Lake Superior as seen from Minnesota. Beautiful!
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 57 giveaways listed this week that end today (7/18) through next Thursday (7/24).
Happy Friday everyone!
First wanted to mention that I won a giveaway that resulted in a free hotel room and $1,000+ in cash. It also involved All Star game tickets. It was my biggest score since winning the Hawaii trip a few months ago. I plan on writing a post about how to make money with giveaways, because it’s certainly paid off for us the past year or so.
One other big update today: we added some new members to our family!
Chester, 5 years old:

Tucker, 2 months old – this pic makes him look much bigger than he actually is:

It was also Shannon’s last time posting on the blog as a regular contributor. She has a lot on her plate right now and we wish her best of luck!
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I asked Should you Donate Money When you are in Debt?.
- On Tuesday we had a great post from the “No Nonsense Landlord.” He explained How to Remodel your Bathroom on your Own (DIY).
- On Wednesday Cat shared The One Simple Way to Avoid Money Arguments
- On Thursday I shared 4 Tips for a Successful Job Interview.
Posts of the Week:
I didn’t do my usual posts of the week because we were out of town for four days. With that being said, somehow my wife managed to list over 50 giveaways in this week’s giveaway roundup (including an $800 cash giveaway!).
How was your week? What do you think of our cats?
Photo by m01229
Your kitties are so cute! We will be in Minnesota Friday-Monday the 26th-28th. We are going to see Greg’s parents new lake house. It really is beautiful up there!
Huge congrats on the new members of your family!!! SO cute. We have a “Tucker” too. :-)
Congrats on the new members of your family! They are really cute. Our week was okay. We are a bit stressed out as Ruby seems to be having some medical issues. We had another visit to the vet this week to have some testing done. UGG
Congrats on the new additions to your “furr”mily. They look very sweet. Have a great weekend!
Congrats on the addition to your family! Love the picture Lake Superior also! Have a great weekend…beautiful weather!
Aww, cute cats! Looking forward to reading your article on giveaways. Have a great weekend!
Beautiful pic of the Lake. I remember being in Chicago many years ago and Lake Michigan was so beautiful as well in the Summer. Congrats on the new kittys, very cute. Looking forward to reading your post on giveaways. Enjoy your weekend!
Holly at ClubThrifty Nice! Glad you guys could make it to Minnesota this Summer.
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer Thanks! We are introducing them tonight so should be pretty interesting.
Ahhh!! I love the new additions to the YAM family! We are cat people and I don’t think that we could live without having one in our home. Thank you so much for the opportunity to write for YAM!! I had so much fun writing my posts and responding to comments here. Your support means a lot to me!
BudgetforMore Nothing is worse than sick pets. It’s so hard because they can’t tell you what’s wrong, and all you want to do is make them feel better. I hope Ruby starts feeling better soon and I hope you have a great weekend!
Beachbudget Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
TheWriteBudget Thanks for the response about my future giveaway post. I feel like people like giveaways but they never express that they do. Hope you have a great weekend!
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Hope you have a great weekend as well!
I’m not a cat person DC, but they really are pretty freaking cute. And that pic of Lake Superior made me want to do nothing but move to Minnesota, despite having no family or job prospects there. At least I can indulge my off-the-grid getting back to nature type fantasies. Have a good weekend!
Oh, what absolute cuties!! You guys must be so excited. When I worked at the animal shelter it was incredibly hard to tell myself no more animals. But then again, we had a small apartment, so it wouldn’t have worked anyway. Congrats on being cat parents again! And that is quite a beautiful picture. I hope you had fun at the game!
Congrats on the giveaway! The cats are really cute. Did they “know” each other before? I hope the whole family gets along great.
Welcome to the new kitties! Have a great weekend.
Practical Cents Yeah sometimes I forget how close I live to the great lakes. I don’t make it out to see them nearly as much as I should. I hope you have a great weekend too!
blonde_finance I’m so thankful for all your posts, Shannon! They were all really high quality so it was a bummer to hear about your new opportunities (in a selfish way haha), but I am excited for you!
ImpersonalFinance Some people aren’t cat people, and that’s just fine! These guys both have really big personalities, though very different personalities. We just introduced them last night and they are doing well together. Haha I would love to have an “off the grid” setup somewhere in rural Minnesota. It would be a great getaway and a good place to go if TSHTF. Hope you have a great weekend too!
JourneytoSaving Yeah it’s really tough not to keep adding more and more pets haha. We went to the humane society about 5 times before getting these guys. We introduced them last night and they seem to be doing well together.
RFIndependence They did not know each other but we just introduced them to each other last night and they are getting along pretty well. The kitten was very scared of the older cat and the older cat was more just curious about the little guy. Everything seems to be going well tho!
brokeandbeau Thanks Stefanie! Hope you have a great weekend as well : )
Aw.. the kitties are so cute! Hope you had a good time on your get away!