Today’s post is from our regular Wednesday contributor, Cat.
It’s hard to believe that it’s already July! Where does the time go?
Well, I hope all of you are ready to party like it’s 1999 this upcoming July 4. Of course, if you’re anything like me, you’re seeking out some cheap ways to have fun on your holiday. Here are some ideas:
1) Go to a Parade
Our little town has a parade every year. We can walk to the parade route from our house, so we’re going to take the stroller down there and see what it’s all about.
There are going to be lots of July 4 parades in towns across the country. It’s a fun and simple way to spend time with family without breaking the bank.
2) See a Fireworks Show
Fireworks are really expensive, and I’m not sure they’re the best investment since you spend a ton of money and then *poof!* it’s over.
Of course, if a city near you has a fireworks show, by all means go out and enjoy it. They usually have a bigger budget than you or I would have and the shows are usually pretty awesome.
3) Eat Watermelon
Watermelon is super cheap, and it’s a fun to cut up a ton of it and bring it outside to enjoy. Kids love it, it’s healthy, and when it gets messy, just turn the sprinkler on and have the kids run through it.
You can also use it in a lot of fun July 4 recipes, like fruit salads and popsicles. Look on Pinterest for different ideas of July 4 crafts and recipes that the whole family will love.
4) Do Something Historical
It’s my duty as a former historian to encourage everyone to remember the reason for this holiday. I really geek out when I think about Independence Day. It’s one of my favorite historical moments to really think about and ponder. All those men committed treason when they drafted the Declaration of Independence. Can you imagine how much guts that took? I could really talk about it all day.
So, if you have the chance or live somewhere close to Philadelphia, Williamsburg, or D.C., try to squeeze in some history time to remember how the USA came about and to quietly thank those who were brave enough to seek out the freedoms we enjoy today.
5) Watch Independence Day
There’s no better to way to celebrate July 4 than to watch Will Smith beat up some aliens, am I right? In fact, might as well make it a Will Smith movie marathon and eat some popcorn. It’s a cheap and fun way to wind down after your day of fireworks and watermelons. :)
Ultimately, whether you enjoy a quiet day at home or go out to see your family members, we hope you have a great holiday! It’s nice to get the day off and to spend time with those you love. Of course, remember not to blow your hard earned cash on fireworks and booze. Stay safe, everyone!
How are you celebrating the July 4?
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These are all great ideas! We’re not sure what we’re doing yet. We will probably watch fireworks in a nearby town, and possibly attend a BBQ before that. I’m excited!
I definitely can’t wait to watch Independence Day this weekend. I shared a gif on my blog and it made me want to watch it for sure. I also love fireworks shows. There is a great little park near me on the Hudson river where you can see 3 towns fireworks shows and if you squint real hard you can see the Macy’s show in the city. I hope you guys enjoy your first 4th in the North! :-)
We will for sure be doing 1,2, & 3. Our kids love parades and a town near us always has one on the 4th. After that it will be cookout with the family where my youngest daughter will most likely eat an entire watermelon. Cue the wet wipes. :)
Awesome ideas! I love how free the 4th can be :) I will be going to a family cookout Friday night and a friends pool party on Saturday. Squeezing in fireworks and helping my boyfriend paint, too. I hope you have a great holiday!
Have a great Independence Day, Catherine and David! I love #4. I get into history now and again and find it fascinating. I love historical movies for this reason also. Funny and true story, I bought a book a number of years ago called “The History of Canada”. See I told you I am a bit of a history geek, I would never say ‘buff’ because I’m not that knowledgeable, I just enjoy it. ;-) Anyways, I never read it cover to cover, but just skipped around different parts. I was cleaning out stuff at home and decided to take it to my Dad’s cottage a number of years ago, in case anyone else would find it interesting. Well, just yesterday, Canada Day (our nations birthday), my Dad picked up the book and asked if he could borrow it and take it home. I said “Of course”, happy that he wanted to read it. He is a wealth of knowledge and an avid reader still at 89 years of age. He’s an immigrant to Canada too, coming from the UK in 1957. No matter how old, you’ve still got something to learn, I guess!
These are all great ideas Cat! When I was growing up and lived in Richmond we always visited something historical. I loved it! Sadly here in Omaha there’s not much of that, save for Lewis & Clark. We’ll definitely be watching Independence Day at some point and watching our drunk neighbors shoot off fireworks from our backyard.
My neighborhood has a little parade with the kids on Friday. They all decorate their bikes and ride them from the north pool to the south pool. I can’t wait!
I’m going to a friends’ house for a potluck and then going to watch fireworks. She has a pool in the back yard, I can’t wait!
I’m a glutton for punishment and am doing a triathlon on July 4th. I promise to think about our founding fathers while I’m running!
We’re watching a fireworks show at my parents house. Their community is having a little event and apparently there’s going to be tons of food and dessert, so it should be fun!
Eyesonthedollar I did a half marathon on the 4th of July a few years ago. Definitely didn’t feel like doing too much the rest of the day!
I love the movie Independence Day. So cheesy but so fun. I’m debating whether I want to go to the beach (aka the shit show) on the 4th or chill out at home and maybe walk a couple blocks to the fireworks at night. I’m leaning toward the latter. I have so many other events/parties this week I’m trying to pace myself…and not spend money too! There is something to be said about relaxing!
I live in NYC but I have no plans on going to the Macy’s Fireworks show…too many people. Plus the weather doesn’t look that great. I’d prefer to watch it at home.
I’ll be celebrating my first 4th of July at a fireworks show a couple of hours outside of NYC – unless Mother Nature decides otherwise!
Grilling out, watching a parade and topping it off with fireworks is my kind of holiday. Nothing like firing up the grill and hanging with friends!
DebtChronicles You are the grill master for sure!
MoreThanJusMony Boo it’s supposed to rain up here!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Same. Our little town is having a fireworks show but too late for the babes :)
Beachbudget Right? It’s a great movie!
JourneytoSaving Aw that’s so cute!
Eyesonthedollar Say what! That’s awesome – good luck! and LOL don’t tease me. ;)
brokeandbeau Ooh so nice. I haven’t been to a pool yet this summer. Too scared lol.
Holly at ClubThrifty That sounds really adorable!
FrugalRules I really miss Richmond. It was such a great city!
debt debs Woo hoo thanks! And history geeks are always cool in my book. ;)
theFinancegirl That sounds fun and productive!!
Brian @ Luke1428 That sounds fun!! I need to get some watermelon!
blonde_finance Thanks so much! It’s been a while since we’ve been in the US for the 4th!
SenseofCents That sounds like fun!!
My plan is to watch Independence Day later tonight. No fireworks our BBQs because of the weather in Jersey unfortunately.