There are so many posts online about how to get a job. But you don’t want just any job right? You want your dream job! The best job! The one that’s perfect for you. Luckily there are a lot of ways to find that dream job. It just takes some trial and error and persistence. […]
Other Posts By Catherine Alford
3 Easy Projects To Get Your DIY Juices Flowing
One way that I have always loved to save money is to complete DIY projects. There’s just something so fun about making something all your own and saving money along the way. If you are looking for some ways to cut costs, here are three easy projects to get your DIY juices flowing. 1. Refinish […]
Read More >>Double the Money, Double the Fun
A few weeks ago, I announced on my blog that I’m expecting twins (and before anyone thinks that DC’s wife is having twins, this is Cat writing – haha!) I admit; I was in complete shock when I found out this news! In addition to worrying about their health, all I could really think about […]
Read More >>How To Save Money Every Day, All the Time
Every single time someone asks me for my top money tip, I always say, “Tell yourself ‘no’ as often as possible.” It’s such a simple piece of advice, and yet I find it’s the hardest to follow. If you can manage it, though, repeatedly telling yourself “no” and developing a strong sense of self control […]
Read More >>Why I’m Flying First Class Tomorrow
Tomorrow I’m getting on a plane, and I’m heading home. Back to the U.S. Back to the land of the free, home of the brave. Yet, away from Grenada, the little island I’ve called home for the past two years. Even with all it’s little strange idiosyncrasies and $500 car rent, I’m sure going to […]
Read More >>How To Rock a Minimalist Wardrobe At Work
Grenada, the small island country where I currently live, does not have large malls or extensive shopping centers. Well, we do have one mall near our neighborhood that has a few stores including the grocery store we all use. There’s also another mall in town that’s connected to the cruise port, so all of those […]
Read More >>Why I Rent An Old Car For $500 A Month
So, I have a confession to make. I, a frugal gal, rent my car for $500 a month. But wait! Stop! Don’t click away. I realize that’s a ridiculous thing to write, especially coming from someone who writes her own personal finance blog. Yet, I hope you’ll hear me out about the reasons why I […]
Read More >>My Plan for Tackling 300k of Student Loan Debt
As of right now, $300,000 is a low estimate for the cost of my husband’s medical school education. Thus far, we have borrowed $219,000, but he is only halfway through school. This number is a bit higher than the average medical school student because my husband attends an expensive private school, and he’s also in […]
Read More >>Three Amazing Things to Buy in India
This past summer, my husband got a really cool opportunity to go to India for three weeks. At first, I was a little unsure about him going. It was a long way for him to travel by himself, it was expensive, and I’m never fond of the idea of spending a few weeks apart! However, […]
Read More >>True Life: I’m a Recovering Design Enthusiast
When I first started my own blog over three years ago, it was definitely about saving money, but it was more about doing DIY projects around the house and making my house a home on the cheap. It was great fun, and I spent hours and hours on design sites looking at the latest home […]