We saw our first large snowfall in Minnesota this Monday with over 8 inches of snow.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please consider Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 125 giveaways listed this week that end today (11/14) through next Thursday (11/20).
Happy Friday everyone!
As I said at the beginning of the post, we had our first big snowstorm of the season. I left an hour early for work and the roads were slick. Not fun.
- Technology is Amazing – So I have been planning a Winter project that is a bit nerdy. We currently have our TV on a TV stand. I plan on moving the TV to a wall on the other side of the living room, wall mounting it, and wall mounting a soundbar.
What’s amazing about technology is how WiFi is being utilized. I have a “media box” for my LG TV that allows me to hook up 4 HDMI inputs anywhere in the room. The box then connects to the TV via WiFi so I literally could move the TV – or box – anywhere in the room and not have to rewire anything. This simply wouldn’t be possible 5-10 years ago.
I will still probably rewire a few HDMI cords as well as a USB input through the wall and basement, but it’s more for convenience for the next homeowner (assuming they don’t want to include our TV in the home purchase price).
I’m really excited for this project, though, and asked if I was a nerd because of it. Michelle said I was:
@davidcarlson1 A nerd haha!
— Michelle (@SenseofCents) November 10, 2014
- Freelance Writing Jobs – I’ve been pursuing additional freelance writing jobs but haven’t had much luck. Granted I only reached out to three Craigslist postings so I can’t be too upset. These jobs were also listed on the Freelance Writing Gig‘s daily roundup of freelance writing jobs, so I’m sure they all had 10-100 applicants.
Shoutout to Jenna from pftwins who sent me a freelance writing job she thought would be good for me. I appreciated it!
I’ll continue to keep my eye out for job postings, but I thankfully have the advantage of being selective since it’s a side hustle for me and I really don’t “need” the extra income.
- 2015? – It’s crazy how there are only a few weeks left in 2014 – I’m excited for the rest of November and December. I have quite a bit of paid time off to burn in December.
Besides Christmas, Thanksgiving, and everything that comes with the holidays I also have a bachelor party. We almost went to Vegas for it but it didn’t work out for everyone. I was excited because it would have been a 100% free Vegas trip for me because of the strategies I described in this post. Guess it just means more rewards to comp in a future Vegas trip.
No plans this weekend! Probably will finalize my TV re-wiring plan and work on writing jobs. Super cool. Haha.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I explained How to Make $200 an Hour with a Side Hustle
- On Tuesday I released a new download in Free 2015 Editorial Calendar in Google Spreadsheets for Bloggers
- On Wednesday Erin explained 4 Ways To Further Invest In Your Side Business
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere.
Want to be featured? I pick blogs that comment on the site regularly, so stop by and leave a comment!
- Jessica from Mannered Money explains How Manners Took Me from a 50 Cent Job Offer to a 50 Dollar Payout
- Kassandra from More than Just Money asked Are you on the Road to Rebellion?
- Kim from Eyes on the Dollar talked about Buying a FourPlex
- Stefanie from The Broke and the Beautiful Life explains How To Make Gift Cards Personal
- John from Frugal Rules told us a bit about himself in I Can’t Believe I’m Saying this about myself Online
What’s new with you? Anything planned this weekend you care to share? Do you have anything fun planned for November or December? Excited for the Holidays?
Photo by daveynin
Hah! You sound exactly like Mr. Frugalwoods with your wires & cables & HDMI. He lives to rewire things, which is awesome as far as I’m concerned. He’s got our TV set up with nary a wire or cord dangling out (just the one that plugs into the wall), which makes for a happy wife (I hate unsightly cords :)!). I’m jealous of your snowfall! It’s snowing lightly here this morning so we might get some accumulation. Hope you have a great weekend!
I saw those winter pics posted on Facebook. Ouch! Seems way too soon to me. Hope you have a good weekend. I will also be home working the entire time.
I don’t think I’m ready for the holiday madness just yet. Our goal this year is to keep it simple. I would like to minimize the stress and shopping and maximize the time spent enjoying the holidays. We’ll see how that goes : )
Rewiring project! Ha! Sounds like you get giddy about it like I get giddy about minimalizing and organizing. I understand completely. It snowed some here too, maybe an inch or two. Ah well, spring is only 4 months away! Have a super weekend! :D
Wow 8 inches of snow already! Apparently there were some snow showers here in NYC, but nothing stuck. It is cold though…and just this past Wednesday it was in the 60s. The weather patterns can change on a dime.
Technology is great! I’m in the market for a new smart TV, taking my 20 year anniversary gift from my company to fund it. Upgrading my first Sony HD TV that weights like 300lbs. Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks for the mention. You certainly are a nerd, but in a good way! We are the only sliver of Colorado that did not get the polar vortex, but it sounds like ours is coming on Sunday-Monday. Gotta love winter:(
Thanks for featuring my post DC! This newbie just had a heart attack. :) Sometimes I forget that the rest of the world doesn’t live in a weather bubble. I’m still wearing short sleeves here.
I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. I’m not looking forward to the cooking aspect of it because it will be held at my place this year but eating the food will be a highlight. Good luck with your weekend project.
I’m still on the fence on whether or not you’re a nerd. I like to re-arrange the living room every now and again to make it feel new. So if I call you a nerd I may actually be implying that I’m one too. I’m not sure if I’m ready to come to terms with that. :)
I appreciate the mention DC. Ah winter…I’m back in Canada for a few days and it’s cold. Waking up to see cars frosted over is a sure sign that Winter is pretty much here. Glad you got home safely during the snowstorm.
Thanks much for the mention DC, I appreciate it! I had seen you had been dumped on this week – we’re supposed to get several inches tomorrow after getting some ice earlier in the week. I’ve learned one thing already, and it’s not even winter yet officially – losing weight means I get colder MUCH quicker, lol. My wife’s birthday is today so I’ve got some fun stuff planned for the weekend. Have a great weekend!
Snow already?! I’m in Alabama with work this week, but we go to Chicago next- bracing for the cold :(
I can’t believe you guys already got 8 inches of snow!! I was in Dallas this past week and it was colder than NY. Makes me really weary about this winter we have coming up. Anyway, we are going to chill out this weekend. Hubby and I want to get in a long hike before it gets too cold to hike and then I have a bunch or work to prepare for a big meeting I have next week. I hope you have a great weekend!
Sorry to hear about snow and the slow commute. Never fun! It’s been cool and cloudy here, but I guess I can’t complaint. :) The rewiring project does not sound like fun to me, so I’d have to vote with Michelle! LOL! Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Frugalwoods Yes I think me and Mr. Frugalwoods would get along. I would love to see how he’s got some of your tech stuff set up (among other things in your house since it looks like both of you are interested in home projects). I wish I could send you some of the snow we have here because we had way too much. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Holly at ClubThrifty Well it was certainly an “abrupt” start to Winter, to say the least. I hope you find some time to relax and don’t have to work too much.
BudgetforMore Haha I was about to say “I think a lot of people have attempted what you are about to attempt…” but seriously, best of luck and I hope the holidays are stress-free for you. I sure hope they are for us, too.
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com Spring typically doesn’t hit us here until late April, so I can’t even start thinking ahead to that (as much as I would like to haha). I hope you write more about your organization pursuits, I’m definitely always looking for new ways to do it.
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Yeah it’s VERY cold here in Minnesota as well. Just last weekend it was relatively warm and people were cleaning up their yards. Now everyone’s yard is covered in at least 4 inches of snow.
DebtDiscipline Haha it’s so crazy how heavy old TVs are! We have a 27 inch tube TV in our basement and I can’t wait to get rid of it.It’s crazy how that TV is about 8x heavier than our newer 47 inch TV.
Eyesonthedollar Wow you got lucky! Well, except for the snowfall you’ll get this Sunday. Hope the accumulation stays low for you guys.
manneredmoney Haha no reason to have a heart attack, it was a great post! This is my favorite quote I’ve seen today -> “I’m still on the fence on whether or not you’re a nerd.” Kudos to you for hosting Thanksgiving and I’m sure you will have fun despite all the work that comes with cooking.
Kassandra @ More Than Just Money Yes I can only imagine that Canada is experiencing some pretty cold weather right now. Hope you have a great weekend!
FrugalRules So it IS true that if you gain weight for the Winter you’ll be colder? My wife was trying to convince me of that haha. Happy Birthday to your wife and hope you have a great weekend too! Oh – and drive safe on the ice. Hate driving on ice.
brokeandbeau Oh Alabama would be a great escape from the cold weather. I can only imagine it’s pretty frigid in Chicago. It hasn’t gone above 30 degrees here all week.
blonde_finance Best of luck preparing for the meeting, and I hope that you have some time to relax (besides the hike, of course). Hope you have a good weekend too!
ShannonRyan Haha I’m not amused by your vote with Michelle, but I definitely do not mind “geeking out” every once in a while, especially if it it *maybe?* adds value to our home. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Wow, snow is still such a novelty for me – we never see it down here in Melbourne unless we head up to the ski fields, but have only been a couple of times. Sorry to hear it’s causing some challenges for you, but our weather is just warming up, so it kind of makes me feel better about that in a way :)
I think you’re project sounds pretty cool, although doesn’t sound like something I’d be keen to do. And we’re all kind of nerds here in some way aren’t we, writing about finance and numbers and stuff?
Jason@Islands of Investing Yeah I guess you’re right; personal finance bloggers are by default a little bit nerdy. I’m glad weather is warming up for you, though!
We had some flurries here, but no real snow. Thank goodness. I’m planning to get a hike in tomorrow as the last hike of the season. It’s supposed to snow for real on Monday.
Thanks for the shoutout!
DC @ Young Adult Money kay ~ lifestylevoices.com Finally, my OCD’s are coming in handy! Thanks DC! :)
DC @ Young Adult Money manneredmoney I’ve been known to throw a few good quotes out in my lifetime. I’ll be reevaluating the question come the new year. I guess you’ll have to wait awhile to see if I give you a guilty verdict!
manneredmoney DC @ Young Adult Money Haha yes we’ll have to see.
kay ~ lifestylevoices.com DC @ Young Adult Money Yes, great topic for blog content! Being organized can save you time and money.
pfjenna Hey no problem! I hope you were able to get your hike in today. It’ll be snowing here on Monday as well. Hopefully the commute isn’t too bad.
Egad, 8 inches already? I was feeling thankful this morning that we still only have a sparse inch that’s mostly patchy!
Excited for a few new projects I have coming up, will be stepping away from My Career Crusader but will still be around here and actively following you :)
How’d your TV mounting go, that’s not nerdy though ;) haha
moneypropeller Yes we really got hit hard last week. There is about an inch or two that will fall overnight tonight but nothing too bad. Definitely thankful that we made it through that first big storm here!
mycareercrusade I’m excited for your new projects as well! PLEASE be sure to let me know about them either on the comments here or through email. Sometimes it just makes sense to step away from one project and move on to another one. I think you made the right call.
I didn’t mount the TV yet, still drawing up some plans ;)
DC @ Young Adult Money mycareercrusade Hey DC, damn actions speak louder than words with that TV set ;) haha
Yeah, shot you an email, as passionate as I was about career coaching and development, haven’t given this up yet but have plenty of lessons I’ve gained, there probably wasn’t the time or market at this stage for me!
Appreciate the kind words and you’re a big motivation :), as much as we joke around
mycareercrusade DC @ Young Adult Money Haha I know I need to get to work on it! I have my reasons for holding off, though…I’ll share on a blog on Thursday most likely or during next week’s roundup haha.
I got your email and will definitely get back to you ASAP!