We made it – Happy Friday! Rum and coke is my beverage of choice – what’s yours?
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 122 giveaways listed this week that end today (4/11) through next Thursday (4/17).
Happy Friday everyone!
This was definitely a long week and I’m glad it’s finally the weekend. We had quarter close the past two weeks which can make for long days.
I don’t have too much to share, but I’ve been thinking about Summer a lot lately. Last Summer was the first Summer we had a house and some of the maintenance work, combined with other things made the Summer literally fly by. Ironically I do have some pretty big landscaping projects I want to tackle, but I plan on taking PTO from work to get them done.
Below is my Summer Bucket List:
- Go to a Twins Game – for the ballpark not for the team, they suck this year!
- Plan or go on a vacation – shameless plug: help me win one by entering my giveaway – I’m in a referral competition and need your help!
- Casino – I used to go quite a bit, but have only gone about once a year recently. It can be fun to stay overnight or just stop by quick with friends.
- Have a Bonfire – one of the best parts of Summer
- Go to the beach
- Go downtown on a Friday or Saturday night
- Go to uptown for happy hour (multiple times, hopefully!)
- Read at least one book
- Play poker with buddies
Those are a few of the things I thought of and I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but in the comments let me know something you are looking forward to or want to do this Summer.
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I shared 3 Reasons You Should Finance a Car Instead of Pay Cash.
- On Tuesday Sally talked about The Importance of Internships.
- On Wednesday Shannon shared 5 Tips to Save Money When Buying a New Car.
- On Thursday I shared a travel hack in How to Get Up to 3 Free Las Vegas Hotel Rooms a Month
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- John from Frugal Rules asked How Much Financial Help Should Adults Receive From Their Parents?
- Liz from Budgeting for More is Thinking about a Business Idea
- Travis from Enemy of Debt explained Why I Hate Credit Cards: Hotel Incidental Policy
- Anne from Unique Gifter explained How to Save Money on Wedding Gifts
- Michelle from Diversified Finances explained How To Start An Online Business
What’s on your bucket list this Summer?
Photo by Chelsea Nesvig
We have two vacations planned this summer. One of them will take us north through my old stomping grounds of Ohio on our way to Niagara Falls. We plan to stop at a Reds game on the way, as I haven’t been to Great American Ballpark yet. What’s your poker game of choice? I love Texas Hold-em while my son prefers 5 card draw.
Thanks for the shout out DC, I appreciate it! We have a road trip planned to San Diego to see the in-laws late this summer as well as FinCon in September. I want to plan a shorter trip somewhere here in the Midwest this summer, all on points on course. :) As for drink of choice, I feel bad for saying this so early in the morning ;), but anything with Vodka. :)
I am with John on the vodka, and he can absolutely mention it in the morning because that is what the bloody mary is for. :-) And as far as this summer, we have a few trips and I will be actively working on pimping my book that is tentatively set to release the first week of August. :-)
Thanks for the mention DC! I should really start thinking about my summer bucket list as well… summer is so short I need to make sure I get everything done I want. I would really like to go camping for a weekend. We aren’t huge outdoors people or anything but it is fun to pack up the tent and go to the local campground. It’s very frugal and relaxing to just unplug! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention! That looks like a do-able bucket list to me. We’re still mostly in spring time… so it seems ridiculously early to me to be setting summer goals!
Thanks for getting me addicted to that stupid game!!! Hope you have a good weekend!
Thank you for the mention of my post on Diversified Finances! Appreciated.
Sounds like you have a great Summer planned. I’m loving the warmer weather we’ve been having lately.
I’d have to pick virgin Diet Pepsi. How lame is that? Have a great weekend.
Brian @ Luke1428 Sounds like a fun trip! I pretty much only play no limit texas hold ’em. I’ve spent a pathetic amount of time playing poker over the years.
FrugalRules San Diego sounds nice! You can’t go wrong with vodka, even in the am ;)
blonde_finance Sounds like you have a fun Summer ahead of you! I’d be interested in reading your book when it comes out. Let me know if I can get an advance copy : )
BudgetforMore I used to like camping but my wife and I have such bad allergies that it hasn’t been quite as enjoyable recently. I’ve been getting shots for quite some time now though so this Summer should be better. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Ugifter Well with it snowing last Friday about 8-10 inches I gave up on Spring haha. I guess it’s supposed to be 39 on Sunday so we’ll have another cool down. I feel like we go straight from Winter to Summer, so I’m thinking ahead!
Holly at ClubThrifty Haha! Hey, at least you will get your free buffet ;) Hope you have a good weekend as well!
SenseofCents Weather has been crazy here. It snowed 8-10 inches on Friday then it was completely melted by Sunday night. It’s supposed to hit high 60s today but go back down to a high of 39 on Sunday. I like weather that is consistent, not all this jumping around!
Eyesonthedollar Not lame at all, Kim! Hope you have a great weekend too!
I’m a wine girl, preferably red. :) Sounds like good summer plans to me! Hmmm…. I may need to sit down and think about what we should this summer too. For us, there is always plenty of beach time but that’s one of the benefits of living in LA! Have a great weekend, DC!
ShannonRyan Thankfully it warms up here in the Summer and there are tons of lakes so finding a beach isn’t too hard here either. Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Only planning on reading one book over summer? Why so few? Sure you could knock off at least once a month, depending on what you’re reading I suppose..
Congrats on your success DC, keep it up :)
mycareercrusade One book for the entire Summer doesn’t sound like much, but I honestly don’t find (or I should say, make) time for reading regularly. I used to read a lot more but between the blog, work, and owning a home it’s been really tough to make it a priority. With that being said, I typically read at least 2 books whenever I go on vacation.
Thanks for the kind words, I do what I can!
I hope to see some more outdoor cinema because I really enjoyed the couple of shows I went to last year. Also to try to make it to downtown LA more often and take advantage of their free events…it’s just such a pain to drive there and parking costs money. And lots of beach time and beach volleyball of course. Some things never change. :)
Ah, Rum and Coke is a classic drink in the Caribbean aka Cuba Libre. Mojito is my drink if I’m somewhere hot. Otherwise, I drink wine or Sangria. I’m looking forward to planning a Vacay myself. Working on some travel hacking right now. Enjoy your weekend!
Beachbudget I need to play some beach volleyball this Summer for sure! I haven’t played in a couple years now but it’s always a good time.
Raquel@Practical Cents Best of luck on the travel hacking! I’m working on a few travel hacks right now and I hope by early Summer we’ll have a good idea of our finances, work PTO, etc. so that we can get something on the calendar.
DC @ Young Adult Money mycareercrusade Only give credit where credit is due :)
Yeah I know what you mean, have recently moved out of home and cooking/doing the washing for myself does take that little extra bit of time haha