Today we are happy to announce the biggest cash giveaway our site has ever had. We teamed up with some other bloggers to put together a prize of $1,200 cash.
$1,200 can go a long way. Whether you use it to pad your emergency fund or purchase Christmas presents, a cash infusion of $1,200 is huge!
I’m sure you also would have no trouble thinking of ways to use the $1,200 if you are the winner. With the holidays right around the corner extra money is always a good thing.
Since the theme of the Giveaway is “Fall Fun” I thought I would share a few of my favorite things about the Fall. I already mentioned a few of these in my post 5 Frugal Fall Activities, but some are new. If I listed everything I liked about Fall it would be quite a list. Along with Summer it’s one of my favorite seasons.
1) Cooler Weather
While I love the warm Summer weather – especially as someone who has to experience the frozen tundra that is Minnesota winter – I really like the cooler weather that comes with the Fall.
2) Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I typically go to my parent’s house and it’s hard to beat my Mom’s cooking. Besides that it’s also my brother’s birthday so it’s fun to celebrate with him as well. A few other things I like about Thanksgiving is the fact that I usually get the day off on Friday and there’s always some great football games going on.
3) Apple Orchard and Carving Pumpkins
Apple cider is one of my favorite drinks and is something I always look forward to each Fall. Going to the apple orchard and picking up a gallon is always on my Fall “to do” list. I also have carved pumpkins pretty much my entire life, so I like to try to find time for it each Fall.
What are some of the things you love about Fall?
$1200 Fall Fun Cash Giveaway
October 24, 2013 at 12:00am – November 18, 2013 at 12:00am
Open Worldwide
PRIZE: One winner will receive $1200 USD payable via PayPal
Eligibility and Rules: This giveaway runs from 12:00AM ET on October 24, 2013 to 12:00AM ET on November 18, 2013. It is open to individuals over the age of the majority in their home country. The winner will be chosen randomly through the Rafflecopter form. It is the sole responsibility of the winner to adhere to all laws in their respective country, which includes payments to any governing tax body. This giveaway is void in any country where it is prohibited by law.
Claiming Prize: The prize will be sent via PayPal. The winner must claim their prize within 48 hours of receiving notice. If you do not claim your prize within this time frame, your entry will be void and another winner will be drawn. And that would be such a shame! Please ensure that the email spaceshipsandlaserbeams [at] gmail [dot] com is on your "safe list."
Disclosure: This giveaway is a blogger-sponsored event that is in no way affiliated with PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or any other social media channel. If you have questions, email Stephanie at Spaceships and Laser Beams at spaceshipsandlaserbeams [at] gmail [dot] com.
Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter!
None of the entries are mandatory but remember that the more entries you do, the more chances you have to win.
(If you’re running low on time, you can come back as many times as you like to finish the form and optimize your chances.)
Wow $1,200 is a very big prize! For sure I will give it a try to join this giveaway. Have a great weekend!
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way It really is a great prize, it’s going to really help someone this holiday season!
The first thing that made me smile was watching my cat sleeping. Thanks for the giveaway!
Beachbudget Nice! My first memory of our cat this morning was her meowing at the top of her lungs because she wanted her wet food.
The first thing that made me smile today was hearing my alarm clock and knowing I could turn it off and sleep another hour.
HollySanford Don’t you love the weekends? Ironically I got up when my alarm clock went off this morning.
Seeing my cats in the morning always makes me smile. Thanks for yet another awesome giveaway!
JourneytoSaving Our cat is pretty awesome too. She’s like 22 years old!
Thanks for an amazing contest! It’s great to see so many bloggers involved. Good luck everyone. CBB
CanadianBudgetB No problem, and yes it’s great to see the collaboration!
Wow – $1200 is a pretty awesome prize! Good work guys!
moneystepper : )
Good luck everyone. First thing that made me smile. Well that would be my awesome girlfriend B.
MicrosMissions Good luck to you!
My cat!
$1,200 would buy me a nice big Christmas present for myself… Just kidding… kinda :) I could really use it to max out my ROTH this year though. Fingers Crossed!
1,200 wow. There are great people in this world, Just a young boy trying to get by :)
Great blog post comment question. Just thinking about the answer made me go through my day and think about all the smiles I’ve enjoyed. The first one? My cat gets credit for that.
Apple Orchards are such a great part of fall!
My neighbor’s cat chasing my dog! Thanks for the giveaway
My little boy giving me a cuddle :)
my puppy giving me kisses!
Being woken up by my husband :)
That cute video of cats sleeping in dogs’ beds.
When my husband squeezed me extra tight this morning.
My dogs!
I woke up.
My dog – oh and its my birthday so all of the well wishes from friends & family!
A great workout!
My family.
Getting a slobbery good morning kiss from my little boys is the first thing thing that brought a smile to my face this morning…
my honey…hubby.
The first thing that made me smile today was a thank you comment from my latest dance client thanking us for all we’ve done for them!
First thing that made me smile today was seeing my husband for lunch today.
seeing my baby’s face
my morning Mocha!
seeing my daughters smudged makeup from Halloween lastnight
First thing that made me smile today was waking up to the cat nuzzling underneath my arm — she was cold!
A sweet smile from my sleepy daughter!
I had a piece of chocolate with my breakfast.
My writers block finally ended and I am on my way to finishing my novel :D
My special needs nephew delivering my first cup of coffee to me in bed.
Jenn Raull on twitter does not exist message when I tried ti like.
What made me smile was the extra hour of sleep from daylight savings time fall back over night
The first thing that made me smile today was seeing my boo’s face when he woke up. He’s seriously the cutest.
My adorable boyfriend :)
The chocolate croissants I made for breakfast. Yumm!
Today was a bank holiday so I got a day off!
The first thing that made me smile was waking up with some weight loss – I have been trying really hard so even the smallest move on the scale is a victory!!
My mom has been in the hospital since Thursday with a viral infection in the brain that is affecting her cognitive abilities. The first thing that made me smile today was walking into her room and seeing the huge amount of progress she has made since Thursday.
my lovers sleepy face
My family. They are always making me smile, and laugh!
The first thing that made me smile today was that it was Sunday