Thanksgiving is next week! I can’t wait to eat, watch football, and spend time with family.
It’s also my brother’s Bday so I’m looking forward to celebrating with him.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please consider Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 85 giveaways listed this week that end today (11/21) through next Thursday (11/27).
Happy Friday everyone!
To all my American readers: can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving? It really crept up on me and I feel unprepared. Then again I’m not hosting, so that makes it a little easier.
A few thoughts:
- Site Improvement – It may not look like I’ve done much, but I switched up the header on my site as well as changed how the URLs looked for some parts of the site. I’m really happy with the result and I will continue to *tinker* with it over the coming months.
I’m on a big “blog improvement” kick and I hope to ride that wave into the new year. I put off updating my website design for years (seriously) and I’m happy that I’m finally making some much-needed improvements.
- Black Friday – With Thanksgiving comes Black Friday. There is only one thing that I want: a soundbar. If I read the Best Buy ad correctly I should be able to order tit online and still get the discounted price. Hopefully I didn’t misread it.
I have really mixed feelings about the stores opening so early on Thanksgiving. We have a friend who works at Target in management who has two young girls. He without fail always has to work on Thanksgiving and the Holidays are his busy time. I like the fact that things are moving to a more e-commerce setup, but that just means more web and tech people have to work Thanksgiving. We truly live in a 24/7 world.
This weekend I *hope* to get ahead a bit so I can take a breather during the 4-day Thanksgiving weekend, but I already have a few commitments with friends this weekend that might make it more difficult to get ahead.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared “Solve Migraine Problems” and other takeaways from All In Startup
- On Tuesday Jenna shared how to Strategically Develop Skills to Create the Career You Want
- On Wednesday Erin explained How to Overcome Your Fear of Side Hustling
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Jason from Islands of Investing shared the The Islands of Investing library
- Holly from Club Thrifty shared her Trip Report: Europe On a Budget
- Anne from Money Propeller shared 20 Random Things about Anne from Money Propeller
- Liz from Budgeting for More shared Make Extra Money Challenge Update II
- Jef from My Career Crusader gave some career advice in Help! I’m not getting promoted
What’s new with you? Anything planned this weekend you care to share? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? How much of your holiday shopping will be online this year versus at physical stores?
Photo by Maggie Hoffman
Thanks for the mention! I am actually hoping for a really good laptop deal to come up, although I refuse to go out on Black Friday. Maybe Cyber Monday =) My computer is not doing well. =/
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention, DC : ) I for one, really hope to be done with Christmas shopping very soon. I will definitely be doing some online shopping. I am really ready for thanksgiving. I need to bring dish to share, and was actually considering the infamous grape salad! Unfortunately that recipe just looked too gross. ha ha will probably bring a jello salad.
I’m hoping to shop online too. I’d rather spend Thursday night lying around after eating too much turkey than fighting it out at the mall.
Can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving! Time flies. My sister’s b-day is also that weekend. I don’t plan on doing any Black Friday shopping may be to buy 10% Target gift cards. That’s 5 more percent that I normally get, and might possibly get additional cash back for the purchase with Discover It (due to the rotating category).
We are in full on Thanksgiving prep mode this weekend. We are hosting my family which has a bunch of people with gluten allergies so we need to change up the menu from our usual fare. I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend!
I’m hoping to do almost all of my shopping online. Aside from a few things I need to pick up at TJMaxx, we are pretty much done. Have a great weekend.
Holly at ClubThrifty Ah sorry to hear about your laptop. Kind of need that for your job, right? I’m sure there will be a few great deals on Cyber Monday for it so hopefully you can snag one then. Have a great weekend!
BudgetforMore Hey no problem! Yeah I hope we are done relatively soon, too. Granted I didn’t help at all yet so….I don’t mind doing some shopping in December haha. Oh man the grape salad thing is way too funny. Hope you have a great weekend!
houseoftre I think others agree with you, which is why retailers are catering to online shoppers more than ever before. I hope the “store only” deals are minimal.
Andrew LivingRichCheaply I just heard about the 10% deal this morning. I think my wife and I will both purchase $300 worth of gift cards. It’s too good of a deal to pass up and we shop at Target every week (sometimes multiple times).
Hey DC, thanks so much for highlighting my post! And thanks again for suggesting ‘All in Startup’ to add to the list – I’m actually about half way through it. Interesting way of presenting the ideas as a story, and is definitely reinforcing a few important concepts I’ve learnt through other courses and books.
We wish we could be in the US for thanksgiving! My wife and I love it, but it’s not quite the same here in Australia, although we often do try to do our own version. I’m sure my wife will also be on the lookout for any online ‘Black Friday’ deals on some clothes or anything else we need (we usually stock up on all our clothes in the US whenever we’re there – everything’s just too expensive here!).
Hope you enjoy the weekend with your friends, even if you don’t quite manage to get ahead for next week!
I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week either – I have no clue where this year has gone! My wife and I aren’t exchanging gifts this year which means that I think all of our shopping will be done online, which is nice. It’ll be a working weekend for us as we have family coming in beginning Tuesday evening and will get nothing much done after they get in.
The header looks great! I really can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week, although I came down to visit my parents this weekend instead. My mom got a seasonal job and is working all of next week, so we figured it would be easier to celebrate now. Even so, I don’t plan on going out shopping. Good luck with getting ahead!
Thanks alot, DC. Now all I can think of is pumpkin pie! :P
I don’t shop where there’s crowds, so black friday shopping is out for me. By the way, your site improvements really give a nice tight professional look to the place! :) I have some reading to catch up on. I’ve only read Holly’s from your faves up there! As usual, she rocks! Later, DC! :D
blonde_finance Oh I can imagine the gluten allergies would make it difficult, but that’s great that you are accommodating. Hope you have a great weekend!
Eyesonthedollar Wow, that’s incredible that you are done shopping. I’m always impressed by people who get done before Thanksgiving.
Jason@Islands of Investing I’m glad you are enjoying the book! I suppose it would be a LITTLE different having Thanksgiving in Australia, since it’s a US holiday haha. I hope you have a great weekend too!
FrugalRules Best of luck getting everything done before Tuesday and enjoy the time with your family. We are only doing $20 worth of gifts between the two of us, so nothing huge. I also have trouble getting anything done when we have guests.
Erin @ Journey to Saving Thanks! I’m so glad someone commented about it! I hope you have a great weekend with your family!
kay ~ Thanks for the feebdback on the new look. It took a pathetic amount of time for me to change the format. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for including me DC, as you may have noticed I have been very quiet on the MCC (My Career Crusader) front and it is likely that this will wind down for the time being with other projects coming on board..
How was Thanksgiving for you? Did you end up enjoying plenty of turkey :)? How’d the celebration with your brother go as well?