First, I’d like to say Merry Christmas to everyone.
I hope you are able to spend some time with family and friends. And maybe see the new Star Wars film – at least that’s what I’m doing today.
For today’s post I thought it would be fitting to look back on the past year of Young Adult Money posts.
We covered a ton of topics in 2015 and there were some really great posts on the site. Not surprisingly, many of these posts are focused on increasing income and making more money.
Here’s our list of the top 10 posts of 2015, in no particular order.
1) How I Got a Book Deal

2015 was a big year for me as I got my first book deal and wrote my first book. The book will come out in May 2016 and is focused on increasing income. Since landing the book deal many people have asked how I was able to get a book deal, so it made sense to write a post about it. Click here to read the post.
2) 30+ Ways to Improve Your Blog

People who are new to blogging typically are shocked at all the work that can (and should) be done to improve a blog. This post was inspired by a friend who was confused when I said I plan on reinvesting revenues into my blog. There is a ton that can be done to improve a blog, and this list tries to capture many of those things. Click here to read the post.
3) 10 Steps for Financial Success In Your 20s

Many 20-somethings are confused about what steps they should take to make a positive impact on their financial future. This post outlines 10 of those steps and creates a sort of “to do” list for those in their 20s. Click here to read the post.
4) 20 Ways to Save Money In Your 20s

This post gives a bunch of ideas for saving money in your 20s and serves as a great resource for anyone looking to cut their spending. Click here to read the post.
5) 15 Ways to Make Extra Money for the Holidays

This post provides a list of ways to make extra money for the holidays, but it can be applied to virtually any time of the year. What I like about this post is that it provides both ways to make extra money online and offline. Click here to read the post.
6) 10 Ways I’ve Made Side Income

One of the most popular posts on the site this past year was my post on 10 ways I’ve made side income. Side hustles and side income have been a focus of mine the past few years and it was fun and insightful to reflect on all the ways I’ve been able to make money in addition to my full-time job. Click here to read the post.
7) What To Do If You Are In Credit Card Debt

I read personal finance blogs all the time and rarely do I see bloggers talk about credit card debt. Specifically, I rarely have seen posts telling people exactly what to do if they are in credit card debt. My goal with this post was to fill that void and provide practical and actionable advice to those in credit card debt. Click here to read the post.
8) 7 Ways to Make More Money

This post shared 7 practical and actionable ways to increase income. From getting an advanced degree or certification, to using your skills to freelance, there are many ways to increase the amount of money going into your bank account each month. Click here to read the post.
9) 8 Ways to Make Money Blogging

I realize not everyone wants to start a blog, nor does it make sense for everyone’s life situation. But most people are interested in at least understanding how they can make money blogging. This post goes beyond the high-level posts that you may have read on making money blogging and explains exactly how money can be made blogging. Click here to read the post.
10) 10 Productive Things to Do When Bored

Over the past few years I’ve made it a point to fill time that I would be “bored” with productive activities. There’s so much you can do when you’re bored, but most people waste their boredom time unless they have an idea of things they can do. Keep this list bookmarked for the next time boredom hits. Click here to read the post.
And there you have it: our top 10 posts of 2015! Again, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and are able to find some time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2016.
Photo by docentjoyce.