Happy Friday! We had another snowy Monday and it leaves me questioning if/when it will ever end?
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup!
If you’re new here, every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
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We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 162 giveaways listed this week that end today (2/21) through next Thursday (2/28).
The Olympics are coming to a close. I really enjoyed the Winter Olympics and it’s hard to believe they only come around every four years. There’s so many sports that get little to no attention except when the Olympics come around every four years. I mean, I’m sure there are bobsled and cross-country skiing world championships each year, but the odds of hearing about them are slim to none unless you have some sort of personal connection to the sport.
I may have said this before but I was pretty surprised just how much airtime ice skating and ice dancing received. Then again, these are sports that people seem to really want to see as I’m sure NBC does some massive data crunching to figure out what sports to feature in their prime-time coverage.
I’m excited for the Summer Olympics to be much closer to my time zone than the Winter Olympics were. I almost always knew who won before watching the event. Sporting events also go hand-in-hand with social media (have you ever been on Twitter during an NFL game?) so it’ll be nice to see events live and seeing people’s reactions versus seeing tweets that told me who won hours before it’s shown on NBC.
Anyway, I digress. I had a nice four-day work week. We were given President’s Day off because the accounting & reporting teams had to come in the first Saturday of the year to close the books. While it’s never fun working on Saturday I definitely enjoyed having a three-day weekend last weekend.
So this week our cat’s eye got pretty bad and filled with blood. On Wednesday night I wasn’t sure she would make it but the four (yes, four) medications seem to be helping and she’s doing a bit better now. She’s twenty years-old so has lived a long life but it’s tough to see a pet get sick no matter their age. Here’s to her making a full recovery!
Below are the posts we published this week:
- Monday I shared a Stock Analysis Tool Using Google Spreadsheets [Free Download].
- On Tuesday Sally talked about making the most of your undergraduate years in Utilizing Your Undergraduate Years at College – Did You?.
- On Wednesday Cat shared 10 Money Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid.
- On Thursday I asked Should You Ever Loan Money to Family?.
Posts of the Week:
As usual, here are five posts from around the blogosphere that I enjoyed:
- Travis from Enemy of Debt shared what he and his wife got from his daughter for Valentine’s Day in A Very Special Valentine’s Day Lesson Taught By My Daughter
- Melissa from Bible Money Matters talked about The Cost Of Raising An Olympian
- Cat from Budget Blonde explained How I’m Getting Free Diapers for the First 3 Months
- Charles from Getting a Rich Life asked Why Try If The American Dream Is Dead?
- Laurie from The Frugal Farmer shared Don’t Let the Success of Others Keep You From Achieving Your Goals
How was your week? Any final thoughts on the Olympics? Are you sick of Winter? Seen any good movies lately?
Photo by Ann
Unfortunately, I’ve been very busy with work and haven’t been able to find any time to watch the Olympics. However, as a Brit, I’m not really missing too much!! :)
Thanks for the links – I’m going to give the stock spreadsheet a try now.
moneystepper Haha good point. Let me know what you think about the spreadsheet. I’m interested in making more personal finance/investing tools. I learn something new, others find it useful, and it’s as close to “fun” as developing spreadsheet tools can get ;)
A four day week sounds awesome right now. I wish my work would cancel today as we got a ton of snow.. Can’t take it anymore! Sorry to hear about your cat, too. That must be hard watching her have those problems.
BudgetforMore Oh it was bad for us too! I shoveled yesterday afternoon, then we were going to get some food and my car got stuck – in my driveway! Then shoveled late last night and it was a ton of snow. I had to shovel AGAIN this morning and it was a ton of snow again!
The hardest thing to see is when our cat shows that she isn’t feeling well. Thankfully this morning she is showing signs that she is feeling much better!
Sorry to hear about your cat – glad she is doing better, though. It’s always scary when they get sick. We watched exactly ZERO Olympics. We’re rebels that way. :-) Yes, we are SO sick of winter. The words “move down south” have come up in our conversations many, many times since November. Thanks for the mention, DC. We appreciate it! Have a great weekend. :-)
Laurie TheFrugalFarmer Yes she’s lived such a long life, though. I just find it hard to see her in pain and feeling helpless. Haha I get so caught up in the Olympics! I wish I could just NOT watch them but it has been the opposite in recent years.
Wasn’t yesterday’s snow terrible? I couldn’t believe how much time I spent shoveling the past 12 hours. Hope you have a great weekend too!
Yea, I’m with Laurie in not seeing one bit of the Olympics. I’m a much bigger fan of the Summer Olympics and our free time ahs been eaten up by watching House of Cards this week. I don’t know that I’m sick of winter, but I do know that I’d like it to stay one way for at least a week and not mid 60’s one day and blizzard like conditions the next. ;)
FrugalRules Oh man what is the deal with House of Cards? I have Netflix but haven’t checked it out yet. I’m sick of Winter mainly because of the mess it makes with commuting and the fact that it’s not supposed to be above 30 for at least a week. I was counting on that to melt the snow on my roof and to start taking down the 5-6 foot high snow mounds in my yard. Hope you have a great weekend!
I’ve really enjoyed watching the different skiiing and snowboarding (especially the half pipe) events. I still cannot believe your cat is 20 years old. 20. years. old. Thanks for mentioning my post!
DebtChronicles The vet was flipping through her file saying “Is she REALLY 20 years old?!?” Yep she’s 20! The half pipe snowboarding event was amazing.
Aw thanks for the link, DC! :)))
BudgetBlonde No problem Cat! I figured some other soon-to-be moms would be interested.
Your cat is almost as old as you! I heard yesterday that hockey and ice skating were the biggest ratings for TV, especially women’s figure skating. I would much rather watch the skiers or snowboarders who do the trick things or that snowboard race where if you can get through without crashing, you just might win a medal. Much more exciting!
Eyesonthedollar Haha a co-worker of my wife’s said yesterday “Your cat is older than me….” My wife and I were getting stressed out watching the women’s qualifiers for that snowboarding race. That track was intense! Looked very icy.
I think figure skating is popular because it usually comes with a lot of drama. Remember Tonya Harding vs Nancy Kerrigan? I only watched the figure skating events and I have to say they were pretty boring this year for me. No big shockers really. I recorded the event on the NBCSN network. They were broadcasting each event separately. I never really watched the primetime coverage, oh except the first night opening ceremonies and then the second night when I saw Bob Costas nasty pink eye! Poor guy, it was terrible!
I’m so sick of this snow! We are about to break the record here in NYC/NJ area. The roads are a mess! At least, we are catching a break now with weather in the 50s but I hear the Polar Vortex is making a comeback next week….Ugh! I’ve been watching House of Cards on Netflix now that the second season is back. It’s an excellent show. Enjoy your weekend!
Raquel@Practical Cents Haha the pink eye was so bad! He looked so uncomfortable. Glad to see that it’s cleared up. But yeah figure skating is a big one for NBC. There’s always some drama but yeah there was more in previous years.
I just got in from shoveling some more. The worst part about Minnesota is that we won’t see 30 degree plus weather for at least a week : / Really unfortunate.
I haven’t watched House of Cards but I’ve heard sooo much about it from people. I hope you enjoy your weekend as well!
I think ice skating must really bring in the viewers for NBC. The girls certainly enjoy it but it’s right up their alley too, with the pretty outfits! :) You guys cannot catch a break with all the snow, hopefully it will start warming up for you! Have a great weekend!
ShannonRyan We really can’t win! It’s not supposed to be above 30 for at least a week, unfortunately.
I missed almost the entire Olympics due to our trip to Hawaii, but at least I’ll be able to watch USA/Canada in ice hockey today. My only regret is missing all that curling. I love that stuff…it’s like bar shuffle board, super sized.
DonebyForty Haha yes you can’t beat curling. I don’t want to know how many hours they put into training for that.
Thanks for the links DC- hope your cat makes a full recovery!
ImpersonalFinance Thanks! We’ll see how she does over the weekend.
awe poor kitty. :( That must be tough to watch her get so old. I know I will have a really tough time when and if that happens. The Olympics bugged me this year, mainly because of the commercials and the fact that I didn’t have a DVR t this time. I could not devote 5 hours of my life at night to watch. :( I gave up. And like you said, I almost always knew who won.
Beachbudget Yeah it’ll be nice in the Summer Olympics when the time zone is more “in-sync.” DVR can definitely help watch the events quicker.
Our Olympics are always tape delayed so I try to avoid the Internet if I want to watch. Are you going to travel hack to a warmer climate.
Charles@gettingarichlife I’m trying to travel hack to a warmer climate, just waiting on a few things like grad school and my wife’s new job. Once we get those things figured out we will plan our trip.