cards December 2022
Nine out of ten of the people I talk to have a goal of traveling more. This isn’t surprising. We are inundated with Instagram pics of people visiting cool locations all over the world. In Minnesota where we have brutal winters, a pic from a beach can instantly cause wanderlust (and jealousy). The main […]
Read More >>How to Start a Blog
Since I started blogging a little over ten years ago I have consistently made more than $10,000+ a year while working a full-time job. It’s been a perfect side hustle to diversify my 9-5 income, but it’s become more than that. It’s led to getting a book deal and writin books, interviews on local […]
Read More >>I Hate My Job But I Have Student Loans – What Should I Do?
One of the driving forces behind my focus on student loans is the feeling of helplessness that comes with student loan debt. One specific ways borrowers can feel helpless is with their job situation. Borrowers may even hate their job, but they feel stuck because of their student loan debt. They have a lot […]
Read More >>100+ Ways to Improve Your Finances
No matter someone’s income level, skill, or financial knowledge, there is always something that can be done to improve your finances. Whether you have 5 minutes or 50 years, here are 100+ ways you can work to improve your finances. Increase Your Savings 1) Open an online savings account with a higher interest […]
Read More >>40+ Ways to Improve Your Finances This Month
I’m obsessed with to-do lists and love being able to check things off my list, moving me closer to achieving my goals. I thrive when I have actionable items that I can work on. This directly translates to money and finance. Making money, saving money, and managing money are things that everyone has to […]
Read More >>8 Things You Should Do if You’re Considering a Career Change
Considering making the switch to a new career? There are many reasons why people choose to change careers. Maybe you’re looking for a new challenge, more career growth, better pay, or fewer hours, to name a few. Regardless of your reason, a career change is a big decision. Here are 8 things you should do […]
Read More >>The Best Cash Back Credit Cards for November 2020
There’s an overwhelming number of options for credit cards, so picking one card can be tough. When I think of a good credit card for everyday purchases, it naturally leads me to cash back credit cards. They offer consistent rewards and typically have no annual fee. While some people try to get travel rewards […]