Everyone has a different opinion about what “wealth” means to them. For some, it’s just getting to a positive net worth (I’m not there yet!) For others, it’s being able to comfortably afford your home and life’s little extras. Maybe some people feel wealthy simply because they are able to put food on the table […]
Other Posts By Catherine Alford
The Truth About Being a One Income Family
Editor’s Note: Please help us improve our website by taking a quick 8 question survey. For the past two years, we’ve been a one income family, and it has been quite an interesting ride. There are definitely a lot of pros and cons to being a one income family, and it’s challenging and encouraging all […]
Read More >>How Much Would You Spend on a Once In A Lifetime Experience?
There are some experiences in life that are truly once in a lifetime, things we’ll only be able to enjoy for a single moment. Everyone has a different idea of what these are for them, but here are some that come to mind: 1) A Trip to Antarctica National Geographic (and I’m sure a few […]
Read More >>When Did Your Parents Cut You Off?
I know it’s kind of nosey, but I always find it so interesting to learn when people’s parents totally cut them off. I have friends who are almost 30 years old and their parents pay for everything, and I have other friends who have been totally on their own since they were 18. My parents […]
Read More >>I’m Pretty Sure Money Can Buy You Happiness
For the first time, maybe ever, I feel really content and safe in terms of our finances. While we do have considerable student loan debt, I am paying more than $1,000 a month towards it using my side hustle income. Plus, my income from my salaried job is more than double what it was in […]
Read More >>How I Conquered $1,000 in Food Bills
After my first month of living in Grenada, I sat down like I do every month and added up the damage. You know, the damage, like how much I spent on electricity, food, rent, etc. I wasn’t sure what the totals were going to be, so I had a good bit of money saved up […]
Read More >>Student Loans: My Biggest Financial Mistake
I know, I know. Enough about Cat’s financial mistakes! You already had to read about the time I paid three rents at once, but at least when it comes to this one, I know I’m not alone! When I graduated, I had over $39,000 in student loan debt from undergrad and grad school combined and […]
Read More >>How Much Financial Information Should You Share?
Just recently, I shared my budget breakdown on my blog, but I didn’t reveal my income. Similarly, I haven’t written about my primary bank or who I invest with. This got me thinking about how much financial information we should all share and what everyone’s threshold is. Sharing Income with the Public I explained in […]
Read More >>The Time I Made Three Rent Payments At Once
We all have those heart sinking moments when we realize we made a big money mistake. At least, I hope I’m not the only one! (Don’t worry, you’ll get a chance to share yours in the comments!) Here’s one of my best: A few years ago when I wasn’t as financially savvy and way less […]
Read More >>The Spender and The Saver
As many of you know, money is the #1 issue that leads to arguments in relationships. It makes sense, right? You take two people who have their own way of doing things, push them together, and expect them to be on the same page about finances. Since money is so important and affects everything we […]