Gotta love going to “the lake” in the Summer.
There’s even a whole Twitter account dedicated to “Minnesota Lake Life” @MN_LakeLife.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 118 giveaways listed this week that end today (7/11) through next Thursday (7/17).
Happy Friday everyone!
Let’s get right into it:
- I won another trip! – Okay, that’s a bit misleading because…I won roundtrip airfare to none other than Minneapolis, Minnesota! I live in the Twin Cities so the airfare portion of the giveaway was kind of worthless. Included, though, is a 2 night hotel stay and 2 tickets to the MLB All Star game. Not quite a trip to Hawaii, but still a pretty sweet prize!
The sad thing is that I used to be into baseball a lot more than I am now. In fact my enthusiasm for baseball is probably at an all-time low. Call me a fair-weather fan, but the Twins kind of suck. They need to put a competitive team on the field before I get excited again.
With that being said, it should be a ton of fun and we did win a couple hundred dollars spending cash, plus cash for transportation on top of everything else, so it’s really a great prize. We had already taken PTO for Monday and Tuesday, so it couldn’t have landed on a better day.
- Reader love – I saw someone at church who I hadn’t seen for a while. He’s been busy working and finishing up school and we simply hadn’t crossed paths for some time. He mentioned he still reads my blog regularly and has gotten 3 or 4 other people to start reading.
It’s always nice to hear feedback like that. As most other bloggers know, blogging has it’s ups and downs. It’s hard to dedicate so much of your free time towards your site, and there is always more that you can do to improve the site.
So Micah if you are reading, thanks for the encouragement!
I started a new job this week and to show them I’m really dedicated I’m taking a 4 day weekend! Okay, it was planned PTO but it still feels odd to work four days at a new place and then take a couple of days off.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared a How I Networked Into Almost Every Job I’ve Ever Had.
- On Tuesday I talked about a new credit card in Get Gas at Sunoco? Save Money With the Sunoco Credit Card.
- On Wednesday Cat shared Tough Realities of Being a Successful Freelancer
- On Thursday I shared When Does it Make Sense to Pay Full Price?.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Michelle from Diversified Finances shared My Business Plans For The Future As An Online Freelancer
- John from Frugal Rules explained 5 Things I Don’t Miss About Working in an Office
- Anne from Money Propeller shared I Love Me Some Mini-Fridge!
- Deb from Debt Debs gave some pointers from her experience Moving Blog from to Self-Hosted
- Holly from Club Thrifty wants her kids to think she’s broke. Here’s why: Sorry Kids, We’re Broke: 4 Reasons to Live Like You’re Poor
How was your week? Will you be watching the All Star game or could you care less? Any trips/long weekends planned this Summer?
Photo by John Coley
Thanks DC, for featuring my article. I certainly learned a lot with my experience. If any of your readers have any questions about moving from to self hosted, I would be happy to answer them.
Oh, your story about the free trip cracked me up. That would be my sorta luck. PS – I actually live not too far from you! The trip would have been nearly as useless to me :-)
Too bad you can’t sell the airfare portion of the trip. Those contest people must love you for winning! Congrats! At least you get to eat ballpark food, which, in my opinion, is the only reason to go to a baseball game.
Enjoy your four day weekend!
DC, you are on a winning streak, although it is kind of hilarious that you won round-trip airfare to Minneapolis. I echo Kim and it’s too bad you can’t sell the airfare or get a cash equivalency for it. But it still sounds like a great prize! Have a great weekend and enjoy your time off. :)
You can’t beat free DC! I’m sure the game will be amazing, and some spending money and a hotel is pretty nice, too! And since I haven’t said it before, congrats on the new job!
That’s cool you won the trip, albeit to your hometown. ;) I used to be a big baseball fan, even more so than football. But, the whole steroid thing just turned me off and haven’t been into it much though I would enjoy seeing the new stadium. We’re traveling a bunch this summer and in to early fall. We leave in six weeks for a three week trip to San Diego. The week after we come back we’ll be going to FinCon and two weeks after we get back from FinCon we’re going on a family trip to Chicago. Busy times, but it should be fun. Thanks for the mention DC, it’s much appreciated!
Congrats on winning the trip! Even if you can’t use the airfare, that’s not too bad of a deal. My family loves baseball, but we’ll actually be on a plane back home when it’s on, so my parents are recording it. I’m not crazy about baseball as much as I used to be, but it’s hilarious watching my grandma react to everything going on. She’s a very enthusiastic fan. I’m currently on the only trip I planned for the summer!
Wow, you are very good at winning contest. What’s your secret? So funny that you mention not being into baseball so much lately. My husband feels the same way. He’s a long time Mets fan and they usually suck so it’s hard on a fan to stay interested when the team doesn’t have a chance.
Anyway, we’ll be watching the World Cup Final on Sunday. Can’t believe it’s over and I can’t wait to see who wins. I’ll be rooting for Argentina plus Shakira will be performing at the closing ceremony so it should be much better than the opening ceremony!
No vaca for us this Summer. We have something planned for January. A little getaway to the Caribbean.
Have a nice weekend.
Will you get anything in lieu of the airfare? It’s still sweet to have won it, regardless! Thanks for the link and for stopping by!
If you want to stop by, there’s a link up on today’s post that anyone can join.
Thank you so much for the mention of my post on DiversifiedFinances! :)
You win so many things. I need to get back into entering giveaways. I’ve been a major slacker.
Maybe you can take the plane trips in reverse order. Then you can fly somewhere and get back…
debt debs No problem! I hope my readers do go to you for advice on this.
indebtedmom Very nice! Always great to meet another Minnesota personal finance blogger. Seems like there are new ones all the time!
brokeandbeau Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Eyesonthedollar I actually did get a sizable some in compensation in leiu of the flight…a very solid win if you ask me!
ShannonRyan I actually found out this afternoon they approved a very reasonable sum in leiu of the flight! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
ImpersonalFinance Very true! I think the spending money will be nice for sure, especially since I can get the expensive food at the ballpark without feeling guilty : )
FrugalRules Wow that’s definitely a lot of travel John! I was a HUGE Twins fan growing up and even in college I followed them pretty close as we made the playoffs a few years in a row. No problem on the mention!
JourneytoSaving I hope you are having a great trip! I did get some cash in place of the flight, and it was pretty generous so I’m excited to use that to pay some of the taxes for the Hawaii trip.
No Nonsense Landlord Haha that would be great! Unfortunately not an option. I did get some cash in place of the flight and ground transportation, though, so I can’t complain!
SenseofCents No problem Michelle! I think the big giveaways are definitely worth winning. I have a feeling that not many people entered this giveaway because it was only through DM from Pepsi, and only people who had tweeted about the all star game. Anyway it worked in my favor!
moneypropeller I did get some $ in leiu of the airfare : ) It was a generous amount so I’m happy about it! Nice linkups are great!
Practical Cents My secret is this: enter enough and you eventually win! I have entered countless giveaways (seriously, thousands upon thousands). It’s a numbers game.
I can’t believe the World Cup is over too. I’m still recovering from the US losing : / I’m also cheering for Argentina. Hope you have a great weekend!
Congrats on another win!! I think that’s cool about your friend too. It’s nice when PF bloggers read, but when people IRL say they like it, or share it with friends, that feels pretty good, like you’re reaching way past your core audience. Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much for the mention!
Another win?! You are one lucky guy, DC!
That picture definitely makes me want to pack up and head for Minnesota right now. Also, you guys have the best weird roadside attractions!
That’s a nice win anyway! A couple nights in a hotel is nothing to sneeze at. And if those tickets are transferrable, send them my way and I’ll fly up to buy you some beers. :)