Who would have thought that the same week I wrote about how Target does not offer in-store pickup for online orders that they would roll out store pickup for online orders?
I received an email on Thursday night telling me about the change. I headed over to Target’s website and saw this:
While I was fairly happy with the free shipping offered when you use a Target REDcard debit card, one of my major complaints was that if I needed something asap that I couldn’t choose in-store pickup. I’ve been doing this with Home Depot for a while now and I love that I don’t actually have to go find the product in the store but instead can have it waiting for me at guest services.
When companies roll out things like in-store pickup it hardly ever is a smooth transition, but I’m definitely excited that Target now offers in-store pickup. I will definitely use the service as I would much prefer to place my order at Target.com and have people get it ready for me instead of having to take a half hour to find everything myself.
Will you use Target’s new in-store pickup service?
I’m happy to see they’ve joined the ranks of Home Depot and Wal-mart and letting you pick the item up at the store. It didn’t make any sense to have you wait for something if they can set it aside at a near by store.
MicrosMissions I agree 100%, that was my biggest gripe about Target. I stop there at least once a week (sometimes more) so it’ll be nice to have some of my order waiting for me when I get there.
That is really weird timing! I think it’s a move in the right direction for Target. I might use the option occasionally, but I live within 6 minutes of a Target so it’s not a big deal to me to browse around. Most of the time I’m not in a rush for things, so I’d rather use the free shipping with the card.
JourneytoSaving I definitely can relate to you here. I actually live about 2 miles from one (maybe less?) but it’s always sooooo busy especially on the weekends. I don’t mind browsing but I’m not gonna lie, it would be really nice to be able to place an order at lunch at work and then just swing by the guest services counter as opposed to walking around. Free shipping is awesome tho and I love that they have no minimum requirement.
Wow…the power of Young Adult Money at work. DC speaks and it comes into being. Who knew you had so much influence! :)
Brian @ Luke1428 I know, it’s pretty impressive that they saw my blog post and rolled it out within a week ;)
Glad to see Target offer this service! We have a Target close by and this will be a real convenience! So, Target is a secret reader of your blog! :)
moneycone I’m really not surprised I mean, I’m a pretty influential blogger so I would only expect Target to respond to my concerns. Obviously joking :P But it was pretty crazy timing.
I wish I could totally support this but I had an issue doing in-store pickup awhile ago! I ordered a baby shower gift online and paid for it. I got an email saying it was in store. Twenty minutes later, I got a second email saying my ordered was canceled because it was no longer in stock. Then an hour later, another one saying that it was ready to be picked up. I called the store and they said they didn’t have the order. But my credit card still showed the charge. An hour on the phone later, it turns out the order was canceled, but their system doesn’t update or refund quickly enough to keep up with their in store pickup.
fitisthenewpoor I will say this: Target has it’s problems (assuming you are talking about Target?). I have a friend who is a furniture engineer at Target corporate and my sister works at Target corporate as an admin assistant in distribution. Both readily admit that the website has problems, but it sounds like they are focusing on it now. I know there were over a hundred laid off in the .com area of the business just a month or so ago.
I was Christmas shopping online Monday and just happened to notice this option- I used it without any problems! The website says that orders made after 5pm won’t be ready until the next day, but I ended up getting an email that I could come pick it up that same night anyway.
I used it a few month ago when I saw it as an option. One thing I didnt like was that the store used a tablet to do the transaction. I didnt get a receipt just the shirt in a bag. The receipt was emailed to me. Other than that the in store process was done pretty fast. I am not sure if the store I used was on a beta store. As far as using it again the answer is yes.
I’ve only recently started using these types of services and Target’s a pretty common store for me. Helpful info, thanks!
I’m a big fan of Target and I’m glad they now offer in-store pick up. I’ve used it at Walmart and Best Buy. An extra benefit is that you can use a shopping portal to get cash back in addition to the 5% off from the Target RedCard by ordering online.
I hope that means they’re adding more staff to their guest services desk. I wouldn’t want to wait behind someone with a half hour complaint or return just to pick up my item.
I like instore pickup, but I like free shipping to my home even better! :)
DebtChronicles Same here, but if you need something day-of or within a day, in-store pickup is really nice.
Awesome! We hold some target stock in one of our tax-advantaged accounts (not including what we have in the index funds), so I’m happy to see they are finally getting with the times, although I’m not pleased to read about the issues some commenters are having with it….
ImpersonalFinance I definitely hope they fix some of the issues and that more people become aware of this (and I don’t even own stock in Target!).