I don’t know about you, but with below-freezing temperatures the past week I’m definitely dreaming of warmer weather!
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 140 giveaways listed this week that end today (2/28) through next Thursday (3/6).
So I’ve mentioned my wife and my cat Lena quite a bit the past couple months. Unfortunately last Friday evening she wasn’t doing too well. We brought her into the vet Saturday morning and, as I thought might happen, the vet told us “I think it’s time.” I’ve never had to put a pet down and it was a very difficult experience.
Lena lived a full 21-years (my wife got her when she (my wife) was only three years old!) that were filled with lots of purring (she was nicknamed “instapurr” when she was a kitten) and cuddling with anyone and everyone. She always knew when you weren’t feeling well and after both of my surgeries was stationed by my feet on the couch.
A favorite memory was our housewarming party. She LOVED people so she spent the night sitting on people’s laps and just being around everyone. At 2am when our last friend was getting ready to go you could tell she was exhausted and was sitting on the floor half-awake half-asleep, refusing to go to sleep before everyone left. She was literally was on the verge of collapsing from being around people the past 10 hours.
Here are a couple posts that “featured” Lena:
Below are the posts we published this week:
- Monday I gave 8 Reasons to Contribute to an HSA.
- On Tuesday Sally shared My College Journey – how does it compare to yours?
- On Wednesday Cat shared How I Decluttered Thousands of Belongings.
- On Thursday I reviewed BoostUp in Make Saving Easy With BoostUp.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Shannon from Financially Blonde shared the Top 5 Personal Finance Words with a Bad Reputation
- Ryan from Impersonal Finance explains how early retirement is actual
- Michelle from Fit is the New Poor talked about Fear of Hosptial Costs
- John from Frugal Rules asked How Has Paying Off Debt Changed You?
- Michelle from Making Sense of Cents talked about The Costs Of Owning A Car – Are You Spending $7K to $11K each year?
Anything exciting planned for the weekend? Have you ever had to say goodbye to a pet? If so, what’s your favorite memory of them?
Photo by Sarah Deer
I’m so sorry about Lena. She sounds like she was an amazing cat and you’ll always have those stories and memories when you think of her. I’ve gone through end of life care with three dogs now, and it never gets easier.
Aww I’m so sorry about Lena. :( She sounds wonderful.
I’m for your and Victoria’s loss. Lena sounds like she was an amazing cat and companion. Like Kim said, you’ll always have your amazing memories and stories of her. She was quite the social bug. Our cat, Prince, is the opposite. :)
Aww, sorry to hear about your kitty. :( I’ve never had to put any of my pets down but I did lose a cat once as a kid. It was incredibly painful to be the one to find his body, to not get to say goodbye but I can’t imagine having the strength to prepare to let a fur baby go. My older cat is 10 this year. I’m hoping she’ll live forever.
RIP Lena.
I’m so sorry about Lena, it sounds like she was an absolute sweetie! To have her for 21 years is such a gift. I had to put my first cat down a year ago, and it was extremely difficult. I actually picked her out because she purred the most out of all the cats we saw! She was a huge mush, and my favorite memories of her are waking up with her next to me, or on my head. She was always there to comfort me.
I was SO sad to hear about Lena!!! I can imagine your wife’s heartbreak, but at least she got to share a beautiful life with her. Two years ago, we had to put down my hubby’s cat that he had for 16 years. It was difficult, but he was in pain. And his passing was really a beautiful experience that I told my hubby that I hope I go exactly like that. Thank you so much for including me in the round up!! Have a great weekend!
Eyesonthedollar Thanks Kim, and I can’t even imagine having to go through it with 3 dogs. It’s so difficult when they get old!
SenseofCents Thanks Michelle, she was a great cat!
ShannonRyan My parents have a cat that is quite the opposite as well : ) It’s great that she isn’t suffering anymore and definitely will have those memories.
debtperception I honestly was hoping Lena would live forever. She’s been with my wife since my wife was 3 years old. Yes, my wife was THREE when she got Lena. I knew it would be hard for her but it was also really hard for me. I grew pretty attached to her. I’m sorry you had to be the one to find the body and I don’t know whether that would have been easier or not. I am very happy with how it went last Saturday, as difficult as it was.
brokeandbeau Thanks Stefanie. It’s great to know she’s not suffering.
JourneytoSaving Sorry to hear about your cat as well. It sounds like she was a lot like Lena!
blonde_finance As difficult as it was putting Lena down, you could tell that she went peacefully and happily with both of us with her. Honestly, it couldn’t have gone much better (except for her living forever haha).
No problem about the inclusion and I hope you have a great weekend as well!
So sorry to hear about your dear Lena. From you’ve described she was a very sweet and loveable cat. May she RIP.
So sorry to hear about your cat. That rainbow bridge just added a friend.
Thank you so much for the link to our blog.
That’s rough DC. I’m sorry to hear that, but glad you both have so many memories.
Thanks for including us on the roundup. Take care brother.
Sorry to hear about Lena. She sounds like such a sweet kitty who loved being around people. I lost my kitty, Lucy, two years ago and I still really miss her. Pets just become such a big part of our lives, it’s so hard to lose them.
Raquel@Practical Cents Thanks for the kind words, Raquel.
fitisthenewpoor No problem on the mention!
ImpersonalFinance No problem on including you and thanks for the kind words.
Green Money Stream Thanks for the kind words and I’m sorry to hear about your cat as well. It’s so hard to say goodbye.