Happy New Year! Today to help close the book on 2012 I thought it would be fun to do a “Best of” Young Adult Money from the past year. As some of you know, Young Adult Money is a relatively young website – we only just started in July of 2012.
In 2012, Young Adult Money published 148 articles (not counting this one). Here are some of the best ones:
The Triple Tax Advantage of Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
2012 was my first year with a Health Savings Account. HSAs offer incredible tax savings that you’d be a fool to pass up on if given the option.
How I Saved over $700 on a CT Scan
I had to get a CT scan this year and was originally given a quote of $1,000+. Through a little research and a couple phone calls I was able to get it for about 1/3 the price. I explain how in this post.
How to Organize Coupons: A Coupon Database
One thing my wife started doing a lot more intentionally this year is couponing. We saved over $1,000 this year on groceries alone. Organizing our coupons in Excel saved us time and money.
7 Ways to save money on a wedding
My wife and I got hitched just over a year ago. Throughout the wedding planning process my wife discovered many ways to save money on our wedding. She shares them in this post.
Why Everyone Should Go To College Sooner Rather Than Later
Some people argue that you should wait to go to college. I disagree and think people should go sooner rather than later.
Ways to Buy Safe Cleaning Products on a Budget
Some people do not buy safe/green cleaning products because they think they are not affordable. My wife debunks this myth and explains how you can buy safe cleaning products on a budget.
How I Got 50,000+ Twitter Followers
Yes, on my Twitter account I have over 50,000 followers. I explain how I did it in this post.
Should you pay off student loans early?
If your interest rate is low enough, I do not think you should pay off your loans early. I explain why in this post.
What are Health Insurance Exchanges and How Do They Work?
The United State’s health insurance system is going to change drastically starting in 2014 because of health isnurance exchanges. I found that most people have no idea what a health insurance exchange is.
10 Expenses to Consider When Buying a Home
As a new homeowner in 2012 I spent a lot of time thinking/hearing about the expenses you should consider when buying a home. I list off 10 important ones in this post.
Each week I spend a large majority of my time working in Excel. I have developed some fairly advanced skills. I explain in this post how you too can develop Excel skills, even if you don’t work in it every day.
Some people swear off credit cards as evil. I see them as not only good tools for building credit, but an awesome opportunity to gain rewards.
If you live in the United States and you do not have health insurance, every single day you run the risk of going bankrupt because of an unexpected medical issue. I explain in this post why you need health insurance and where you can get it.
Side income is something I have pursued this year. This post gives you five ideas for how you too can make some side income.
10 Things I Learned from Working at Pizza Hut
This was one of the most popular posts from 2012. Many people look at low wage fast food jobs as something to be avoided at all cost. I actually learned a lot while working at Pizza Hut and definitely am happy about my time there.
5 Signs You Need a New Job and 3 Things to do about It
Life is too short to stay in a job you hate.
Thank you for all your support in 2012. Here’s to a great 2013!
Happy New Year!
How was your 2012? What are you looking forward to most in 2013?
Photo by Fisher Chia
You had some great posts this year DC and your site is one of the few that I visit almost daily. Keep up the good work next year!
@MonsterPiggyBank Thanks, I really appreciate that! I also check your site daily. Here’s to a great 2013!
This year I’m looking forward to continuing to grow my blog, traveling with the bf and starting the process of looking for a new job. Wishing you a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
@StudentDebtSurvivor Those are great goals/things to look forward to. I hope you have a wonderful New Year as well!
Happy New Year DC!! I am looking forward to simplicity, freedom and personal growth in 2013.
@RFIndependence Happy New Year to you too! Those are great goals.
I LOVED the coupon database idea…I think that may actually work for me! In the post you mentioned possibly posting the spreadsheet for download…I can’t find if you ever decided to do that…
@MomofTwoPreciousGirls I did not post it, but thanks for reminding me! I can shoot you a copy if you email me -> DC @ Youngadultmoney.com
These are definitely all great posts! Have a day end of 2012 and a great 2013 :)
@SenseofCents Thanks, you too!
That is awesome that you have over 50,000 twitter followers. I will definitely have to check out Tweepi!
@deaconhayes I love Tweepi!
Nice work DC. It is nice to see your best posts on here. I am still working on the twitter follower thing and your post will help me out in 2013! Thanks…
@DebtRoundUp Best of luck with the Twitter followers. Just remember (as I often have to remind myself) Twitter is more about engagement/interaction than numbers.
Happy New Year!!!
@Holly at ClubThrifty Happy New Year to you too, Holly!
Congrats on a great 2012, and good luck on an even better 2013!
Happy New Year! My 2012 was a time of transition for our blog. Next year I think we’re coming out much more focused on who we are/want to be.
Thanks for highlighting these articles. It gave me the chance to find out how to earn my Twitter followers. I’ll let you know my results.
Happy New Year to you as well! That’s a great collection of posts.
I’m looking forward to making some solid progress on our debts and investments. I am pretty settled in my current job, so as long as everything keeps chugging along, I think it will be a productive year!