The Minnesota State Fair starts in just a couple weeks from now! This is a picture someone took of the Midway.
It’s one of the biggest State Fairs in the country, averaging over 100,000 visitors a day for 12 days.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 55 giveaways listed this week that end today (8/15) through next Thursday (8/21).
Happy Friday everyone!
The past week or so has been one of the busiest I’ve had in a long time. That’ll happen when you have two weddings, a bachelor party, and commitments on weeknights, all within a 10-day time frame.
Anyway I’m excited for the wedding this weekend because it’s one of my good friends. He’s honestly one of the best guys I know and I couldn’t be happier for him and his bride.
I’m an usher in his wedding and made a rather “un-frugal” purchase: $100 boots. I typically would never buy boots, but I had to for this wedding. I was very happy when I got the boots because they are really comfortable, look great, and are something I could see myself wearing all Fall and Winter.
I was able to be a bit more frugal with the jeans, as I got $15 jeans that seriously look like the $100 ones that were more along the lines he was shooting for. The whole outfit was still cheaper than having to get a tux and, again, I get to keep it. So I don’t mind the “frugal splurge.”
These weddings kind of inspired my post from last week, A Match Made in Heaven: Weddings and Travel Rewards. It’s a great feeling knowing that I can get a hotel for a night or two and not pay a dime. We still have over $700 in travel rewards between my wife and me.
So despite all the busyness – and lack of sleep – I can’t complain. I’m definitely ready for the weekend, though!
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared Why You Should Pay the Minimum on Student Loans.
- On Tuesday I explained Should You Share Your Salary?.
- On Wednesday Cat asked 5 Easy and Inexpensive Fall Getaways
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere:
- Shannon from Financially Blonde shared the Top Ten Family Vacation Movies
- Liz from Budgeting for More gave all the couples out there Four Frugal Summer Date Ideas
- Holly from Club Thrifty explained why you shouldn’t always trust your parent’s advice in 5 Personal Finance Lies Your Parents Told You
- John from Frugal Rules explained How to Hire a Web Designer: What to Look For
- Stefanie from The Broke and the Beautiful Life tells you How To Become An Expert On Anything
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? What was the last wedding you went to?
Photo by m01229
Your week sounds crazy DC! Mine was pretty hectic with the return from vacation and the onset of a basement refinish my hubby decided to take on with his dad. So this weekend I will probably be painting the basement. It is looking awesome, though, and I can’t wait to share the results with everyone soon! Thank you for mentioning my post on vacation movies! I hope you enjoy the wedding and your unfrugal boots! :-)
Enjoy the wedding weekend! I’m done with weddings for the season, though I should probably start saving NOW for next year ;) Thanks for the shout out.
Sounds like you’ve had a busy past week or two, but most of it sounds like fun. We were just looking at our calendar last night and every weekend between now and the end of October is booked with something. Granted some of it is vacation/FinCon, but it’s going to be a busy next few months for us. This weekend is going to be a working weekend for us. It’s inevitable, we told our clients a month ago we’d be gone and all of a sudden we just get slammed last minute with a crapload of work. It’s good money, but adds to the stress of getting ready. Anyway, thanks much for the mention and hope you have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend, DC. I’m sure you’ll have fun at the wedding. Jeans and boots- is it a Western theme? Sounds like a nice break from a tux!
I don’t even remember the last wedding I’ve been to it’s been that long! Have fun and rock those boots!
Jeans! That’s my kind if wedding. Jim wanted to wear shorts to ours but I convinced him khakis were a better option.
Thanks for the mention! Hope you have a great weekend!!!
Definitely good that you get to keep the jeans and boots…I always feel bad for bridesmaids since more likely than not…they’ll never wear that dress again after spending all the money on it. Have fun at the wedding.
Wow that’s sounds like a really unique but fun wedding! Hope you enjoyed yourself! That is what I call a frugal wedding too, because you can reuse the clothes afterwards.
blonde_finance Finishing a basement is a huge job, kudos to your husband for taking it on! The wedding was awesome!
brokeandbeau Thanks, it was an awesome wedding! Thankfully we had the credit card rewards to make this one a bit more affordable.
FrugalRules I think that having a lot of demand for your work is a GREAT problem to have! I hope you are able to fit it all into your busy schedule. I have some stuff planned the next few months, but should have some free weekends as well.
TheWriteBudget Thanks it was an awesome wedding weekend! It was a farm/vintage theme, and they pulled it off great.
Beachbudget I think weddings come in waves/seasons, so I’m sure eventually they will slow down. I rocked those boots for sure haha.
Eyesonthedollar Haha shorts are something I haven’t seen before! I’m glad you talked him into khakis.
Holly at ClubThrifty No problem Holly! The weekend was great and I hope you had a good one too!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply It’s true, bridesmaids do get the shaft when it comes to having to spend money. I think it’s an honor to be asked to be in a wedding, though, so I think most people don’t mind spending the money.
debt debs It was a great wedding! The wedding was incredibly frugal for everyone involved.