This is a picture of people celebrating in Costa Rica after they beat Italy.
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 118 giveaways listed this week that end today (6/27) through next Thursday (7/3).
Happy Friday everyone!
I basically sat on the couch on Thursday at work and watched the entire USA-Germany World Cup match. So pumped for the US team to be in the knockout stage!
One reason I was able to watch the whole game, at the office, is I’ve been in transition mode at work. It’s an interesting spot to be in. Basically my only job right now is to move my work to other people on my team.
I’m antsy to get going at my new job, but I’m also trying to enjoy this “slow” time. I’ve been referring to it as the calm before the storm ;)
I also informed my wife that if I didn’t have an office job – or really any job that required credibility – I would grow dreadlocks like US midfielder Kyle Beckerman. She was surprisingly supportive. But she also wants to be bald and is seeking my stamp of approval for that…so that might have played into it.

Give me 10 seconds of your time?
I’m in another FeeX blogger competition, this time for the most Facebook likes on blog posts.
I shared about it last week and didn’t get much response. So instead of dumping a bunch of posts it would be awesome if everyone reading this could go to just ONE post and click the like button – here’s the post: How to Save Money on Weekends.
Thanks for giving me 10 seconds of your time!
If you really want to help me out…here’s a link to all my posts.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I asked HShould you cash out your 401k to pay off debt? [Free Calculator Download].
- On Tuesday I asked Is “Virtual” Financial Planning the Future?.
- On Thursday Cat explained How to Get High-End Furniture for Cheap
- On Thursday Shannon explained 4 Steps to Manage Your Busy Work Life.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Liz from Budgeting for More shared a great efficiency tool in A Tool for Organizing and Taking Notes
- Greg from Travel Blue Book shared the 6 Best State Fairs in America
- E.M. from Journey to Saving asked Do You Learn Lessons the Hard Way?
- Shannon from Financially Blonde shared a personal story in You Can’t Win Them All
- Stefanie from The Broke and the Beautiful Life asked What’s In a Name and Number? Job Title, Income, and Expertise
What do you think about dreadlocks? Are you excited about the World Cup or ready for it to be over so people like me stop talking about it? Did you like my post over at FeeX? :P Any plans for the 4th?
Photo by Adam Rifkin
I’m not wild about dreadlocks simply because of what you have to do to grow them. Thanks for the shout out!
I was working from home on Thursday and it was very difficult to focus on any work with my hubby’s screaming over the game. So I took my lunch break over the second half and I am so bummed that we didn’t win, but I am really happy we are out of the group of death. And I LOVE Kyle Beckerman’s dreads!! But I have to be honest, I think they work for him because he has a lot of swagger being a World Cup soccer player and all, not sure if someone in corporate finance could pull them off. :-) Thanks so much for highlighting my post this week! Enjoy your weekend!!
I didn’t get to watch much of the game yesterday, though it’s sort of funny that we made it to the next round while still losing. I saw they’re predicting we only have like a 1.5% statistical chance of winning it all. I couldn’t do the dreadlock thing as I cut my hair every few weeks and think they would drive me nuts. Have a great weekend DC!
I was just taking last night about how I would love to cut all my hair off and not have to ever comb or blow dry it again, but I’m sure that would be a big mistake. I think dreads are gross. Have you ever looked at them up close? There could be colonies of who knows what in there. I actually had to edit a medical article about how to get nits out of dreadlocks. It ruined me forever.
Apparently New York’s governor gave all state employees an extended lunch to watch the US vs Germany game. Unfortunately no one at our office was informed of this. Klinsman also wrote a signed letter asking bosses to excuse your employees to cheer on USA as well! I’m not sure about dreadlocks…seems like it would be too much to manage. I wanted to grow a goatee but my wife didn’t approve of it. As for 4th of July weekend…my son’s 1st b-day party! Time flies.
Dreadlocks seem like a lot of work and these especially look dirty. But then Whoopi Goldberg has them and hers look nice. I guess it depends on the person. I have been thoroughly enjoying the world cup. I’ll miss it when it’s gone. I have my predictions for the Quarter Finals but I’m secretly hoping I’m wrong on a few of them. Such as the matches with Mexico and USA. I’ll be watching the World Cup on 4th of July weekend. Would be nice to have the USA in one of those games. We’ll see. Have a nice weekend.
Why does your wife want to be bald? LOL
If Greg is able to leave his job, I want him to grow a giant beard. He looks so hot with facial hair!
LOL dreadlocks would be funny. Wes started to grow a beard when we were on a trip and I HATED it.
My husband had longer hair when I met him, but he cut it for a more professional look. It’s no secret that I loved the longer hair, though, sigh. I just can’t get into the world cup. Now, the Olympics is another story…
brokeandbeau No problem! Yeah the things you have to do to have dreadlocks are a bit demanding.
blonde_finance You mean I don’t have swagger working in corporate finance? :/ Haha just kidding, that’s exactly why I could never have them! We had fun at work watching the game over lunch hour. People were getting into it!
FrugalRules It definitely is funny that we lost and moved on. I told someone yesterday “we won! I mean…we lost the game but we basically won because we are moving on!” I would pay to see you grow out dreadlocks haha. Have a great weekend!
Eyesonthedollar Haha I haven’t inspected them up close. A friend of mine used to have them and they did not smell very good, that’s for sure. I wonder if there is any way to clean and maintain them so that there is not colonies of who knows what in them?
Andrew LivingRichCheaply Happy Birthday to your son! It’s too bad you guys didn’t get word of the extended lunch break. I hate when that happens. I know a lot of people have jobs where they can’t really “close shop” or stop working for a couple hours in the middle of the day. It would be nice if the games were in the evening instead.
Raquel@Practical Cents Mexico is my second-favorite team that remains and I’d love to see them win their next game. I really hope the US team wins. It would have been a HUGE bummer if they didn’t advance out of their group. I’m way into the World Cup this year and it’s been awesome cheering on the US team.
Holly at ClubThrifty FINALLY someone says something about the bald comment! She doesn’t like how much time and effort it takes to maintain hair. Unfortunately I informed her I’m a hair guy and that I’d really appreciate it if she kept her hair unless she lost it for medical reasons or had it shaved for charity.
Haha beards are awesome. I keep my facial hair clean, but I always have a little scruff – never clean shaven!
SenseofCents What! How can you hate on beards? Just kidding, everyone has their preferences. I always have a little scruff but I keep it pretty clean.
TheWriteBudget I love the Olympics! But Soccer really is my favorite “international” competition to get into so the World Cup is great since all the attention is on Soccer. I was very happy last Summer Olympics though when my cable company had an Olympic Basketball and an Olympic Soccer channel. So much to watch.
My boyfriend has a picture of him with a mohawk that he donned for one of his cross-country races in college, and while everyone loved it (including me), he said it’s just not him. He’s had the same hair style the past four years now. We’ll be visiting my parents for the 4th as they get their own private fireworks show for their community. I plan on driving around the beach to see what else I can find afterward. Thanks for the mention and have a great weekend!
JourneytoSaving Wow a mohawk is something I could never do! That’s pretty awesome that he rocked it. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
the dreads look really good on him, but I’m not sure I’d love it if it were my husband or boyfriend. Who knows though! Glad you got to enjoy the game!
We are looking forward to tomorrow’s game- Greece vs. Costa Rica. Hubby is Greek so it is pretty big deal : ) We are trying to find a bar where there will be a lot of Greeks watching.. but there isn’t a huge Greek community here unlike when we were living in Chicago.
Enjoy the slow time at work. I know I have been working my tail off the last 8 months trying to get trained into my new position. It finally feels like I am getting the hang of everything. So enjoy it : ) Thanks for the mention and hope you have a great weekend.