The lift bridge at one of my favorite weekend getaways – Duluth, MN.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 71 giveaways listed this week that end today (8/1) through next Thursday (8/7).
Happy Friday everyone!
On Monday I talked about how Dilbert started as a side hustle. I’m pretty sure 100% of the people who commented – and perhaps 100% of the people who read the post – were unaware that Scott Adams spent approximately 15 years working a 9-5 and trying different side hustles until Dilbert worked out.
One other takeaway I took from the book is that luck really comes into play. For example, one of his side hustles was a company that allowed users to upload videos. Sound familiar? Yes, it was the same concept as YouTube. Unfortunately it didn’t pan out, simply because the timing was off. The internet couldn’t handle the massive amount of data the site required.
Probably the biggest takeaway, though, is that you don’t have to be great at anything to be successful. You just have to be good or even average at a few things. Being willing to try different things – and drop things that aren’t going well – is a key to success, especially when side hsutles are concerned.
I would highly recommend buying his book How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life on Amazon (not an affiliate link!) or getting it at the library.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared You Won’t Believe What Started as a Side Hustle.
- On Tuesday I explained How to get a Loan for a Small Business.
- On Wednesday Cat asked What Type of Help Are You Willing to Pay For?
- On Thursday I shared Retirement for Millennials: Get Started!.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are 5 posts that I enjoyed this week from around the blogosphere:
- Mrs. Frugal Woods from Frugal Woods shared an interesting travel idea in Travel Cheap By Being A Thanksgiving Weirdo
- Tonya from Budget and the Beach talked about People Who Love What They Do
- Michelle from Making Sense of Cents had a Confession: I Let Money Control My Life
- Brian from Luke 1428 also had a confession in Confessing a Really Stupid Money Mistake
- John from Frugal Rules talked about how Obamacare affected him in I Just Got Screwed by Obamacare
Have you read any good books lately? Anything good happen to you this week? Big plans for the weekend?
Photo by Sharon Mollerus
We ARE really close – I drive by the lift bridge a couple of times a week ;-)
I love Duluth! Such a beautiful place to visit. I recently decided that I would like to read the Harry Potter series. I remember reading the first book, but I was never able to start the rest of them. I think it will be kinda fun.
Hope you have a good weekend! I will be busy catching up on work =/
Thanks for the mention DC, I appreciate it! I’ve not really had much time to read any books lately. Though, my wife just finished the first Game of Thrones book and really want to get started on it myself. I’ll be working in the garage this weekend. I finally broke down and started cleaning it out last weekend and still looks like a disaster area so I’ve got more work to do. Have a great weekend!
I read the Wayward Pines series while I was on vacation. No life changing tidbits there. It was just a fiction novel trilogy, but it was super weird in a Twin Peaks way and the author lives very close to me, so pretty cool. Have a great weekend .
Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for including my article.
I haven’t read any books this summer. Time to check something out of the library… Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for including me–I really appreciate it! I recently read and enjoyed The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer and The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. Both fun works of fiction!
Thank you for mentioning my post. I think the thing with those kinds of endeavors is knowing when to keep going with it and make it work versus knowing when to move on.
I have not read any good books lately, but I am taking a vacation next week and plan to read at least 3. Reading is probably my favorite thing to do, other than spend time with my guys. I am looking forward to unplugging for as much as my brain will allow me. :-) I hope you have an awesome weekend!
indebtedmom That’s awesome! I live down in the cities, but I have always enjoyed visiting Duluth.
Holly at ClubThrifty You too, Holly! I am a bit behind on mine as well but not too bad.
Eyesonthedollar Sometimes it’s nice to kick back and read a novel versus something non-fiction. Hope you have a great weekend too.
SenseofCents You too Michelle! No problem!
TheWriteBudget I’m technically not even done with this book, but I’m close. I always have trouble getting around to reading books because I have so little free time that isn’t already accounted for.
Mrs. Frugalwoods No problem! I haven’t read much fiction at all recently. I may have to bring a fiction book along with me on our trip to Hawaii this winter.
blonde_finance I typically read a TON when I go on vacation, at least compared to how much I read in my regular day-to-day life. I plan on bringing a couple books along with me on our trip to Hawaii, and it would be awesome if I could finish both of them.
Thanks for the mention DC! Our big plans are enjoying this upcoming last week of summer before the kids go back to school. Hard to believe it is that time again.