This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. With the new year comes the oh-so-fun countdown to April 15th for those of us in the U.S. That means most of us are preparing to file our taxes in the coming months (or weeks). Another (very wise) blogger recently mentioned to me that learning how to […]
Other Posts By Erin
7 Actions to Take to Get a Raise This Year
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. Are you wondering how you can increase your income this year? It’s a goal that seems to be popular with just about everyone who cares about improving their financial situation. There’s good reason for that: earning more makes it easier to reach your savings and debt payoff […]
Read More >>12 Financial Moves to Make This Year
This post is from our regular contributor, Erin. Happy New Year! I’m betting that after doing a year-end review of your finances, you have a few things you want to work on, and a few things you need to re-think. Most people do. Lots of things can change over a year, and it’s worth taking […]
Read More >>5 Cognitive Biases That Negatively Impact Your Finances
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. I love psychology, and I love personal finance. It’s fascinating to analyze why people make certain decisions when it comes to their money. I’m willing to bet there have been a few times you’ve questioned your own decisions after the fact. Like, Why didn’t I say no […]
Read More >>How to Make Your Student Loans More Manageable
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. It’s no secret young adults are struggling with crippling student loan debt. We go to college with high hopes and graduate to a rude awakening. In 2015, the average borrower graduated with over $35,000 of student loan debt, though some struggle to make that much in one year. Back […]
Read More >>4 Insurance Policies All Millennials Need to Have
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. I know what you’re thinking. Insurance, the most boring thing ever (besides retirement). Who cares? You should. Do you care about your family? (Silly question, right?) If you answered, “Yes,” then you should care about life insurance. Do you have treasured possessions in your apartment or house? […]
Read More >>3 Reasons to Save for Retirement Now and How You Can Start
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. What if I told you that you can’t afford to not start saving for retirement, especially when you’re in your 20s or early 30s? Have you ever stopped to think about how much money you might need in retirement? Or how costly health care may be by […]
Read More >>When (and How) to Consolidate or Refinance Student Loans
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. Student loans are a burden that millions face. Sadly, most choose not to face it, which has resulted in nearly 7 million Americans defaulting on their student loans. Defaulting has some serious consequences. As many of you probably know, you can’t get rid of student loans easily […]
Read More >>8 Things to do on Black Friday Instead of Shop
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. Can you believe that in just a few short days, most of us will be sitting around a table with friends and family, stuffing ourselves silly, all in the name of Thanksgiving? Sounds like a great way to enjoy the holiday, right? You know what’s not a […]
Read More >>How to Stick to Your Debt Repayment Plan
This post is by our regular contributor, Erin. Are you in credit card debt? Student loan debt? Medical debt? Do you have a car loan, or are you trying to pay off your mortgage quickly? Paying off debt can be a lofty goal, especially as a young adult; there’s so much pressure and temptation to […]