I do not have to work on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, but there are many jobs that require working on Christmas. The closest I have come to working on Christmas was at Pizza Hut when I had to work on Christmas Eve until about 9pm. It really wasn’t that bad, and I still had plenty of time with my family.
I thought I’d honor some of the people who have to work on Christmas by listing a few careers that requires work on Christmas:
1) Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital Personnel
In my opinion, doctors have great jobs. Working on Christmas Day is one thing that is not great about their jobs. Being on call and working undesirable shifts is a regular occurrence for some Doctors and nurses .Accidents happen, people get sick, and doctors and nurses are there to step in regardless of the day of the year.
2) Police Officers and Firefighters
Crime happens every day; unfortunately Christmas is no different than any other day of the year. Fires also happen every day of the year. I had a friend who was renting a house that burnt down within a day or two of Christmas. Thankfully, firefighters are on call every single day.
3) Tow Truck Drivers and Dispatchers
Cars are breaking down constantly…even on Christmas Day. Thankfully, many tow truck companies operate on a 24/7/365 cycle so there is never a shortage of companies willing to give you a tow if you are one of those experiencing car problems on Christmas.
4) NBA Players, Referees, Coaches, etc.
Christmas Day is a big day for the NBA. With five games being played this year, there are a ton of players, coaches, training staff, referees, etc. that have to work. Of course, this also means that service industry workers, broadcasters, and a whole slew of others have to work as well.
5) News Anchors and Reporters
In case you forgot, we live in a 24/7 news cycle. That means thousands upon thousands of anchors, reporters, and production staff have to work on Christmas Day. There is a ton of content being produced every minute of every day, and Christmas Day is no exception.
I know I am just scratching the surface with this list, but I truly am thankful for everyone that works on Christmas (and other Holidays for that matter).
Do you have to work on Christmas? Have you ever had a job where you had to work on Christmas?
Photo by John Jacobi
I am paying my wifes obstetrician a small fortune to make sure that he is on call, no matter if it’s Christmas, New Years or anything else for that matter.
I have never had to work on Christmas, but I don’t think it would bother me much as I don’t really enjoy most of the day due to all the driving around I have to do :(
@MonsterPiggyBank Ah yes that would put my mind at ease as well (having the obstetrician on call on the Holidays).
Sorry to hear about your driving, I hope you find some time to relax!
I have a friend who is in law enforcement and when he first started, he had to work on Christmas. My brother does as well because he works for the power company. He is new there, so he doesn’t get to take the day off. It is what it is, but they are still happy they have jobs. I hope you have a good holiday DC.
@DebtRoundUp Thanks for sharing, hope you have a great holiday as well!
My girlfriend is a nurse, but she’s on short term disability for her foot surgery so she doesn’t have to work AND she gets paid! YAY!
Been working all weekend and likely through Christmas and New Years. Add Clinical Social Workers to the list of people who work and/or are on call :-)
Thank God no one wants an eye exam on Christmas! My brother in law is an MD and he used to love working Christmas when he as a resident. He would fill in at the ER for 4 hours and get paid a ton of money. I also know a lady who works at a gas station. She likes working holidays as well because it’s double pay. Work 4 hours, get paid for 8. It would suck to have a 12 hour shift on Christmas, but I think most people don’t mind so much if they get enough time to have with family. Being a cop or fireman would suck though.
I have worked retail on Christmas Eve and it was crazy! I will tell you what can be even more bust is the day after Christmas. People come into return/exchange gifts and others came in to use gift cards or spend Christmas money.
I have worked retail on Christmas Eve and it was crazy! What can be even more busy is the day after Christmas. People came into return/exchange gifts and others came in to use gift cards or spend Christmas money. People in retail should definitely be thanked for all of the “thankless” work they do over the holidays.
I was thinking about all of the airline staff that work the holidays too. So many travelers out there.
I started working in retail when I was 12 at a Deli. Working Christmas Eve day was soooo much fun! We were extremely busy, everyone was so happy, and we served rum and eggnog to the customers all day along with other free deli treats. By 6 pm we were so tired but still went to church for Christmas Eve service and then to big family parties. Loved those days!!
I’ve never had a job where Christmas work was required. I also had to work Christmas eve in high school when I was the most amazing drive thru dude in McDonald’s history.
Luckily I don’t have to work on Christmas, but back when I used to work at Blockbuster I had to. It definitely sucked because I think we only got time and a half on minimum wage. Not cool.
Don’t forget those that work at movie theaters! I have friends and family members who go to the movies every single year on Christmas day!
Yup, I’m a journo and have worked many Christmases and public holidays! Medical and security/law enforcement also have pretty tough schedules.
Hotel staff, seniors homes, care facilities (ie group homes for the disabled), industrial safety staff,
hello moderators i like to report a ban for mommoneymohouses for bad comments about blockbuster
seedebtrun Movie theaters are PACKED on Christmas!
I feel sorry for those to have to work Christmas Day.