One week to Black Friday…errr….Black Thursday? I know many stores are opening as early as 8pm on Thanksgiving. Will you be taking advantage of the deals or catching up on sleep?
Welcome to the Weekly Quick Hits Roundup! Every week I write a weekly wrap-up of things that were going on here at Young Adult Money, a few personal updates/thoughts, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing.
If you don’t already, please considering Following us on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, and Following us on Pinterest.
We also have our giveaway roundup every Friday. This Friday there are 148 giveaways listed this week that end today (11/22) through next Thursday (11/28).
Below are the posts we published this week:
- On Monday I explained How to set up a functional and comfortable Home Office.
- On Tuesday Sally gave you ideas for Christmas shopping in Three Useful Holiday Gifts.
- On Wednesday Cat shared 3 Easy Projects To Get Your DIY Juices Flowing.
- On Thursday I shared Characteristics I look for in a Side Hustle.
Update Time
- Short Work Week – While I’m certainly jealous of people who are self-employed and can make their own schedule, one thing I do like about being employed full-time are the benefits that come with it. One of these benefits is paid time off, or PTO as most people call it.
I took Monday and Tuesday off this week and it was amazing. Granted I did work around the house and spent a decent amount of time on the blog, but it was nice knowing that I was still getting paid even though I wasn’t actively working.
I didn’t get around to working on prepping some of the taxes for the rental unit or clean the garage like I had hoped, but I still feel like I accomplished quite a bit. Maybe one of these days I will take a “real” break and not feel like I have to be productive on my days off.
- Weekend – One of the things I’m excited for this weekend – besides spending time with my wife – is the Minnesota-Wisconsin football game. For the first time in a long, long time our team is actually good and we have a shot at beating our biggest rival. The Vikings on the other hand…let’s not talk about.
I’m also going out with friends tonight, which should be a lot of fun. Oh, another thing I hopefully will do this weekend is see the new Hunger Games movie. I read all three books after watching the first movie and though they were amazing.
Posts of the Week:
If you want to see your post included in this roundup, comment on posts on Young Adult Money throughout the week – that’s where I find blogs/posts to include.
- Kali from Common Sense Millennial shared The Prepper vs The Minimalist
- Natalie from Debt and the Girl asked Can Frugal Be Taken Too Far?.
- Liz from Budgeting for More asked a very legitimate question in Giving Homemade Gifts.
- Matt from Mom and Dad Money asked What Does Financial Freedom Mean to Me?.
- Brian from Luke 14:28 explained The Futility of Being Well-Rounded.
How was your week? What are you up to this weekend? Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Any unique Thanksgiving traditions?
Photo by denipet
Thanks for the shout out DC! My wife is also excited about the Hunger Games movie, but she’s waiting until Thanksgiving so she can go with my brother who will be home on school break.
Matt @ Mom and Dad Money Well thankfully she won’t have to wait too long with Thanksgiving less than a week away. Hope you have a great weekend1
Hope you have a great weekend! Like Matt, we’re excited to go out and see the Hunger Games movie.
Holly at ClubThrifty Hope you have a great weekend as well! I can’t wait to see the Hunger Games!
Thanks for the link love! Much appreciated :) Glad you got to take some paid time off of the day job – you’re right, that is the one thing I do love about working for someone else. Hope you have a great weekend! (And I hear you on the pro football team blues.. I’m an ATL native, and somebody’s gotta claim the Falcons.. blah).
CSMillennial Yikes, Atlanta isn’t doing too good are they? they have some good players but just can’t seem to put it together this season. No problem about the link love!
Thanks for the mention DC! Hope your weekend is great. I am craving a stay-cation myself. So much to do and so little time!
BudgetforMore Hey no problem! Hope you have a great weekend as well, it’s so hard to find time for everything.
We had a crazy busy week dealing with clients getting ready for next week, but the nice thing is we’ll be able to take a few days off next week. I am actually leaving a little later today to go see the K-State/OU game tomorrow morning with some good friends from college. Have a good weekend DC!
FrugalRules Oh very nice! For your sake I hope K-State wins. Have a good time!
I can’t wait to see the Hunger Games movie! I think I’m going to go on Monday. I’m flying to Los Angeles this Sunday to visit the boyfriend and start my three week vacation- well really, I’ll just be sitting in his hotel room blogging the first week ;)
brokeandbeau That sounds like an absolutely amazing time! I hope you enjoy LA and the Hunger Games!
I do miss paid holidays and vacations from my Corporate days. :) Glad you had a couple of productive days off. It’s hard to completely relax because there always seems to be things that need to get done! No Hunger Games for us this weekend. The girls are little too young yet but I’ve heard great things about the movie. Have a great weekend!
ShannonRyan Hope you have a great weekend as well!
8pm on Thursday, will people ditch the family to log in and shop? that sounds crazy. Enjoy the game!
RFIndependence In all honesty, I don’t know too many people who are with family at 8pm or later on Thanksgiving. Most have left by then. But yes, it’ll be interesting to see how many go out. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention DC! All the girls in my classes today were talking about Catching Fire. Giving me the three finger salute when they raised their hands. They were doing an hourly countdown until they went to see the movie tonight. I must admit, I’m intrigued by this series. I saw the first movie, thought I would hate it but was pleasantly surprised.
Brian @ Luke1428 No problem on the mention! Haha wow they really are obsessed with the movie! I also was pleasantly surprised when I saw the first movie. Read all three books after that and thought they were great.
I will definitely be hitting up the national drugstores for Black Friday deals, although the national drugstores usually have the deals on Thursday, so I’ll go out in the morning. My sister makes Thanksgiving dinner and usually wants us out of her hair, so me getting out of the house is a win-win. I’m particularly psyched about getting some Lowe’s gift cards for 20% off at Rite Aid so we can get a discount on our Christmas tree, but otherwise I’ll be getting household supplies for free: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, Advil, etc. Plus some chocolate stocking stuffers ;)
StaplerConfessions Best of luck getting everything on your list! I am uncertain now if I will go out shopping at all, as I found out I have a Thanksgiving on Friday as well!
I miss paid time off so much. And paid vacations. I actually work way more as a freelancer then I did when I was full time, and sometimes that isn’t paid because I’m using that time to look for work! But I still love no commute. :) Ah the ups and down. Have a great weekend!
Beachbudget Pros and cons to everything! That is definitely one of the negatives of freelancing – trying to land jobs. That’s one reason why I think freelancers can (and should) charge more than a full-time employee. Hope you have a good weekend as well!
Looks like the golden gophers aren’t quite there yet, although they did beat my Cornhuskers this year! Hope you’re having a great weekend DC.
PTO is the best! I took last Friday off to help my friends set up for their wedding. It was like I was getting paid to help my friends!